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Racism On K9

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wild whippies said:
[SIZE=21pt]Just report the post[/SIZE]
The mods do take action on reported posts and they either edit or delete posts and inform the member and if appropiate, action is taken on that member.

Some of us do, as Urchin has pointed out, and are told that only limited action can be taken. Removing the offensive portion is actually unhelpful, for the reasons previously pointed out by others, as people are left confused as to why all Hell has broken out over the issue. Regarding repeating the offensive phrase, people thought it was a storm in a teacup again until they realised what had actually been said.

It's a nasty trick of all bullies, to stick the knife into a vulnerable individual or group, then stand back while others continue their work. Removing their verbal attacks even makes them look innocent. o:) Some of us are wise to these techniques and would rather it was not tolerated. Quite a lot of us would rather the bullies were not allowed in the playground in the first place.
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Yes, i also report such posts, but the same people just keep on being offensive. The posts get deleted/edited and nobody then understands why people are offended. I think it was necessary to include the quote, and I hope it will stay, so it is clear that we are not being too PC.
The population of China = 1,321,851,888 (July 2007 est.) That is 1.3 billions of people, it is the fastest growing economy of the world, but yes there are parts which at this moment are still "backwards". Unfortunately not all people in the world can be as charming sofisticated and civilised as Stormy. :- "

To judge all asian people by actions of some is like to say all people in UK are like Stormy :) .
firesprite said:
At the end of the day the only thing K9ers have in common as a comonality is their dogs.
Actually, this is incorrect. There's something else that K9ers ALL have in common, they're called 'The Rules', and we all agree to abide by them when we join.
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firesprite said:
OMG the thought police are patrolling!
Actually i havent read anything on K9 re racism that i havent heard on the radio, tv (when we had one that worked) or read in books.

Democracy is a delecate thing. It is actually very rare. I do not believe that we have it in its true form in this country.

Our version of democracy is "you can say what you like as long as we agree with it".

The K9 forum has rules which should be adhered to otherwise the mods "mod it".

Mods should have the right to modify or censor any post that could be deemed offensive, but it is a sad state of affairs if someone is silenced or booted off the forum for being passionate about their dogs, which i think is the real issue here. If i think i am right in recalling the post to which this is elluding to (but no one so far has the guts to come right out with it, which says something dont you think) then the considerable distress over the main point of the post IMO far outweighs any offense caused by the personal expression of the author, who at the time was distressed and angry.

Racist posts are racist at heart, aimed to stir up hatred and nastiness towards a group of people. This was not the intention of this post, or at least IMO it wasnt. The intention of the post was to draw attention to animal suffering and at the time of writing (having endured the video myself) i can appreciate how angry frustrated sickened and distressed the author must have felt......although we all express our emotions differently.

I genuinely believe this to be an outburst of raw emotion. However, if it were then to be followed up with further posts with similar comments then i would have to change my opinions.

It is very easy to dash off a post, which maybe 5 mins later when re read  we think "oh"  ....? We are all too quick to judge others........ I dont know how the mods work here but on other forums you get a warning privately explaining the issue?

ps i am not going to list all of my "minority" friends to make me feel as if i am in "smug mode". You have no idea of the colour of my skin or that of my friends or family, doctors, vet or work colleagues. The need to list is in itself "racist"!!!

Firespite.....sorry to offend you (w00t)

Listing important people in my life isn't racist :- "

And bless have no idea of my ethnic background either :lol:

all I was trying to say

We are all special...who ever we are :huggles:

so lets not fight between is far too short and beneath us :cheers:
Billyboy....why do you feel the need to show your daughters chinese friend the video.....will you be showing it to all her other friends as well :(
firesprite said:
If i think i am right in recalling the post to which this is elluding to (but no one so far has the guts to come right out with it, which says something dont you think)
No, please enlighten me as to what this tells you.

I already reported and/or commented on a couple of posts in their respective threads. Trying to respect the rules of K9community and every other discussion board I know, I chose to start a new thread about this, instead of hijacking another one. If that makes me gutless, so be it.

The K9 community guidelines also state:

"If you feel you must criticise then criticise the idea not the individual or group. Any posts criticising individuals or groups will probably get removed and those doing the critcising will be warned via the warning system."
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And I really cannot see why the handful of individuals that repeatadly post these crude remarks is allowed to remain on k9.
Myself like other Mods only read the topics/forums that interest us otherwise we'd be sat here all day sifting through all the post just in case there was an offensice comment on 1 of them.

I can assure everyone that if a post is reported to a Mod it will be dealt with in a way that mod or group of mods feel fitting.

everyone when joining agreed to abide by the forums rules so nobody should complain if a post is removed or edited that breaks the board rules.

if anyone finds a post they feel breaks the board rules report it to several mods that way theres more chance of action being taken as mods arnt on 24/7.

I think this thread has now run its course so i'm going to lock it but leave it visible as I feel there are a lot of valid comments contained within it.
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