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Need Your Help Very Urgent!!!!!!

So sorry to hear whats happened to your son Kim :huggles: to him

:luck: for a speedy recovery
Glad to hear of your friend in the police force Kim - Heres hoping for a positive result. :luck: :luck:

Best Wishes to your son Sam too. :huggles:
just to clarify this 'you shouldnt smooth dogs thing'

The dog was tied up to the back of a van lenght of rope tied to a dog lead attached to dog....

The van was within a few feet of

1) the ice cream van

2) the toilets

3) A tractor which all the kids play on

The owner was a marshall and was probably working the gate to the pits, so unable to keep an eye on his/her dog

Many people will have passed by this dog during the day and it could have bitten any one of them, Sam put out his hand to stroke it and it jumped up and bit him...he was the unlucky one.

If the dog was that unpredictable, he shouldnt have been left on his own....or should have been muzzled or left down in the pits with the drivers and certenly NOT left in a public area where people are walking by all the time..
So sorry Kim that this has happenened to your lad.

He's a very brave boy. Hope he makes a fast recovery. :luck:

Makes me cross that someone just ties their dog up and wanders off to do other things. The owners took the dog with them to the event, they should have kept the dog with them and on a lead at all times and not left it tied up somewhere for how long we don't know. I would imagine the dog was put in a very stressful situation by being tied up and left with the owner nowhere near. What a stupid thing to do. One very irresponsible owner. :angry: And a terrible outcome because of someones ignorance.
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Your poor boy. This owner must have known what his dog was capable of and it should at least have been muzzled. Children who love dogs have no fear and will always go to pet them and say hello. I am always telling my neice not to just go up to any dog she doesn't know without asking the owner if it is ok to. Its hard, she just thinks they are all friendly.

I truely sympathise with you and hope your boy recovers quickly from this. :luck: :luck:
Poor Sam. :( . Keep fighting this, This Dog to me is a dangerous dog, it should not have been left.

:luck: sam and hug from Zeb and myself.
oakway said:
Hi,Just my thoughts.

Send the photo of the bite to the local news paper and T.V. station.  Then see what the reaction is.!!!!!

I am mortified that the law can do nothing.  If you were in Australia the dog would be dead by now.


Yes, and the owner charged. Tethering the dog unsupervised in public area is NOT my idea ot the term "under effective control". Children should be told never to aproach a strange dog without the owner's consent, but dog like that should not be left unsupervised either. :rant:
Oh dear ive only just seen this, big hugs to you all, as a mother of a son that has also been bitten by a dog i can have a great deal of sympathy for you all, unfortunatlely this seems to happen all too often, it is very frustrating. I hope Sam feels better and you get justice. But as i know the law seems to be on the side of the dog :(

:luck: :luck: :luck: In all you do in the future. I will be thinking of you. :huggles:
Poor Sam :( He is a very brave boy. Hope he recovers well.

I feel it is more the owners of this dog that is in the wrong as it should never have been left alone unsupervised. It annoys me when I go to my local Tesco and see that people have tied there dogs up outside unsupervised as most kids can't resist the temptation of going over to clap them especially if they have dogs of their own. Unfortunately not all dogs are friendly and can be very unpredictable. I myself was bitten by a dog when I was around Sams age. It was a doberman that belonged to the next door neighbour and was left unattended on the pavement outside their house and I never thought twice and clapped it and it bit me on my arm and pinned me to the floor. Fortunately I only needed a tetnus. Good luck in tracking down the owners.
So sorry to see this, this is terrible. You must all be very shaken. Good luck with his recovery and getting some redress from the owner.

Kim and Tilly said:
just to clarify this 'you shouldnt smooth dogs thing'
The dog was tied up to the back of a van lenght of rope tied to a dog lead attached to dog....

The owner was a marshall and was probably working the gate to the pits, so unable to keep an eye on his/her dog
Just a thought - is it possible the dog was left there to guard the van? I've encountered people who leave aggressive-sounding dogs in 'white vans' to guard equipment before :angry: ; might help to know if the owner was in the habit of doing this.
Best wishes to Sam for a speedy recovery :huggles: :thumbsup:

I would never leave my dogs tied like that - and they are great with children, it is too risky anyway you look at the situation.

Have only just seen Sam's face, worse than i first thought. Poor Sam-please give him a big hug from me and Jenny and Nula.

You and Dave must be out of your mind with worry.

The dog sounds completely unsafe, could've happened to any kid just walking past by the sounds of it.

