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Racism On K9

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very well thank you! hows the dogs? all ok i hope? :thumbsup:
Joanna said:
kim & Tilly said:
peppermint lady said:
imo and thats all it is......i feel this thread is turning into a witch hunt :oops: if everyone has made the point they set out to make, can we all just kiss and make up :unsure:

Same old same old then, offensive posts, complants about offensive remarks, bit of a there there never mind attitude, offensive posts, complants about offensive remarks, bit of a there there never mind attitude, getting the picture

put our energy into something useful like trying to help these animals :thumbsup:

not attacking one another :unsure:

i feel the 1st thread (yes could of been worded better) was about the cruel treatment of these animals :eek:           

however this thread seems to have been started to stir things up :rant: i said thats my opinion.

I just cant waste my energy on this site, im sad to see nothing has changed :(

On others sites i visit people will be warned and then banned, i guess this site is saying its ok to be racist/homophobic/etc

I don't think K9 is like that Kim. We have a right to freedom of speech and I think if any-one oversteps the line, it will be dealt with. well we know at least two posters who over step the line regularly but they are still here Hope you are well, are we going to see you at Glos again? Im not sure tbh, Tilly is in season at the mo, then i want to get her done, mabe after that, life is quite busy at the mo

when racism is ignored its the same as condoning it.(im my opinion) :thumbsup:
posh totty said:
very well thank you! hows the dogs? all ok i hope?  :thumbsup:

Tilly is doing good and a better calmer dog with out bean

Bean is living with Tracy, from this site, havent heard from them for ages though :(
kim & Tilly said:
I just cant waste my energy on this site, im sad to see nothing has changed :(
On others sites i visit people will be warned and then banned, i guess this site is saying its ok to be racist/homophobic/etc


I also hardly ever visit the chit chat section nowadays.
Seraphina said:
kim & Tilly said:
I just cant waste my energy on this site, im sad to see nothing has changed :(

On others sites i visit people will be warned and then banned, i guess this site is saying its ok to be racist/homophobic/etc


I also hardly ever visit the chit chat section nowadays.

It such a shame because i loved this site and most of the people, ones who helped with my dogs, racing, general stuff, :D :thumbsup:


but i wont support a site which supports such comments :angry: :(
I agree that this is a thread which is long overdue. Those of us who disagree with the amount of racism on here - tend to get blasted if we speak up about it.

So instead we report threads to the mods (or at least I do), certain portions are removed which IMO just serves to make the people objecting look like they are making a fuss over nothing

and despite the fact that this forum has a set of rules - all that happens is that people are warned, and warned again, and warned again and they just keep on posting their offensive remarks.......which really does give the impression that this forum condones what people are saying. So I believe the problem here lies as much with the way the site is moderated as it does with the few on here who post their racist comments.
I am not condoning racism or any other 'ism' for that matter, but surely we are all adult enough to ignore any comments we dislike ????

Lets face it, we all know that a certain member of this forum has strong opinions and is usually pretty vocal about them ....................does the fact that we have read his words mean that we have to take on his beliefs ??? Are we 'tainted' now , purely because they have appeared on our screens?

For Gods sake, I for one would rather have someone say what they mean than faff around with all this airy fairy, velour clad niceness . :wacko:

Can this whole thing now be locked before any more unpleasantness occurs???

At the end of the day, look at it as a person who has strong beliefs, using words that others might not agree with, to highlight an issue about which he felt strongly.
peony said:
At the end of the day, look at it as a person who has strong beliefs, using words that others might not agree with, to highlight an issue about which he felt strongly.
It depends what those strong beliefs are. We ALL have strong beliefs about animal cruelty (well I hope we do) and would probably all put animal welfare before our own to help eliminate it. That's not the same as wanting to maim or eliminate whole groups of people purely because of their race or other factors beyond their control. Those sorts of strong belief are actually prohibited by LAW.
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peony said:
I am not condoning racism or any other 'ism' for that matter, but surely we are all adult enough to ignore any comments we dislike ???? If people didnt stand up for what is wrong, where would this world be eh?? Shall we turn a blind eye, pretend not to see ??
Lets face it, we all know that a certain member of this forum has strong opinions and is usually pretty vocal about them ....................does the fact that we have read his words mean that we have to take on his beliefs ??? Are we 'tainted' now , purely because they have appeared on our screens? 

