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Racism On K9

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I must say I have been very shocked by the lack of concern some of my fellow board members have shown for some recent very racist postings (there might have been more in the past that I have not noticed) - even to the point of defending them.

Racism is certainly a problem in Norway as well, but let me assure you, if such posts appeared on a dog-related forum in my country, the poster would be immediately banned - as well he or she should.

NO level of anger or frustration justifies such remarks, and NO, racism has nothing to do with democracy, as there can be no doubt racist remarks are intended to limit other people's integrity and freedom to speak.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the K9community the last couple of years, and I would hate to have to leave it. As it is now, I feel ashamed to be associated with this forum.

I will not leave it without a fight, however. This is a call to you to do anything you can to get K9community back to the friendly place it once were, by whatever means are necessary.
I too have seen many racist, homophobic and derogatory remarks, however, recently I do feel there have been less, which is a relief as at one point it did seem to be getting out of hand.

I hate racism and find it truly ridiculous that it should come into play on a dog forum of all places. I agree with you bardmand, members making such posts should not be given a 2nd chance, there is no place for racism.

couldnt agree more - but you just wait for the backlash
Couldn't agree more with you Bardmand. Some of what has passed on here recently could be classed as inciting racial hatred, which I believe is against the law and should have no place on any board. Some may think it's just words; unfortunately words have the power to hurt very deeply and can prompt some people into direct action.

My best friend in school was of Jamaican origin and I was shocked to find out that she and her family had been the victim of a racially motivated arson attack a while back; petrol was poured through the letter box and ignited while they slept, for no reason other than some people objected to colour of their skin. Fortunately they all survived relatively unharmed, but I always think of this incident when certain individuals are trying to incite hatred.
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im shocked that so few k9ers have supported this thread. :( surely you cant all agree with racist rants like this?im ashamed to be a member of a site where this sort of thing is accepted and even supported by the majority of the other site im a member of would allow this sort of thing to go on.its completely out of order. :angry: i know sometimes its hard to stick your head above the parapet in case its shot down in flames.ive read some of the posts supporting the rant and basically making out that anyone who doesnt support it is a wimp or a fool.(or menopausal or worse)well all i can say is if standing up against racism makes me a wimp or a menopausal idiot then thats what i am.i wish some of you could walk a mile in the shoes of someone who has been the victim of racism,its not a nice place to can you stand by while this goes on under your noses?turn a blind eye?i thought better of the people who came on this site.i never thought youd stand by and let this sort of thing go on and hardly any of you wont stand up and say something. :(

quote by edmund burke'for evil to succeed it is only neccessary that good men do nothing'
Thank you all for the support. I really appreciate someone with English as their first language voicing their stand against racism as well - as obviously you do it a lot better than me.
I don't really spend much time on here anymore, but must say that I don't agree with racism, homophobic or other small minded remarks .....I don't know the threads you are talking about, but they should be reported to the super mods :D ..........
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Strike Whippets said:
I don't really spend much time on here anymore, but must say that I don't agree with racism, homophobic or other small minded remarks .....I don't know the threads you are talking about, but they should be reported to the super mods  :D   ..........

Exactly!! It's alright commenting about things that have happened in the past but if you really want action to be taken then you need to report these posts. Mods can't be expected to read every post on the forum so it's up to you to bring it to their attention.
:eek: .......JOHN SWITHCHES BOOTS FOR NIKES AND RUNS LIKE HIS DOG........................................ :sweating: ................................................................ :sweating: ........................View attachment 44798
I don't understand why people have to be racist, nasty, homophobic etc etc

We all have the same thing in common....our canine friends (w00t)

I love curries.

My wonderful vet is of asian background.

My doc and dentist is asian.

My pals are constantly harping on about their tans or lack of them (w00t)

We are all special :huggles:
wild whippies said:
It's alright commenting about things that have happened in the past but if you really want action to be taken then you need to report these posts. Mods can't be expected to read every post on the forum so it's up to you to bring it to their attention.
I have not really come across any racist posts until recently (could be a number of reasons - I am not as active on the forum all the time, I am not equally interested in all sections of the board etc.), but i certainly have and will report any post I find offensive and against the board rules, and I hope everyone else will do the same.
bardmand said:
I must say I have been very shocked by the lack of concern some of my fellow board members have shown for some recent very racist postings (there might have been more in the past that I have not noticed) - even to the point of defending them.
Racism is certainly a problem in Norway as well, but let me assure you, if such posts appeared on a dog-related forum in my country, the poster would be immediately banned - as well he or she should.

NO level of anger or frustration justifies such remarks, and NO, racism has nothing to do with democracy, as there can be no doubt racist remarks are intended to limit other people's integrity and freedom to speak.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the K9community the last couple of years, and I would hate to have to leave it. As it is now, I feel ashamed to be associated with this forum.

