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O.m.g Seen That Snow

just seen the forecast its coming back on Thursday with a vengeance :angry:

hope it missus us :sweating:
just seen the forecast its coming back on Thursday with a vengeance :angry: hope it missus us :sweating:
:unsure: It's pouring with rain here at the moment and very grey overhead. I can put up with it, cos at least if it stays like this, we can race at the weekend. The weather men annoy me 'cos they say different things everyday. You don't know what to believe half of the time. :unsure: :wub:
just seen the forecast its coming back on Thursday with a vengeance :angry: hope it missus us :sweating:
:unsure: It's pouring with rain here at the moment and very grey overhead. I can put up with it, cos at least if it stays like this, we can race at the weekend. The weather men annoy me 'cos they say different things everyday. You don't know what to believe half of the time. :unsure: :wub:
you right about them weather men, no matter what side you put on they have a different forecast :wacko:

well I'm praying they wrong it hate the white stuff :angry:
just seen the forecast its coming back on Thursday with a vengeance :angry: hope it missus us :sweating:
:unsure: It's pouring with rain here at the moment and very grey overhead. I can put up with it, cos at least if it stays like this, we can race at the weekend. The weather men annoy me 'cos they say different things everyday. You don't know what to believe half of the time. :unsure: :wub:
you right about them weather men, no matter what side you put on they have a different forecast :wacko:

well I'm praying they wrong it hate the white stuff :angry:
(w00t) I'm not surprised you hate it, with the amount you've had to put up with! Let's hope that if it does arrive, that it s**s off, just as quick. Though, I suppose I'm being over optimistic with that one! Still, fingers crossed eh! :unsure: :wub:
kenny on the website ive been using 4 the weathert it says light snow 4 my postcode on thurs theyve been right up to now so fingers crossed it is just light snow. i know its going to b freezingcold though so prob still no racing again 4 is this week. ive only been to one race since b4 these pups were born and they r 7 weeks old now. oh think i went to westerhope h/cap just after they were born then i went to the cambois open. ive forgotton wpt whippet racing looks like! :angry:
its now saying sunny intervals 4 thurs and nowt about snow but minus one so very cold
(w00t) It's like I said, They're all idiots, they seem to take joy in having everyone running around like headless chickens, to get ready for the bad weather! :wub:
its now saying sunny intervals 4 thurs and nowt about snow but minus one so very cold
you seen that forecast yet carol?the snows on its way,its propper cold here

it better miss us :angry:
:unsure: We've had rain on and off all day but it's stopped now. It's very damp still and deadly underfoot with all the leaves everywhere. Every time I go out I'm like Bambi on ice! :wacko: :wub:
It better not snow :( I've got a long drive ahead of me on Friday to visit a stud dog :angry:

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started snowing here at 8 hasnt stopped yet but roads ok up to now
started snowing here at 8 hasnt stopped yet but roads ok up to now
been on and off all morning here gaz but nowt laying thank god :sweating:
:unsure: Been raining here all night and all day, so far. We had a bit of hail about an hour ago and then it returned to rain. The weather men say we're going to get snow, but there's no sign as yet! Hope that you don't get too much up north, you've had it rough enough! :wub:
(w00t) It's just started to snow here and it's raining at the same time. So far, it's too wet to lie, let's hope it stays that way! :wub:
Busses been abandoned not far from here according to the radio. It's snowed, sleeted and rained and now the wet roads are freezing, it was below zero at 6pm and supposed to be -7 later on.