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O.m.g Seen That Snow

still sunshining here pig. i got a little sun burnt. ha ha ha :clown: (w00t) TAM
lol at least u never siad u had a pint in ure hand but i know u will have u lucky LITTLE T**T
No snow here in Portsmouth, just a heavy frost first thing this morning, but then the sun came out and it's quite pleasant now,
I hope the weather doesn't affect the Worcester Open, I know that a lot of people are looking forward to it.

Keep warm everyone


When I lived in Lancashire before I married Bill, a lot of snow was quite the normal thing so we were used to it.

When my two son's were growing up they didn't see any snow for years and years, but my grandchildren have now had some experience of it a couple of times over the years, but it doesn't hang around for very long.



Same here Doreen

Normally frosty and cold but not a lot of snow, if it does we all make the most as like you its not around for long

Amanda xx
No snow here in Portsmouth, just a heavy frost first thing this morning, but then the sun came out and it's quite pleasant now,
I hope the weather doesn't affect the Worcester Open, I know that a lot of people are looking forward to it.

Keep warm everyone


When I lived in Lancashire before I married Bill, a lot of snow was quite the normal thing so we were used to it.

When my two son's were growing up they didn't see any snow for years and years, but my grandchildren have now had some experience of it a couple of times over the years, but it doesn't hang around for very long.



Same here Doreen

Normally frosty and cold but not a lot of snow, if it does we all make the most as like you its not around for long

Amanda xx
Well if it snows on sunday jack frost is gettin a cracked skull lol (w00t)
been snowing heavy most of thisafternoon getting really deap now and freezing
Just about to drive Mum to work in my car, appears the old Astra doesn't want to go today and the alternator has frozen up. Gone really dark out and the snow has started to fall albeit just lightly.

Hope it doesn't snow too heavily tomorrow I don't want to get stuck in Huddersfield, I have my blanket, boots and flask ready to pack in the car at half 6 in the morning when I leave home.
its years since i have seen snow like we have here,we have had about 10in and its not finished yet

we need rain to wash it away,the poor dogs hate it :angry:
its years since i have seen snow like we have here,we have had about 10in and its not finished yetwe need rain to wash it away,the poor dogs hate it :angry:
lucky u kenny yr dogs hate it nikki whizz loves it lol
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No snow yesterday,,this mornig up very early,,snowing,,its been snowing for most of the day,,its very deep,,cars getting stuck in the street,,ive no idea how they getting up the hill,,roads were gritted by the coucil,,but was still snowing at the time,,so will be covered up. Think Gary might get a day off school,,but his football training is on,,but in doors for once :thumbsup:

Hate the snow,,Gizmo loves it,,Robbie hates it and screams the place down seconds after hes let out for a pee,,got to go out with him :clown:
Just a sprinkle in warwick but the ground is frozen solid, Its like walkin on concrete!
Took the dogs out for a run, they loved it. :lol:
















[/b hi kenny and piglet. up date on the weather here in vietnam.still no snow, 8) little bit of cloud, with hot sunshine, just lounging by the pool, with a can of tiger. will keep u up dated. TAM 8) :p 8)
update on weather for tam,I'm snowed in i cant get the car out.and theres still more on the way :wacko:

you enjoy the holiday there tam,and think of us in shivering our nuts off :blink:gr8 photos there DI,the dogs look well

i cant get mine to walk on it never mind run,i will add some photos later i cant believe how much we have had right on the coast,,,keep the photos coming loved the last one DI put up,of the long walkway with the trees all covered in snow :thumbsup:
we had thunder thru the night and yes more bloody snow!! we the same as u kenny cant get the van or the car out the drive peters away walking to work il b doin 2 buses later if they r still running. 3 cars stuck in the street 1st thing this morning and its snowing AGAIN :angry:
[/b hi kenny and piglet. up date on the weather here in vietnam.still no snow, 8) little bit of cloud, with hot sunshine, just lounging by the pool, with a can of tiger. will keep u up dated. TAM 8) :p 8)

WANKER!! lol cheers mate, dont worry tam, this will still be here when u get back in feb mate..
ffs this is getting ridic now ... its SNOWING AGAIN @ this rate we,ll b bloody snowed in :angry: so glad we had the cambois open last sunday.
[/b hi kenny and piglet. up date on the weather here in vietnam.still no snow, 8) little bit of cloud, with hot sunshine, just lounging by the pool, with a can of tiger. will keep u up dated. TAM 8) :p 8)

WANKER!! lol cheers mate, dont worry tam, this will still be here when u get back in feb mate..

you mean MARCH piglet and hope its not still here then (w00t)
Ground frozen but quite bright here at the moment. (South Staffs)

Just heard it is snowing 18 miles away, perhaps it's on the way.
carol we just been to asda,they buying like theres going to be a food shortage never seen so many people in there

theres no bread to be had or spuds its mad they rushing about like nutters..theres a snow plow clearing the snow and I'm not kidding its pushed up against the rails and it must be 15 foot high.when this lot thaws there will be floods all over.

and its still snowing now :wacko:
our ASDA wasnt too bad this morning but if this keeps up they will prob run out of stuff too. some of the skools shut here too. kiids with sledges all over
looks like i the only one snowed in, i might have a walk out later and take some photos for summit to do, i been snowed it college is off so i been along the street to get summit for tea and went in the bakers and they were out ov almost everything they only had 1 bun left think people are going crazy :nuke: my dad went to work this morning im sure hes crazy :wacko:

keep safe everybody :thumbsup: p.s. this is kate hahaha
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