I will not leave it without a fight, however. This is a call to you to do anything you can to get K9community back to the friendly place it once were, by whatever means are necessary.

not seen any racist remarks on k9 clear of and cause trouble some were else
kris said:
just cos yuve not seen it doesnt mean it doesnt exist.why dont YOU clear off and take your smallminded remarks with you? :angry: why is it causing trouble to complain of a racist remark?of course if youre  a racist you wont see anything wrong with the remarks that have been made.

OMG the thought police are patrolling!

Actually i havent read anything on K9 re racism that i havent heard on the radio, tv (when we had one that worked) or read in books.

Democracy is a delecate thing. It is actually very rare. I do not believe that we have it in its true form in this country.

Our version of democracy is "you can say what you like as long as we agree with it".

The K9 forum has rules which should be adhered to otherwise the mods "mod it".

Mods should have the right to modify or censor any post that could be deemed offensive, but it is a sad state of affairs if someone is silenced or booted off the forum for being passionate about their dogs, which i think is the real issue here. If i think i am right in recalling the post to which this is elluding to (but no one so far has the guts to come right out with it, which says something dont you think) then the considerable distress over the main point of the post IMO far outweighs any offense caused by the personal expression of the author, who at the time was distressed and angry.

Racist posts are racist at heart, aimed to stir up hatred and nastiness towards a group of people. This was not the intention of this post, or at least IMO it wasnt. The intention of the post was to draw attention to animal suffering and at the time of writing (having endured the video myself) i can appreciate how angry frustrated sickened and distressed the author must have felt......although we all express our emotions differently.

I genuinely believe this to be an outburst of raw emotion. However, if it were then to be followed up with further posts with similar comments then i would have to change my opinions.

It is very easy to dash off a post, which maybe 5 mins later when re read we think "oh" ....? We are all too quick to judge others........ I dont know how the mods work here but on other forums you get a warning privately explaining the issue?

ps i am not going to list all of my "minority" friends to make me feel as if i am in "smug mode". You have no idea of the colour of my skin or that of my friends or family, doctors, vet or work colleagues. The need to list is in itself "racist"!!!
QUOTE(kris @ May 26 2007, 07:56 PM)

just cos yuve not seen it doesnt mean it doesnt exist.why dont YOU clear off and take your smallminded remarks with you? why is it causing trouble to complain of a racist remark?of course if youre a racist you wont see anything wrong with the remarks that have been made.



that was EXACTLY the sort of intelligent remark i expected ;)
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Sadly this is not the only racist remark that has been made on k9 - I have notified the moderators to a couple of posts that I have found to be extremely unnecessary and offensive.

We should not be attacked for being opposed to such remarks.

This is a dog forum after all, and our personal opinions about race, sexuality, religion etc, do not need to be voiced on here.
bardmand said:
I must say I have been very shocked by the lack of concern some of my fellow board members have shown for some recent very racist postings (there might have been more in the past that I have not noticed) - even to the point of defending them.
I will not leave it without a fight, however. This is a call to you to do anything you can to get K9community back to the friendly place it once were, by whatever means are necessary.

I am more of a lurker, than a poster, so I tend not to get involved in these arguments. But you are right, they have gone way beyond what is fair comment and robust argument. The test is - how would you feel if you were a member of the group being assaulted. Our ethnicity and nationality is an accident of birth, not something we have chosen.
i am not attacking people for not liking racist remarks. I currently work in education and deal with these issues regularly. I am however trying to put a little perspective onto a thread that i have been following and dont think is racist at heart.

People should report offensive posts to the mods, that is what they are there for. But i do think we are rather hypersentitive to certain issues and cry "racism" "homophobia" and "religious persecution"

emails and posts are an impersonal way for people to express ther ideas sans body language or voice intonation. As such can be misinterpreted, offense taken where none is meant or an insult taken as a complement.

Perhaps we all need to be a bit more vigilant in our own posts and those of others...?

This is a key issue with a "faceless community" such as you get on the internet, where the anonymous safetynet allows a less careful expression.

At the end of the day the only thing K9ers have in common as a comonality is their dogs.

Thats one very very small thing to have in common so differences of opinion and levels of cultural awareness will occur.

Expect posts that offend (mostly unintentionally through genuine ignorance of a situation, age and education differences and cultural differences) and lets deal with them approprately and fairly.
hmmm i have to say that i missed the quote a few posts back. Not helpful is it.

Has it been removed as i really dont recall this one?

Also i have no knowledge of the poster being either for or against animal cruelty in previous posts. Mainly cos i dont read every post.

Some folks have a deeper knowledge of post histories than i do.

If it has been reported then the K9 agreement is being adhered to, the right thing has been done and the mods will decide what to do, thats their function, which we agreed to on joining.
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