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Recommend A Book

Anyone read Walking Ollie - or winning the love of a difficult dog by Stephan Foster? Just bought it yesterday and haven't started it yet but couldn't resist the picture of Ollie on the cover!
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~JO~ said:
rls22 said:
I've just finished 'The Interpretation of Murder' and I was a little disappointed, easy reading with a good twist at the end though.

Don't say that! I have just started it... :D

I just finished 'The Girls' can't remember the uahtor off hand, another of Richard & Judys and I really enjoyed it, excellently written.

I've just finished the Girls' too - I loved it.

I'm just starting Half a Yellow Sun as it got an amazing review on Richard & Judy.

I'm struggling with 'This Book will save your life' but I will persevere as I think it will turn out to be worth the difficult first 50 pages of getting into it.

Another good book I've recently finished is ' We need to talk about Kevin' - it's quite harrowing but one of the best I've read in a long while.
whippetsrus said:
I am just reading The Da Vinci Code at the moment.  I had heard that Angels and Demons was better so will give that a try soon. :cheers:
Da Vinci Code is summit else,and i didnt like it,as its left a lot of confused people around.Get youreselves a copy of REVELATION UNVEILED.It will scare the pants of you.Summit wrong if it doesnt.Or the LEFT BEHIND SERIES, By Tim LaHae.He's also the wrighter of Revelation Unvieled.You will probibly only get them from a Christian book shop though.but an absolute read,and a massive eye opener.
FifeJillandIan said:
Anyone read Walking Ollie - or winning the love of a difficult dog by Stephan Foster?  Just bought it yesterday and haven't started it yet but couldn't resist the picture of Ollie on the cover!
Nearly bought that at the weekend, please post a review when you've finished. I bought Mo Hayder's Pig Island instead, so far it's doing a good job of keeping me gripped!
Finished Dances with Whippets by Philip C Wright, ISBN 1-905226-03-9.

Very good, light read. I have not seen this book available anywhere except Amazon.
wild whippies said:
FifeJillandIan said:
Anyone read Walking Ollie - or winning the love of a difficult dog by Stephan Foster?  Just bought it yesterday and haven't started it yet but couldn't resist the picture of Ollie on the cover!
Nearly bought that at the weekend, please post a review when you've finished. I bought Mo Hayder's Pig Island instead, so far it's doing a good job of keeping me gripped!

I read Pig Island and was quite disappointed overall - some 'shocking' parts and a nice twist at the end but overall nowhere near as good as Mo Hayder earlier books IMHO.

As for Walking Ollie - I have just started it :D