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oo saw u had posted & thought she mite have started lol :eek: :lol:
:D No not yet Carole, she had a restless night & needed to go out at 5 am :eek:
Sky certainly likes to keep you hanging on doesn't she lol
:D This time we were prepared to wait :D just heard scratching going on, thought ooh she is starting but its Ruby :p
thought i was going to read she had started there len,good luck, :thumbsup:
Good girl Sky, she's doing so well bless her x
:D 5th is finally the bitch we wanted :thumbsup:
:D 5th is finally the bitch we wanted :thumbsup:

she nearly did her mothers dave wanted a dog 1st time round ended up all girls, babybelle and lelo,sky and pegs great girls, 2nd litter wanted girl, ended up 5 boys, sid young :D , glad you got your little girl
flippin heck she had them quick didnt she? well done sky and good luck cant wait 4 pics
Congratulations - glad you got your little girl

:D Sky was so chilled out this time & good as gold, no panic :thumbsup: Must admit the last one took me suprise I was at the shop (w00t)
:D Pleased its all over :lol: Can have our tea now but don't really fancy steak :x