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Naughty Whippet Pics

i have to say, just so new whippet owners aren't too scared :lol: my whippets have never been destructive at all BUT badger does scratch at the carpet repeatedly in one spot from time to time.

i give Badger the occasional toilet roll tube which he tears into tiny pieces but my boys have always been very good. o:)

however i have monkey bitch who takes care of all demolition in our house. along with Parker who eats kitchen units, but they aren't whippets.
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alfyn said:


:lol: Debs that has had me in stiches look at the sheer delight on the face :lol:
wilfred said:
Debbie Reed said:
This is what happened when I forgot to put the catch on the larder door...........Just add eggs! :- "



I wouldn't mind but the culprit is nearly 10 years old.


Actually Debbie - are you sure that was whippets - to me it looks like Tracy Emin popped round while you were out :- "

Sure could be a famous exhibit somewhere (w00t)
The whippets in my house are little o:) well compared to the hairy red devil they are.

Zoe has eaten the tray out of her crate the electric cables on not 1 but 2 hoovers (something to do with the mother in law) mops brushes collars. I think she ate William's anti barking collar not that it worked any way and I can't remember what else :oops: she really is a red :devil:
Whippets Rule said:
i'll put up a new thread about moonpig later this week then i think i'll auction her off so someone else can put up with her (w00t)
... and I'll keep my husband well away from any auction site that you put her on ... he thinks she's lovely! (w00t) (w00t)
Goodness what carnage! I have been trying to persuade the 'war office' to get a second whippy - just hope she doesnt see these pics. Our little angle is as good as gold and has never chewed anything.

Actually thats not quite right. She did destroy one sofa but that was a genuine mistake :- " She was trying to burry a toy for safe keeping - she is so tidy :- " :wub: And anyway it wasnt our favorite colour :b
Oh Tina is obviously not a REAL whippet :eek: We've had her eight weeks tomorrow (Wednesday 9th) and she's never done a thing wrong :b Her only fault is that she can scent out a corpse on her walks and she ALWAYS rolls in it :rant: Her latest one was a dead mole on Saturday which had her absolutely stinking!!!! Hence she had her FOURTH bath since she came to us :wacko:

Perhaps THAT is why her oprevious owners wanted to part with her :- "

This is a brilliant thread btw (w00t) Though NOT for someone thinking about getting a dog :lol:
affieluver said:
alfyn said:
:lol: Debs that has had me in stiches look at the sheer delight on the face :lol:

What a fantastic thread (w00t) .Well done all owners who remained calm enough to do the right and proper thing :sweating: :sweating: ,run and get the camera to share the moment :thumbsup: Love this one with all the dead bodies every where (w00t) .Careful you will have the RSPCT (Royal Society 4 prevention of Cruelty to Teddies) after you :cheers:
I haven't got pictures but each time Sparky ruins another sofa I have to go to the local Barnardo's Charity Shop - we have one which sells furniture in our town - and buy another one. I know the people who work in there and I am too embarrassed to tell them it's the dog who keeps destroying it, so I pretend I'm buying it for one of my children who is 'just about to move house'. They think I am a very kind and generous mum (which of course I am, to both children and whippets). The only problem is that our lounge is not very colour co-ordinated. :lol:

Poppy with a new roll of wallpaper while I was on the phone, :- " I do'nt think it was her tho she would'nt do that, would she o:)
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devonmaid said:
it get worse when you add terrors in with
ahhh whippies and terriers (w00t) what a great recipe for mischeif!! My little whippet and mums beddie get on great, no naughty incidents.... yet :lol:

Emma xxx
devonmaid said:
yes a extra large bag im still finding them :- "

(w00t) omg ther the worst thing in the world to clean up i made a huge beanbag bed and my blue bust it was picking up beans for a week :rant:
our prev dog, a cocker spaniel had a bean bag bed for less than one day, it was shredded and I know what you mean about the beans being very difficult to clear.....they stick with static to all the white goods in the kitchen, the same occassion he chewed the kitchen floor vinyl tiles and had bits glued to his paws, since he'd bite you for no reason, he had to keep them on 'til my O.H. came home, I walked him with them on, sounded like clippy high heels !

our good girl, Ella, whippet has only ever pulled hair out of the mongolian cushions, I think she's too lazy to wreck stuff (I hope I haven't spoken to soon :- " )
Julie D said:
our prev dog, a cocker spaniel had a bean bag bed for less than one day, it was shredded and I know what you mean about the beans being very difficult to clear.....they stick with static to all the white goods in the kitchen, the same occassion he chewed the kitchen floor vinyl tiles and had bits glued to his paws, since he'd bite you for no reason, he had to keep them on 'til my O.H. came home, I walked him with them on, sounded like clippy high heels !
our good girl, Ella, whippet has only ever pulled hair out of the mongolian cushions, I think she's too lazy to wreck stuff (I hope I haven't spoken to soon  :- " )

(w00t) aww julie youve done it now i will await the dredded news :- "