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Recommend A Book

kris said:
ive bought loads of tess gerritson books since daughter jac told me about them :thumbsup:
I am certainly going to be trying her out soon. Sounds right up my street :thumbsup:
Joanna said:
kris said:
ive bought loads of tess gerritson books since daughter jac told me about them :thumbsup:
I am certainly going to be trying her out soon. Sounds right up my street :thumbsup:

Oh NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't realise how many Tess Gerritson books there were 'til I looked at her website Tess Gerritson.

I've only read a couple - now need to convince 'The Bank Manager' that I need to buy some more books :cheers: .
LOL Dawn. I suppose that I could send you the ones that I've read, and clear more space for more books. I'm now starting to read her medical crime books, I hadn't come across them before. Last one I read was Life Support.
Oh and I'm having lots of giggles reading The Big Over Easy by Jasper FForde as recommended by Louise at the moment. Thanks Louise. :thumbsup:
What's threw me at the moment is Gerritsons' books seem to have been republished with new jacket sleeves and I never know from the synopsis if I've read it already! :wacko:

Just finished Anne Rice's the body thief, a good read about Lestat the vampire becoming a mortal I am finding as I'm reading her books she's tending to really go over the top when describing rooms / places etc, I can't help feeling it's better to let the reader imagine the opulence of a room etc.

Good website for book reviews Fantastic fiction
Just been to the library and got 2 Tess Gerritson books out, Body Double and The Apprentice. Will let you know how I get on. We are away for a few days next week, so I am hoping to do a bit of reading then 8)
wild whippies said:
What's threw me at the moment is Gerritsons' books seem to have been republished with new jacket sleeves and I never know from the synopsis if I've read it already! :wacko:

Oh don't you just hate that - when you buy a new book and then realise you've read it already. Of course with my brilliant memory it would never happen to me :- "
Judy said:
wild whippies said:
What's threw me at the moment is Gerritsons' books seem to have been republished with new jacket sleeves and I never know from the synopsis if I've read it already! :wacko:

Oh don't you just hate that - when you buy a new book and then realise you've read it already. Of course with my brilliant memory it would never happen to me :- "

Now, why do you think publishers change the jacket design so often? :- " :lol: Seriously, it IS quite deliberate - I've actually been present in cover-design meetings (w00t) o:)
moriarte said:
Judy said:
wild whippies said:
What's threw me at the moment is Gerritsons' books seem to have been republished with new jacket sleeves and I never know from the synopsis if I've read it already! :wacko:

Oh don't you just hate that - when you buy a new book and then realise you've read it already. Of course with my brilliant memory it would never happen to me :- "

Now, why do you think publishers change the jacket design so often? :- " :lol: Seriously, it IS quite deliberate - I've actually been present in cover-design meetings (w00t) o:)

It wouldn't by any chance be to make us mere mortals think we have missed a book by our favourite author and we end up purchasing a book twice would it. :lol:

Have you seen what they have done to Jane Austen recently. They have been republished with 'chick lit' covers. I am intrigued to see what happens to sales of these.
whippetsrus said:
Have you seen what they have done to Jane Austen recently.  They have been republished with 'chick lit' covers.  I am intrigued to see what happens to sales of these.
Nooooooooo! there's something almost sacrilegeous about that :eek:
the apprentice is EXCELLENT! :thumbsup:
>What's threw me at the moment is Gerritsons' books seem to have been republished with new jacket sleeves and I never know from the synopsis if I've read it already!

What confuses me is reading those chapters of the next book by this author that are found at the back of a current book. Because I read 'em, when the book proper comes out I can't work out whether I've read it or not 'cause it seems familiar.

I have to check on publishing dates to make sure that it's a new one or read further into the book.
Judy said:
whippetsrus said:
Have you seen what they have done to Jane Austen recently.  They have been republished with 'chick lit' covers.  I am intrigued to see what happens to sales of these.

Nooooooooo! there's something almost sacrilegeous about that :eek:

Saw that on tv recently. I know were they are coming from with it and whilst I like Austen I don't think ot equates to modern day chick-lit.
whippetsrus said:
It wouldn't by any chance be to make us mere mortals think we have missed a book by our favourite author and we end up purchasing a book twice would it.  :lol:
Yup. In one cover meeting, someone once innocently asked (when such a jacket change was being planned) if this wouldn't confuse some customers into buying the same book twice? The answer of the pointy-headed one was 'what is your problem with that?" (w00t) :wacko: :b

For this reason I recommend Dilbert books - ANY of them :lol: Brings it all back!

Have you seen what they have done to Jane Austen recently.  They have been republished with 'chick lit' covers.
:x :x :x :lol: Glad I never got that brief!
BeeJay said:
What confuses me is reading those chapters of the next book by this author that are found at the back of a current book.  Because I read 'em, when the book proper comes out I can't work out whether I've read it or not 'cause it seems familiar.
I have to check on publishing dates to make sure that it's a new one or read further into the book.

Oh yes I've done that. I deliberately don't read them now. It sort of has the opposite effect of the new book cover that fools you into thinking you haven't read it before when you have. Wonder if they realise that ? I guess not or they wouldn't do it :lol:
START IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (w00t) :lol:
Judy said:
BeeJay said:
What confuses me is reading those chapters of the next book by this author that are found at the back of a current book.  Because I read 'em, when the book proper comes out I can't work out whether I've read it or not 'cause it seems familiar.

I have to check on publishing dates to make sure that it's a new one or read further into the book.

Oh yes I've done that. I deliberately don't read them now. It sort of has the opposite effect of the new book cover that fools you into thinking you haven't read it before when you have. Wonder if they realise that ? I guess not or they wouldn't do it :lol:

My trouble is that I can't resist reading it. I've also found myself buying two of a book because I have a stack of 'em waiting to be read and forget that I've bought one of them. :'( Particularly annoying if I find that I don't even like the book when I read it. I am one of those people who won't read on if the first chapter or so doesn't grab me which is damn stupid because I'm sure that I'm missing some great books that just take longer to get into.
kris said:
START IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (w00t)   :lol:
Right..............I think I will. Kris, I didn't realise that this was related to the book "The Surgeon", do I need to read that first?