For Gods sake, I for one would rather have someone say what they mean than faff around with all this airy fairy, velour clad niceness . :wacko:

Can this whole thing now be locked before any more unpleasantness occurs???

At the end of the day, look at it as a person who has strong beliefs, using words that others might not agree with, to highlight an issue about which he felt strongly.

peony said:
I am not condoning racism or any other 'ism' for that matter, but surely we are all adult enough to ignore any comments we dislike ????
Lets face it, we all know that a certain member of this forum has strong opinions and is usually pretty vocal about them ....................does the fact that we have read his words mean that we have to take on his beliefs ??? Are we 'tainted' now , purely because they have appeared on our screens? 

For Gods sake, I for one would rather have someone say what they mean than faff around with all this airy fairy, velour clad niceness . :wacko:

Can this whole thing now be locked before any more unpleasantness occurs???

At the end of the day, look at it as a person who has strong beliefs, using words that others might not agree with, to highlight an issue about which he felt strongly.

:thumbsup: well said,

peppermint lady signing out and sharing the love :thumbsup:
peony said:
I am not condoning racism or any other 'ism' for that matter, but surely we are all adult enough to ignore any comments we dislike ????
Lets face it, we all know that a certain member of this forum has strong opinions and is usually pretty vocal about them ....................does the fact that we have read his words mean that we have to take on his beliefs ??? Are we 'tainted' now , purely because they have appeared on our screens? 

For Gods sake, I for one would rather have someone say what they mean than faff around with all this airy fairy, velour clad niceness . :wacko:

Can this whole thing now be locked before any more unpleasantness occurs???

At the end of the day, look at it as a person who has strong beliefs, using words that others might not agree with, to highlight an issue about which he felt strongly.

:wacko: You mean you are more offended by people who object to nasty racist /homophobic raving than those who who make them?

(w00t) :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
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peony said:
I am not condoning racism or any other 'ism' for that matter, but surely we are all adult enough to ignore any comments we dislike ????
Except comments made against racism?

peony said:
For Gods sake, I for one would rather have someone say what they mean than faff around with all this airy fairy, velour clad niceness . :wacko:
Can this whole thing now be locked before any more unpleasantness occurs???

So, we don't want niceness, and we don't want unpleasantness - a tall order, but I will try my best.
Seraphina said:
peony said:
I am not condoning racism or any other 'ism' for that matter, but surely we are all adult enough to ignore any comments we dislike ????
Lets face it, we all know that a certain member of this forum has strong opinions and is usually pretty vocal about them ....................does the fact that we have read his words mean that we have to take on his beliefs ??? Are we 'tainted' now , purely because they have appeared on our screens? 

For Gods sake, I for one would rather have someone say what they mean than faff around with all this airy fairy, velour clad niceness . :wacko:

Can this whole thing now be locked before any more unpleasantness occurs???

At the end of the day, look at it as a person who has strong beliefs, using words that others might not agree with, to highlight an issue about which he felt strongly.

:wacko: You mean you are more offended by people who object to nasty racist /homophobic raving than to us objecting to them? (w00t) :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Its the whole 'quick lift the carpet and brush it under there' thing :blink: :- "
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Seraphina said:
peony said:
I am not condoning racism or any other 'ism' for that matter, but surely we are all adult enough to ignore any comments we dislike ????
Lets face it, we all know that a certain member of this forum has strong opinions and is usually pretty vocal about them ....................does the fact that we have read his words mean that we have to take on his beliefs ??? Are we 'tainted' now , purely because they have appeared on our screens? 

