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Need Your Help Very Urgent!!!!!!

So shocking - Poor Sam lots of :luck: :huggles: for a speedy recovery. I bet Sam will be spoilt rotten for a bit ;)
I agree with what you are saying zilloot, the poor dog was tied up for perhaps the lengh of the banger racing which was 5 hours, with people walking past.

He was probably fed up, bored, and when sam went up to him he lashed out...probably not the dogs fault (athough at this stage we dont know the history of the dog)

Bean has been out with us when she jumped up at Amy and bit her bum, it left a 2inch x 2inch black bruse, but i saw the situation and she was excited..If she had bitten out of anger i would have had her PTS straight away...

At the moment there are so many unanswered questions.....

1) Whats the dogs temperment normally, has it even done this sort of thing before

2) It is normally used as a guard dog and if so why wasnt it muzzled in the public area

3) The dog could have already been distroyed

4) the owner may not have realised the injury caused, my oh didnt hang around but got sam to hospital...

Until we know these and many more questions, i cant spectulate
Sorry I went off on a bit of a tangent

What I meant to say was, If I am approached by kids and they go to touch I always tell them they need to ask before, in case the dog bites..

I have had parents say yes its ok you can stroke them, to which I have replied how do you know???

Sam is usually so good, just a mind slip :unsure:
What you also don't know and probably will never know was what happened to the dog before he bit your son. As you say the dog was left tethered alone (obviously by an irresponsible owner). Maybe it had been annoyed/scared/intimidated/hurt by other children prior to your son approaching it and just lashed out immediatley as it didn't want anything else to happen to it? :unsure: It really does all boil down to the stupid owner leaving their dog unsupervised! :rant:

Hope your son feels better soon!
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TBH, i feel for the dog, but once its bitten i feel he will do again so i will request if i have an option to have it PTS :(
Janimal said:
My god Kim, that is horrendous .... I do hope your son is ok and not scarred for life.
I do hope that by seeing a solicitor - he can tell you your rights... I am sure there must be something you can do - that dog certainly wants putting down - and surely the owners will see that too.  Take the story to a newspaper or local radio - Im sure someone will help and advise you.

Can I just add he is one  very very brave boy. :thumbsup:

Poor boy; this is HORRENDOUS! Poor all of you. I think that getting the local media involved would be a very good idea. Phone the newsdesk of the local papers/ radio stations and be pushy and persistent with them. How is your son in himself? he must be in deep shock. Go and get some Rescue Remedy.... I think you might all need it... The stitch up job looks quite good though I'm not a medic...
sophie said:
Janimal said:
My god Kim, that is horrendous .... I do hope your son is ok and not scarred for life.
I do hope that by seeing a solicitor - he can tell you your rights... I am sure there must be something you can do - that dog certainly wants putting down - and surely the owners will see that too.  Take the story to a newspaper or local radio - Im sure someone will help and advise you.

Can I just add he is one  very very brave boy. :thumbsup:

Poor boy; this is HORRENDOUS! Poor all of you. I think that getting the local media involved would be a very good idea. Phone the newsdesk of the local papers/ radio stations and be pushy and persistent with them. How is your son in himself? he must be in deep shock. Go and get some Rescue Remedy.... I think you might all need it... The stitch up job looks quite good though I'm not a medic...

TBH, im not really happy about selling my soul to the media, all i want is the dog sorted and some compensation for case he needs plastic surgery later in life...oh and for the track to review there policy on allowing dogs
Kim and Tilly said:
TBH, im not really happy about selling my soul to the media, all i want is the dog sorted and some compensation for case he needs plastic surgery later in life...oh and for the track to review there policy on allowing dogs

I would not consider that a "selling soul to the media", it would be a very effective warning to parents and to dog owners. People need to realise that dog is an animal, it is not possible to always predict his reaction, to leave dog in position where it may be teased or even hurt by strangers is stupid and irresponsible. Dogs have very powerful jaws and Sam's wound is perfect example what just a little snap can do. I once got just snapped at by a dog, ended up with a hole in my leg all the way to the bone, which took the surgeon over an hour to stitch.

Hope Sam is not in too much pain, but Mike is right, hopefully the scar will not be noticeable. My daughter fell over recently and split her chin so badly (blood everywhere) that she was taken to hospital in ambulance. It was only few months ago and the scar is hardly noticeable.

