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New Mating

:D Sky will be 5 weeks on sunday :D Her ribs are sprung & she is still being fussy :x
It's all going so fast :blink: won't be long till you're scooping up all the escapees skidding across the living room floor :))
It's all going so fast :blink: won't be long till you're scooping up all the escapees skidding across the living room floor :))
Lol Fleesh just pleased we haven't got laminate flooring (w00t)
:D Sky is looking big now :thumbsup: don't know if she is as big as last time, but she seems to have grown every time she walks past lol
good luck with pups, should get a couple parti colours there :D
:D Just weighed Sky & she has put just under 4lb on (w00t) 6 weeks tomorrow, 3 to go :D
:D Just had Sky scanned & there is at least 3 pups, vet said don't be suprised if there are one or two more (w00t) First bit of good news we have had this year :thumbsup:
With all that has happened the last few weeks, this seems to have crept up on us :D only 2 & half weeks to go (w00t)
:D Just had Sky scanned & there is at least 3 pups, vet said don't be suprised if there are one or two more (w00t) First bit of good news we have had this year :thumbsup:

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: best of luck ,canny belly full (w00t)
With all that has happened the last few weeks, this seems to have crept up on us :D only 2 & half weeks to go (w00t)
sky looks really well goodluck with the birth i hope everything goes well :luck: allan
:D Sky at 7 & half weeks (w00t) don't know if she can get any bigger (w00t)