For Gods sake, I for one would rather have someone say what they mean than faff around with all this airy fairy, velour clad niceness . :wacko:

Can this whole thing now be locked before any more unpleasantness occurs???

At the end of the day, look at it as a person who has strong beliefs, using words that others might not agree with, to highlight an issue about which he felt strongly.

:wacko: You mean you are more offended by people who object to nasty racist /homophobic raving than those who who make them(w00t) :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

What I meant was, this issue is now being prolonged what end?? Things have been said, rightly or wrongly and people have voiced their opinions. I just dont feel the situation is being improved any. End of.
My eldest daughter's best friend is Chineze,and we get on well,they run the local chinkie's as its called.But i will show her the video,the next time she's in here,as i bet she know's nothing about this,with being born over here.It might help if someone like her see's what happen's in China,if she does'nt already know.I will of course tell her the content first,and make sure she is ok with it before i would even think of showing it to her,as i dont want to offend her.Also,i would like to know what happen's to all the carcasses.Do any of them make it across to mainland Britton or Ireland.Wont be eating Chineze again i am affraid.Dont eat red meat either,as ive seen the way some of it die's over here.My brother in law work's in the slaughter house,and apparently,some of the sheep,pig's and cow's are still living when the pelt's are removed.So we would need to start lobbying our own door step too. Im not racist,but my stomach turned inside out ,when i seen what those filfthy scum did to those poor dog's,and it showed on some of their faces,that they knew what was happening,and about to happen. ...Billy...
billyboy45 said:
i bet she know's nothing about this,with being born over here.It  might help if someone like her see's what happen's in China,if she does'nt already know
Chinese people know all about it, I have Chinese relatives in Singapore. They have always had pet dogs, one of whom was sadly stolen, almost certainly to be consumed for medicinal purposes (which is why dog is eaten, along with a large number of other creatures). They were as upset about it as any other dog owner would be. Please don't assume all members of other races have the same beliefs and attitudes, it simply isn't true or helpful.
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peony said:

What I meant was, this issue is now being prolonged what end?? Things have been said, rightly or wrongly and people have voiced their opinions. I just dont feel the situation is being improved any. End of.

Well, obviously many of us feel that this is something that needs to be discussed, if you do not wish to continue this discussion you are free to move on to the next topic. :)

Why do you object to others continuing here? :unsure:
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billyboy45 said:
My eldest daughter's best friend is Chineze,and we get on well,they run the local chinkie's as its called.But i will show her the video,the next time she's in here,as i bet she know's nothing about this,with being born over here.It  might help if someone like her see's what happen's in China,if she does'nt already know.I will of course tell her the content first,and make sure she is ok with it before i would even think of showing it to her,as i dont want to offend her.Also,i would like to know what happen's to all the carcasses.Do any of them make it across to mainland Britton or Ireland.Wont be eating Chineze again i am affraid.Dont eat red meat either,as ive seen the way some of it die's over here.My brother in law work's in the slaughter house,and apparently,some of the sheep,pig's and cow's are still living when the pelt's are removed.So we would need to start lobbying our own door step too. Im not racist,but my stomach turned inside out ,when i seen what those filfthy scum did to those poor dog's,and it showed on some of their faces,that they knew what was happening,and about to happen.  ...Billy...

As you said, some animals are treated pretty badly in our respective countries. But WHY do you feel it necessary to point out to a girl, born in UK, what is happening in China? Do you show the same thing to all of the other children who come to your house? :unsure:
[SIZE=21pt]Just report the post[/SIZE]

The mods do take action on reported posts and they either edit or delete posts and inform the member and if appropiate, action is taken on that member.

It's all fine and well having a discussion about it but taking action is far more effective, ironically just like the thread Stormy posted about in the first place.

Oh and for future reference quoting the offensive post doesn't help the mods either because then they have to go and delete that too.
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