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I made my first batch of sloe gin last week too, I also have a damson gin on the go that I made in July and also a strawberry one...yum..but have to say sloe is my favourite, will be picking more on my dog walks next week! And yes I froze my sloes for a couple of days last week while I sorted out a suitable jar to make it in, no probs. more traveling to do for recipe testing sessions. And don't worry about the gin not being is good to trial it so any necessary adjustments can be done before the gin matures ;)
That's if there is any left to mature...efficient tester, that's me! :D:p
If you freeze your sloes do you still prick them when thawed?
It's taking me about 1 hour to thoroughly prick a pound of sloes. (It gets a bit sticky after a while)
How far do you want to travel ?
I think that by the time you got down here my first lot will be finished:rolleyes:
@excuseme @Finsky I don't prick them, when I get them out of freezer I run a cold tap over them to thaw quick and generally they split just fine on their own and off you go!
I love the daily tasting bit as I stir the mix lovingly:rolleyes:...and hide it back away in it's dark cool precious:D.. I might try a ginger and lemon one I'm thinking this year, I tried a rosehip blend last year, think I ended up putting lemon, ginger and honey in that one! But the rosehips weren't worth all the prep, hmmm unless I make rosehip syrup first then add to gin, that might work better..that's one for later in the year as they are better after a frost.
There are sooo many rose hips around this year, I have never noticed so many as we have at the moment.
@excuseme I kinda make it up as I go:rolleyes:..but am thinking fat slices of lemon and big chunks of fresh ginger and unrefined castor sugar, I'll probably use 500gm of lemon and ginger(more lemon than ginger maybe depending on your taste, though I do love fresh ginger, so I may add more a couple of weeks in if need be..) to 200gms of sugar in 1ltr gin..and see how that goes. I love experimenting!:D Managed to pick enough sloes this week for another litre, so am happy as they seem to be disappearing fast this year:eek: And I must say, your 4litre stash is impressive!
I'ts more like 3.5 litres now:rolleyes:

Thank you.
Do you leave the rind/zest on the lemons ?:) Have you made this flavour before?
I'ts more like 3.5 litres now:rolleyes:
Sloe gin does taste good rather soon into the process, I would like to say unfortunately, but I don't believe it is!:D:rolleyes:
Yes I would leave the rind on, try and get unwaxed lemons/organic, but I would peel the ginger. I haven't made just lemon and ginger but last year I wasn't happy with how the honey and rosehip one was tasting so I ended up throwing some slices of lemon and a few chunks of ginger into that and it definitely gave it a better flavour, hence trying just that this year.:)
Ok, I have the lemon and ginger gin on the go:) by day 3 of the stirring and tasting I am quite happy with it, both flavours are coming through the gin without over powering each other, I may fiddle with it a bit later in the process if need be, but so far so good... now, I do believe it's time to stir and taste again, hard work this gin blending!:rolleyes::D
Ok, I have the lemon and ginger gin on the go:) by day 3 of the stirring and tasting I am quite happy with it, both flavours are coming through the gin without over powering each other, I may fiddle with it a bit later in the process if need be, but so far so good... now, I do believe it's time to stir and taste again, hard work this gin blending!:rolleyes::D
I bet it is hard work....but if you do need any help...just say the word...;)
I popped into the vets with Jasper this afternoon to pick up some more high-strength probiotics for him, but realised on the way I'd forgotten my mask. Tried to think of an alternative, to save me going back home again, but short of removing my underwear while outside and trying that, couldn't come up with anything, until... If you use poo bags with handles and loop the handles round your ears, they're a surprisingly good fit :D Only recommended for short periods of time though - although they don't make a good seal round the edges, I suspect most of the air I breathed in was what I'd just breathed out, and I was feeling a little short of breath by the time the receptionist had stopped laughing and taken my payment.
Jasper has had an exciting day today... He spotted a couple of deer on this morning's walk - from a fair distance, so didn't stand a hope of getting close as he would have done in his wilder days. And he doesn't even attempt to run as fast or as far as he could. The result - one very happy dog who didn't end up lying on his side panting and looking as if he's about to die, and a couple of deer whose heart rate probably barely increased. It's still a bittersweet feeling though.

Then this afternoon, as we were having a nice amble along the trailway, him on lead as it runs close to a busy road, a cat ambled out of a side turning. Jasper froze, and stared at it... the cat turned sideways, arched its back, and froze, and I got a good grip on the lead, and made like a tree. Luckily Jasper sees me as an immovable object at times like these so doesn't try to drag me. But if I'd tried to drag him, he'd probably have had a meltdown and redirected onto me.

So there the three of us stood, a perfect tableau, for some time... Till a woman came the other way and startled the cat, who ran off (if it hadn't, I'd have asked her to encourage it on its way). Jasper took a while to settle, but showed no signs of wanting to take out his frustrations on me, so was well rewarded :)

He's often still and limpy in the evenings, but I think he'd rather carry on having these little adventures rather than be wrapped in cotton wool.
Most of us are a bit limpy when we get to Jasper's age equivalent. Doesn't stop us having fun though.
Welcome all to the cafe :)

What’s everyone been up to today?
Ill and cuddling up with my pandemic pup. He has thankfully kept me sane as I'm a CEV and due to my work's policies have pretty much been in lock down since February. Making an Instagram for him has been a fun distraction and the walks are the only times I get out.
I only just spotted BBC's new program 'Puppies & Us'....anybody watched it?
I've barely got to half way on the first program and I had to stop is painful to see how many mistakes are made already and despite making claims for advance research for the puppyhood or even breed they've an earth they've come to such a conclusions!? :eek: To even allow such a tv-program being made for sake of 'reality tv' is irresponsible from the program makers. Those pups could have been given much better start for the life in their new surroundings by educating the families rather than making program about their struggles that could have been avoided :mad:
That's why I rarely watch that type of programme, @Finsky - I usually end up wanting to throw things at the telly.
I also avoid programmes like this.

I can only remember two that were good. One was called Me and My Dog, competitors participated in a series of challenges in the Lake District. The other was Dogs Might Fly, where dogs were taught to fly a light aircraft.
Luckily we don't have TV. If we did, I'd feel obliged to watch, and then I'd end up very angry. Same as I don't read those awww cute dog books that people think make great presents for someone who likes dogs.

What a wasted opportunity to educate people and help dogs.