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How many do you think are in there, she looks like she ready to burst, :)
Lots of lovely puppys in there Linda :thumbsup: You and Lenny gonna be busy :sweating: :lol:
How many do you think are in there, she looks like she ready to burst, :)
Reckon she is bigger than last time Shelley :p when the vet saw 3 she only looked in one horn!
:D Just weighed Sky & she is 27lb 3oz (w00t) her racing weight was 20lb
:D 3 days to go & Skys stomach looks like a scene from Alien (w00t) She has been very restless the last couple of days & this morning she hasn't bothered with her breakfast !
:D 1 day to go & first night sleeping on the couch lol (w00t) She will need a skate board if she gets any bigger
i think she could haaave them at anytime lenny she looks ready.. :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
i think she could haaave them at anytime lenny she looks ready.. :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Could here her scratching her bed at 5 this morning :p then she whined for a bit lol
(w00t) sky what a belly full :luck: :luck: :luck:
any signs yet.......due today :D like lenny says, she might hang on till tuesday, sky, peggy, belle and lelo,s 6th birthday
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None what so ever Debbie :D she is lying on the couch with her legs in the air (w00t)