All the best to you and Sam and of course Tilly and Bean.

See you soon hopefully in the field.

I am very sorry for Sam. It is such an awful thing to happen.

I have had dogs for all of my married life and obviously my family had dogs whilst I was young. My children have both grown up with dogs. I do think that when you grow up with dogs there is a tendency to think all dogs are friendly and approach them because your kids are confident with animals.

I expect my kids to approach no dogs unless they have spoken to the owner first and they are supervised. We do not live in an ideal world and they do get it wrong. Fortunately nothing of this nature has happened.

I also, have instilled that they should never approach a dog that is tied up outside anywhere, even if they know the dog. Nor do I leave my dogs tied up whilst I nip inside somewhere.

I know this sounds a bit ....... and these things will happen whatever precautions we take. Not all dog owners are responsible and this is what we have to prepare our kids to cope with.

I hope Sam feels himself again soon. Lots of hugs :huggles:
jools said:
Best wishes to Sam for a  speedy recovery :huggles:   :thumbsup:
I would never leave my dogs tied like that - and they are great with children,  it is too risky anyway you look at the situation.

Most sensible owners wouldnt though would they .....

Hope Sam is feeling a bit more comfortable today Kim. :thumbsup:
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Sam says thank you for all the hugs and well wishes :huggles: And just to let you know he is being an o:) even though mum thinks he is a little :devil:
Kim and Tilly said:
Sam says thank you for all the hugs and well wishes  :huggles: And just to let you know he is being an  o:) even though mum thinks he is a little  :devil:
First thing that entered my mind when i woke up this morning was little sam, he will be just fine im sure.

keith :thumbsup:
jordanv said:
Your poor boy.  This owner must have known what his dog was capable of and it should at least have been muzzled.  Children who love dogs have no fear and will always go to pet them and say hello.  I am always telling my neice not to just go up to any dog she doesn't know without asking the owner if it is ok to.  Its hard, she just thinks they are all friendly.
I truely sympathise with you and hope your boy recovers quickly from this.  :luck:   :luck:

I feel really sorry for Sam and hope he makes a speedy recovery.

I will just say something though. The owner may not have any idea that their dog would do this.Although it is totally irresponsible to leave a dog tied up unsupervised,the owner may not have had any problems with the dogs temperament at all.

One of my dogs was the friendliest dog you could meet until one day when he was eight years old he bit a mans bum as the man passed me in the street.There was no clear reason why my dog did it and i was very very upset in fact more so than the victim. I was distraught at the thought my boy could be put down for doing that.

What i mean is that i still looked at my dog as my loving faithful whippet and could not see him as this evil creature that deserved to die even though he bit someone.Up until he bit the man i had never had any indication he would bite anyone at all.

My dog is now muzzled when out at all times because i have no idea whether he would do it again.

i totally feel for you and Sam but i also feel for the dog because ultimately the irresponsible owner gets away with his stupidity and the dog gets to die without ever realising it has done any wrong. People are such imbeciles.
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Just wanted to send my hugs and best wishes for Sam. I'm sure he will heal well and the scar will fade so much even if it takes a little time. :huggles: from all my woofies for Sam.

I was at a dog show on Sunday, in the ring with my dog, when a child of about five ran into the ring rushed up to the dog in front of me and began to stroke it. At the same time she blurted something out like 'can I stroke the dog'. She obviously didn't understand the connection between what she was saying and what she was doing. She turned to me but I put my arm around Zoomie and said "NO" in a loud voice. Zoomie wouldn't have done anything but we were in a show-ring!

Then her parent grabbed her and dragged her away screaming and crying! The woman behind me said if she'd rushed up to her dog she would have been bitten - I don't know what's more scary.. that she'd have been bitten or that she just didn't understand what she was doing?

p.s. The lady behind me... her dog snapped at the judge!!! She should have been 'thrown out' for that behaviour but she was awarded 2nd in the class :angry: :eek: :eek:

When I was a kid we were told if we were bitten it was our own fault. I was attacked by a dog once but I curled up in a ball and it went over the top of me thankfully. Nowadays I would always tell a child to ask first. My answer is mostly 'yes' because my dogs are safe but they don't get touched if they're eating, showing etc. If a child puts out a hand without asking I always explain to them/their parent to ask first.

I still think what happened to Sam is awful and is the owner's responsibility. A dangerous dog like that should NEVER had been left in such a public place.

sorry for the long rant - but after Sunday I get so scared for the kids and the dogs...
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