:luck: :luck: :luck:
Only just read this and horrified to see what poor Sam has been through :( :( - I do hope he feels very much better soon and at least has the summer holidays to get over it. :luck: :huggles:

I had a very nervous rescue dog years ago who I had to keep a close eye on because I could see he was very anxious if people approached him. I took him to an animal behaviourist etc, but he bit my bosses au pair when she ran into the room suddenly and he was frightened. :( Although it was not a bad bite, and the au pair didn't want him PTS, I did have him put down as I knew he was not trustworthy, fear biters will always be unpredictable. It sounds as if this dog may have been a fear biter, in which case it was utterly unpardonable for it to have been left in a public place for this to happen. :rant:

I do hope you get some answers to your questions about the incident, Kim, as this must be tearing you up at the moment. :( :huggles:
Seraphina said:
Kim and Tilly said:
TBH, im not really happy about selling my soul to the media, all i want is the dog sorted and some compensation for case he needs plastic surgery later in life...oh and for the track to review there policy on allowing dogs

I would not consider that a "selling soul to the media", it would be a very effective warning to parents and to dog owners. People need to realise that dog is an animal, it is not possible to always predict his reaction, to leave dog in position where it may be teased or even hurt by strangers is stupid and irresponsible. Dogs have very powerful jaws and Sam's wound is perfect example what just a little snap can do. I once got just snapped at by a dog, ended up with a hole in my leg all the way to the bone, which took the surgeon over an hour to stitch.

Hope Sam is not in too much pain, but Mike is right, hopefully the scar will not be noticeable. My daughter fell over recently and split her chin so badly (blood everywhere) that she was taken to hospital in ambulance. It was only few months ago and the scar is hardly noticeable.

:luck: :luck: :luck:

I totally agree here Lida, the more people know about this incident the better, in my opinion too. Im sure people in general would not think 'you were selling soul to the media' at all. the more likely you are to gain compensation for it too. :thumbsup: They will see you mean business Kim
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Only just seen this thread.

So sorry and shocked to hear about Sam and the pics of his injury :eek: :(

Hope you get the answers to your questions. :luck: :luck: and best wishes to sam :huggles:
poor sam...i hope he's feeling better soon.

personnally if it was my child i'd happily sell my soul to the press if it meant an outcome to this awful situation.

people take notice of the media (rightly or wrongly) and im sure that someone out there will give some some help in finding the dog or its owner .
michelle said:
poor sam...i hope he's feeling better soon.
personnally if it was my child i'd happily sell my soul to the press if it meant an outcome to this awful situation.

people take notice of the media (rightly or wrongly) and im sure that someone out there will give some some help in finding the dog or its owner .

Its ok we know who the owner and dog is, i am leaving it in the hands of the police.

Maybe later
Just read this :(

Hope Sam is feeling better.

I cant believe anyone would leave a dog tied up and unsupervised. Poor Sam I hope he heals up well and there is no scar. :luck:

Perhaps the dog was left with water and food and it was protecting it's food? The owner is responsible for causing this and it's a shame that a dog may pay with it's life for it's owners stupidity. I can understand that you would want it PTS though.
Rae said:
Just read this  :(
Hope Sam is feeling better.

I cant believe anyone would leave a dog tied up and unsupervised.  Poor Sam I hope he heals up well and there is no scar. :luck:

Perhaps the dog was left with water and food and it was protecting it's food?  The owner is responsible for causing this and it's a shame that a dog may pay with it's life for it's owners stupidity.  I can understand that you would want it PTS though.

I've been thinking about this some more. Wouldn't any responsible owner be worried that there dog might get stolen if they left it tied up on its own???? Unless they knew the dog would stick up for itself.... :(
I think that's a wise decision. I've never known local press ever get the facts/details of even quite simple stories right, and it may not do your case any good if they publish something which later turns out to be incorrect.

Kim and Tilly said:
Its ok we know who the owner and dog is, i am leaving it in the hands of the police.
Sam had to make a statement yesterday so we know

1) the dog had no food and water

2) Sam did not put out his hand to the dog, he only approached and the dog jumped up put his paws on his shoulders and bit him

3) The police think the dog will most certanly be PTS, i feel sorry for the dog, but if he did it again i would never forgive myself.

When the police investigation is over, and we know whether the dog is to be PTS or not, then i may consider the press....

TBH im not sure what Sam would get out of it?? besides having his picture and story in the paper??
I agree with moriarte, I wouldn't go to the papers if you are going to persue compensation. If facts are reported incorrectly they could harm your case. If its gets to court the papers will be all over the story anyway more than likely.

I think when its all over with it may be worth going to papers to highlight the dangers of approaching strange dogs. If it helps just one child not getting injured that can only be a good thing :)
Really sorry your child was hurt :( We too would be very upset if it happened. We send u all cuddles :huggles: