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Need Your Help Very Urgent!!!!!!

OMG How awful, hope Sam recovers quickly and his scar is not so visible :luck: :luck: :luck:
So so sorry for Sam. it looks very nasty and he must have been so shocked. I think Jok gave you some good advice. Sadly, children often don't realise that all dogs aren't friendly and cuddly. I always say I would never trust any dog 100% with a child or adult. They are by nature unpredictable and if the dog was in pain or fearful, lashing out is it's only way of expressing that. The fault lies squarely with the owner for putting the animal and potentially little ones in that situation. I don't expect Sam will need to be told not to approach dogs he doesn't know again. I hope he feels better now, and I'm sure the scar will fade very quickly and he'll be showing his friends the grisly photos soon. :huggles:
That is awful, poor Sam. Re the scar, my son had a bad cut to his face and the plastic surgeon said that scars across the face like Sams always heal much better than downwards so hopefully his will fade quite well. Give him a hug for being brave and I'd definitely look in yellow pages for a no win no fee solicitor.
Kim can you please show these pics to Sam please, my top lip was split for over a 2 inch injury (can,t say why :- " ) and yes it looked shocking like Sams injury.Please inform him, once the swelling goes down, and he, I,m sure makes that quick road to recovery then the injury will be a distant albit negative memory.

Chin up Sam, and don,t start laughing young man because the stitches will tug (w00t) and its well sore.

Good luck Kim, hope you "Get a result"


Poor Sam I hope he's recovering well from his trauma. I tend to agree with Juley on this, I think scarring should be quite minimum considering the original extent of injury. Whoever's sutured (Max Fac / Burns & Plastics?) have done a very good job IMO, although it's essential to keep everything clean so the wound doesn't fall suspect to infection.

As for the dog, well in my opinion, if you tie a dog out in a strange, busy public place and then toddle off and leave it, it's going to feel anxious. I feel sorry for the dog as well as your son because it's actions look to be one of fear and now it's crossed that line where it would be too risky for that dog to continue living and understandably, it should be euthanised. :(
Shocking :unsure: Poor Sam, how good that he still trusts your dogs, Kim. Good luck with whatever you decide to do, and I'm surprised that the law doesn't state that if a dog has done this, then it should thereafter be muzzled in public places. That's a horrible injury, and as you say could have been anyone passing on their way to the toilets.

Definately involve the Press, as others have suggested :thumbsup: and check out those links Janis has provided.

Good luck, again :luck: :luck: You have a very brave boy there.
Sorry, I can't really give you any advice that hasn't allready been given but that does look a very nasty bite. The owner was an idiot to leave the dog unsupervised and tied up in a place where people were passing all the time. Hope Sam recovers well - poor lad
sorry to see your poor son's face we wish him well soon,Have you tried citizan's advice they most proberly now where to go and what to do :luck:
I have an up date....

I popped into work because i just needed to get some advice, i cant believe they werent going to follow this up at all..

Any how, bumped into an old collegue (who is now Chief Insp) she was horrified at his injures and said we have a person who deals with dog bites at HQ, they will gather the evedence and put it through the court, they may also pursue a claim for compensation at the same time or i may have to do that seperate.

The papers will be put towards the court and they will make a disision as to whether the dog is PTS or given an order where it has to wear a muzzle in public.....i guess it depends on whether it has done this before or what they think of sams injures.

Thank you so much for your well wishes and links, i have been in the hospital since monday morning and havent been able to let it all out, i am so tired, i was so angry and upset, and i feel so guilty he wanted to come racing with me but i said no...

im glad we are back home...
my god...........poor Sam (w00t) (w00t) very sorry this has happened!!!!!

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Glad you are getting some support in the right places. Good luck and have a good night's sleep too :thumbsup:
so sorry to see whats happened to your son! give him a big hug plz from us, i hope some action will be taken against this dog and its owner :rant:
wow thats a nasty bite it really is, all the best in wotever u decide, if nobody saw wot happend we will never know wot relly did happen, it appals me today that parents let young kids just walk up 2 a dog cus this can happen, i was bitten when i was young and got a telling off from my parents and never do i walk up toa dog nowadays.. it could have been worse so happy your son is getting better..
Kim and Tilly said:
I have an up date....
I popped into work because i just needed to get some advice, i cant believe they werent going to follow this up at all..

