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O.m.g Seen That Snow

we only had a tiny bit thru the night and the weather that i looked @ online 4 here newcastle said milder thurs and fri no snow so hope thats right. :thumbsup:
hiya carol

we had the news on earlier and its a right stinker forecast for us down the northeast coast (w00t)

im not far from the coast kenny so i hope u r wrong and wot i read is right. im sick of having to get 2 buses to work which is only about 3 miles away. 2 scared to try and get car out of drive as its on a slope and very narrow, peter had to use the van today as he started @ 6am!!
:blink: Got up this morning to find that we have a bit of a thaw going on. It's still very cold but most of the frost is coming off the trees and the sun is trying to come out. I know they've forcast some rain for later in the week so I hope it's true, so long as it doesn't freeze again afterwards. I do hope that those of you up in the northeast are coping, cos the tv. said you were due some more snow. I know my dogs are stir-crazy cos we they can't run round the garden, cos it's too risky on the ice, so heaven only knows how yours are with what you've had to cope with! :wub:
Thawing here to. But then it freezes again, making it like a sheet of ice to walk on. Havent been out with dogs since Sat.

We had a good fall of snow the night before, so it was soft on the park for them to play and roll in, but only lasted till

next day then back to ice.

Dont fancy going along the road with my lot and seeing a cat !!!! I have a job to keep upright at the best of times. No chance.
no more snow here in newcastle but the 20 odd inches that weve had is now solid ice, lethal to walk on. dogs have had very short walks today a couple of them limping as so bloody cold on thier feet. no more snow 4cast 4 us eiher said we shud c a thaw during the day but frrezing again by night so once again b like sheets of ice!!! :angry: dogs need snow boots lol (w00t)
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(w00t) We're all thinking of you up there. It must be hell. Keep your pecker up, it can't last forever! :luck:
it seems 2 b thawing @ last dopping off the roofs and icicles r melting, goin to b cold again next week, cold i can cope with snow i cant!
thawing out here. the cars cleaned off and the yards all clean,if it snows tonight i will hang myself in the morning :wacko:

this bloody weathers,done my crust in.i wish it was springtime and the dogs were starting (w00t)
Kenny its still very warm in Vietnam :- hope it lasts for the next 12 days lol, thinking about you all with all that snow (w00t)
thawing out here. the cars cleaned off and the yards all clean,if it snows tonight i will hang myself in the morning :wacko: this bloody weathers,done my crust in.i wish it was springtime and the dogs were starting (w00t)
i actually used the car today 1st time since it started snowing ive used it! if its snows again il b digging it from the road outside my house so i can get out lol (w00t)
more snow to come bye next tues so they say and weatherman predict cahos with snow leading upto xmas week think we best get used to it
more snow to come bye next tues so they say and weatherman predict cahos with snow leading upto xmas week think we best get used to it
heyyyyyyyyyyy butt.whats cahooooooooooos? my god i hope you wrong about the forecast (w00t)

have you got the sana suite ready for them grand kids,rocking elvis :thumbsup:
people keep saying more snow but ive just heard very cold 4 next week and poss rain? its thawing here but its very very slippy this morning! :wacko:
we havent had any bins emptied for 2 weeks,the binmen cant get around the streets.just out side our gates theres 2 inches of pure thick ice and i put loads of salt out last night when i put the bin out,hope they come today theres rubbish all over the place

its thawing quick here but theres that much what melts during the day it ree freezes when it gets dark :angry:
:D Really thawing here, this morning. Just hope it continues. I can actually see the grass for the first time for ages. :thumbsup:
Most of it has gone from here. Milder too with a bit of wind (the weather not me) Hosed the yard down without it freezing

up. Drying out nicely. Mind you, the dogs have learned to skate pretty well over the last few weeks !!!!
Most of it has gone from here. Milder too with a bit of wind (the weather not me) Hosed the yard down without it freezingup. Drying out nicely. Mind you, the dogs have learned to skate pretty well over the last few weeks !!!!
(w00t) Dare we hope for some racing this week? :wub:
Most of it has gone from here. Milder too with a bit of wind (the weather not me) Hosed the yard down without it freezingup. Drying out nicely. Mind you, the dogs have learned to skate pretty well over the last few weeks !!!!
(w00t) Dare we hope for some racing this week? :wub:
All the dogs will be 2lb heavier by next week.!!!!!
Most of it has gone from here. Milder too with a bit of wind (the weather not me) Hosed the yard down without it freezingup. Drying out nicely. Mind you, the dogs have learned to skate pretty well over the last few weeks !!!!
(w00t) Dare we hope for some racing this week? :wub:
All the dogs will be 2lb heavier by next week.!!!!!
these are well overweight,i got a yorkshire terrier here looks nothing like a terrier, more like a rugby ball on matchsticks :wacko:

well the binmens been and gone, just got the yard to swill and disinfect now :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: Now all the snow has gone off the yard I'm just going out to give it a thorough bleaching. After the last couple of weeks it's downright balmy out there. Let's hope it continues! Though I doubt it, somehow. :wub:
i doubt very much we will have any racing this weekend more like ice skating lol