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Racism On K9

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firesprite said:
But i do think we are rather hypersentitive to certain issues and cry "racism" "homophobia" and "religious persecution"
I don't think it's hypersensitive to worry that someone might get extremely emotional over the clip that was posted, and take out their frustration and anger on an innocent individual of the race in question and unfortunately incidents of this kind do happen. There is a very delicate line between robust debate and unacceptable racist incitement, and there seems to be some agreement that in this case, the line was crossed.
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I agree, no place whatsoever for racism, homophobia etc etc. What the need for it is on a dog forum, god only knows! :wacko:
firesprite said:
like i said, i missed that bit....
well if i remember rightly it was a bit more explicit than that. :thumbsup: thats only part of it.the post was removed and so was my reply complaining about it.ive seen stuff (very mild before) and dont usually say anything if i think its not meant in a racist way, but i really felt this was over the top even for john and i did post saying so but both his post and mine were removed.ive nothing personal against john,i usually really enjoy reading his posts and his banter.but sometimes i feel he speaks before his brain is in gear! :wacko:
beaubeau said:
It didn't stir up any hatred here. Maybe that's because I'm not a racist
With respect, how do you possibly know what it might have caused someone to do or say in the real world? :unsure:

No one is questionning the right of anyone to draw attention to sickening acts of brutality, but there are ways of doing it, and the additional comments that were posted did not come into that category. It was left to others to find constructive ways to express opinion or support. There is no point in raising awareness of issues of this kind if you cannot channel people's emotion into something positive and constructive, surely?
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i think the point is no one agrees with racism but the subject was emotive but the cruelty aspect was far more paramount in our minds, yes john is ott and the statement he made should have been removed but it does highlight the horrors off the cruelty, i think most of us just ignored wht he had said and got on with the cruelty bit , please dont let anyone fall out on here as there is enough of that in other sections of the forum :huggles:
I don't agree with small minded remarks

I haven't observed any racist remarks, but I absolutely detest prejudice in any way, shape or form. It doesn't have to be about the colour of your skin, the country of your birth or your politics. ANY form of discrimination is an abomination.FULL STOP!
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bardmand said:
I must say I have been very shocked by the lack of concern some of my fellow board members have shown for some recent very racist postings (there might have been more in the past that I have not noticed) - even to the point of defending them.
Racism is certainly a problem in Norway as well, but let me assure you, if such posts appeared on a dog-related forum in my country, the poster would be immediately banned - as well he or she should.

NO level of anger or frustration justifies such remarks, and NO, racism has nothing to do with democracy, as there can be no doubt racist remarks are intended to limit other people's integrity and freedom to speak.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the K9community the last couple of years, and I would hate to have to leave it. As it is now, I feel ashamed to be associated with this forum.

I will not leave it without a fight, however. This is a call to you to do anything you can to get K9community back to the friendly place it once were, by whatever means are necessary.

This is the very reason i havent been around for sometime. I dont think comments are taken seriously at all, and can be very offensive. :angry:


I used to direct people here when they had a problem, but no more :(


I only popped back to have a quick look, seems its as bad as ever then :unsure:
Sadly racist, homophobic and hateful posts keep popping up with boring regularity on this forum. The really bad ones get swiftly taken off, so it is easy to miss them. Majority of people finds these posts offensive. And I really cannot see why the handful of individuals that repeatadly post these crude remarks is allowed to remain on k9. :rant:
Seraphina said:
Sadly racist, homophobic and hateful posts keep popping up with boring regularity on this forum.  The really bad ones get swiftly taken off, so it is easy to miss them.  Majority of people finds these posts offensive.  And I really cannot see why the handful of individuals that repeatadly post these crude remarks is allowed to remain on k9. :rant:

I bet i can guess who is still posting these offensive remarks :wacko: :- "
imo and thats all it is......i feel this thread is turning into a witch hunt :oops:

if everyone has made the point they set out to make, can we all just kiss and make up :unsure:

put our energy into something useful like trying to help these animals :thumbsup:

not attacking one another :unsure:

i feel the 1st thread (yes could of been worded better) was about the cruel treatment of these animals :eek:

however this thread seems to have been started to stir things up :rant: i said thats my opinion.
hi there kim how are you?? nice to see you on here :huggles:
I don't think it has been started to stir things up - it is a problem on k9 that needs highlighting and has been done through this post.

However, all we can do now is report the posts that we find offensive and hope that something is done about it. :thumbsup:
peppermint lady said:
imo and thats all it is......i feel this thread is turning into a witch hunt :oops: if everyone has made the point they set out to make, can we all just kiss and make up :unsure:

Same old same old then, offensive posts, complants about offensive remarks, bit of a there there never mind attitude, offensive posts, complants about offensive remarks, bit of a there there never mind attitude, getting the picture

put our energy into something useful like trying to help these animals :thumbsup:

not attacking one another :unsure:

i feel the 1st thread (yes could of been worded better) was about the cruel treatment of these animals :eek:           

however this thread seems to have been started to stir things up :rant: i said thats my opinion.

I just cant waste my energy on this site, im sad to see nothing has changed :(

On others sites i visit people will be warned and then banned, i guess this site is saying its ok to be racist/homophobic/etc
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Good on you Bardmand!!!! Agree with you!!!!!! Kämpa på!!!!!!!!!!!
peppermint lady said:
however this thread seems to have been started to stir things up :rant: i said thats my opinion.
If I wanted to stir things up, do you really think I would have waited two years from I first joined the board?

Believe me, noone would have been happier than me if I had not felt it necessary to start this topic.
peppermint lady said:
however this thread seems to have been started to stir things up :rant: i said thats my opinion.
No, I think it is a debate that needed to take place. Unfortunately people who dislike threads of the kind being discussed tend to vote with their virtual feet and just leave, making the forum all the poorer for the loss of their participation :(
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kim & Tilly said:
peppermint lady said:
imo and thats all it is......i feel this thread is turning into a witch hunt :oops: if everyone has made the point they set out to make, can we all just kiss and make up :unsure:

Same old same old then, offensive posts, complants about offensive remarks, bit of a there there never mind attitude, offensive posts, complants about offensive remarks, bit of a there there never mind attitude, getting the picture

put our energy into something useful like trying to help these animals :thumbsup:

not attacking one another :unsure:

i feel the 1st thread (yes could of been worded better) was about the cruel treatment of these animals :eek:           

however this thread seems to have been started to stir things up :rant: i said thats my opinion.

I just cant waste my energy on this site, im sad to see nothing has changed :(

On others sites i visit people will be warned and then banned, i guess this site is saying its ok to be racist/homophobic/etc

I don't think K9 is like that Kim. We have a right to freedom of speech and I think if any-one oversteps the line, it will be dealt with. Hope you are well, are we going to see you at Glos again?
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