Any how, bumped into an old collegue (who is now Chief Insp) she was horrified at his injures and said we have a person who deals with dog bites at HQ, they will gather the evedence and put it through the court, they may also pursue a claim for compensation at the same time or i may have to do that seperate.

The papers will be put towards the court and they will make a disision as to whether the dog is PTS or given an order where it has to wear a muzzle in public.....i guess it depends on whether it has done this before or what they think of sams injures.

Thank you so much for your well wishes and links, i have been in the hospital since monday morning and havent been able to let it all out, i am so tired, i was so angry and upset, and i feel so guilty he wanted to come racing with me but i said no...

im glad we are back home...

Kim i would strongly advise you to see a solicitor. Im glad you've got a former colleague who you can speak to but you may be getting false hope. It is NOT the police's decision whether to prosecute people (for any offence) and take them to court. We are governed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). It is the CPS who decide whether a case should go to court. Therefore, you should not be told that they 'will put it through the court' because there is no way she can promise you this. Also, as i said before, under what law??

We see figures in the paper all the time that conviction rates at court are up. Do you know why? Because CPS will only take on the cases they think they will win. It is very frustrating but that's the way it is.

Plus, any compensation you get from a criminal conviction will be paid at some pathetic rate of £2 a week or the like.

Pursue it with a solicitor, that's what i'd do if i were you. :thumbsup:
omg that bite looks awful, i hope sam is ok and feels better soon :luck: :luck:

i am also thinking of you kim :huggles:
jok said:
Kim and Tilly said:
I have an up date....
I popped into work because i just needed to get some advice, i cant believe they werent going to follow this up at all..

Any how, bumped into an old collegue (who is now Chief Insp) she was horrified at his injures and said we have a person who deals with dog bites at HQ, they will gather the evedence and put it through the court, they may also pursue a claim for compensation at the same time or i may have to do that seperate.

The papers will be put towards the court and they will make a disision as to whether the dog is PTS or given an order where it has to wear a muzzle in public.....i guess it depends on whether it has done this before or what they think of sams injures.

Thank you so much for your well wishes and links, i have been in the hospital since monday morning and havent been able to let it all out, i am so tired, i was so angry and upset, and i feel so guilty he wanted to come racing with me but i said no...

im glad we are back home...

Kim i would strongly advise you to see a solicitor. Im glad you've got a former colleague who you can speak to but you may be getting false hope. It is NOT the police's decision whether to prosecute people (for any offence) and take them to court. We are governed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). It is the CPS who decide whether a case should go to court. Therefore, you should not be told that they 'will put it through the court' because there is no way she can promise you this. Also, as i said before, under what law??

We see figures in the paper all the time that conviction rates at court are up. Do you know why? Because CPS will only take on the cases they think they will win. It is very frustrating but that's the way it is.

Plus, any compensation you get from a criminal conviction will be paid at some pathetic rate of £2 a week or the like.

Pursue it with a solicitor, that's what i'd do if i were you. :thumbsup:

it is the cps who deals with dog bites, and they take civil action on behalf of the police
Kim, i'm afraid i have no advice to offer (seems like others have given some good avenues to try though).....but just wanted to add my sympathies to you and Sam xx
Poor little chap Sam,hope it heals well and quickly x.I do think this dog and owner should be exposed,we all know you shouldn't stroke a strange dog but we also know a dangerous dog should NEVER be left unattended un muzzled and in a public place,the owner is totally unresponsible and the dog a public danger,someone must have seen this happen.Keep on the case Kim,hope you have a satifactory outcome
:eek: Oh Kim Im so sorry to see whats happened to poor Sam, I hope he has a speedy recovery :luck: :huggles:
Sorry no advice, but wanted to add our good wishes for Sam - he is very brave, and we hope he will be feeling better soon ;)