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Recommend A Book

joanna yes it might be better but tbh i read them wrong way round and it didnt spoil it for me :thumbsup:
Thanks so much.................i feel I must get The Surgeon tomorrow :cheers:

Thanks guys
just to let you banned from posting without BIG BROTHER reading. and no im no pussy..ive been edited. hope BIG BRO has the balls to post this..just to let the lovely people on k9 where i am.
Finished The Analyst. Yes , can recommend. A bit slow at the beginning but soon picked up. I think I'll read another of his books - "State of Mind" looks good. Anybody read it?
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Glad you enjoyed it Judy :)

I need help from the Gerritson camp again. The Surgeon is out on loan at the library,so I will hang on to read the Apprentice. Is Body Double a stand alone book, or does it follow on from another?

Thanks again

Jo :thumbsup:
Joanna said:
Glad you enjoyed it Judy :)
I need help from the Gerritson camp again. The Surgeon is out on loan at the library,so I will hang on to read the Apprentice. Is Body Double a stand alone book, or does it follow on from another?

Thanks again

Jo  :thumbsup:

I've answered my own question :thumbsup:

Any-one else following, here is the order :thumbsup:
Joanna said:
Glad you enjoyed it Judy :)
I need help from the Gerritson camp again. The Surgeon is out on loan at the library,so I will hang on to read the Apprentice. Is Body Double a stand alone book, or does it follow on from another?

Thanks again

Jo  :thumbsup:

I've read Body Double. It was the first Tess Gerritsen book I have read. Thoroughly enjoyed it and easy to follow. :cheers:
whippetsrus said:
Joanna said:
Glad you enjoyed it Judy :)
I need help from the Gerritson camp again. The Surgeon is out on loan at the library,so I will hang on to read the Apprentice. Is Body Double a stand alone book, or does it follow on from another?

Thanks again

Jo  :thumbsup:

I've read Body Double. It was the first Tess Gerritsen book I have read. Thoroughly enjoyed it and easy to follow. :cheers:

I am going to read them in order 'cos I am easily confused :wacko: Flipping "The Surgeon" is out in every library in the area, so I have ordered a copy at my local book shop to arrive tomorrow :thumbsup: I will hopefully be doing not very much for 4 days from Saturday as we are staying with a friend ;) on her caravan site in Somerset. I am hoping there will be lots of time for imbibing, eating and reading :cheers:

I am looking forward to going through the set. I will shortly have another review of a book I am reading this week which is a psychological thriller about two women who live next door to each other and become friends..The relationship turns a bit sour.........................I am 1/2 way through and really enjoying it.

CopyCat............Gillian White

i go to a car boot sale/market every sunday.its a really big one on the way to southport and theres always heaps of books there.ive had lots of brand new hardbacks and paperbacks that i think folk have either bought or been given and havent got round to reading.ive picked up lots of tess gerritsons and ann rice there and lots of really good dog books too. :thumbsup:
kris said:
i go to a car boot sale/market every sunday.its a really big one on the way to southport and theres always heaps of books there.ive had lots of brand new hardbacks and paperbacks that i think folk have either bought or been given and havent got round to reading.ive picked up lots of tess gerritsons and ann rice there and lots of really good dog books too. :thumbsup:
I also did every charity shop in Stroud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (w00t)

Oxfam is very expensive for books I noticed. £2.49 for a paper-back (w00t) .

I did find a hard-back which is very current, Jodie Picoult's The 10th Circle for £2.00 in another charity shop, so it wasn't a wasted journey.

I always like to trawl through books at car boots and jumble sales. I happily pass all my read ones on too :thumbsup:
Have you tried Lost of secondhand bookshops link into it worldwide (although you can limit your search to the UK). I've bought dozens of books from there, some of them come from tiny secondhand bookshops in Glamorgan or Cirencester or the Hebrides, and I know I'd have wasted hours scouring my local charity shops and coming up with nothing. Have a scout there, Jo :thumbsup:
~Helen~ said:
Have you tried Have a scout there, Jo :thumbsup:
Yes they are good, and often rarer, out of print books are a lot cheaper there than on Amazon too (though the greyhound book you're after isn't on there).

I buy most of my books on ebay now though - there are some quite reasonable 'buy-it-nows' on there too. I can't believe how cheaply some people sell books on eBay, and often underestimate their postage costs too. :b

current ebay listings of the surgeon
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Funnily enough I have found Abebooks whilst looking for a greyhound book (no joy). I could have waited for the library, but I wanted to get stuck in this week-end. We are very lucky to have a "proper" book shop in Stroud, and as I don't buy too often, I thought I could treat my-self to a luxury for my mini-break :thumbsup:

Thanks for your replies though ladies, and if any-one wants it when I've finished, it will be free to a good home :thumbsup: (never keep them)
cant believe oxfams charging 2.50 for a paperback book! :blink:
kris said:
cant believe oxfams charging 2.50 for a paperback book! :blink:

Last time I was in the Oxfam shop it was £1.99. Compared with the second hand stalls who charge £3-£4 each I thought this was cheap.
whippetsrus said:
kris said:
cant believe oxfams charging 2.50 for a paperback book! :blink:

Last time I was in the Oxfam shop it was £1.99. Compared with the second hand stalls who charge £3-£4 each I thought this was cheap.

I am used to 50p-£1 for an up-to-date second hand novel at a car boot. 10-20p at a jumble sale :- "

You get so many offers in the shops now for new books, I think it is steep.
Got my book :thumbsup: Tell you how I get on when we get back 8)

if u havent read it read it. enough said.