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Naughty Whippet Pics

This thread has cheered me up no end! Ours are little horrors, always ripping sofas, beds ect up! Not to mention, demolishing half a bowl of lasagne today!!

Sorry about the poor quality.


Charlie: Im hiding under here so no1 can see me!!

Jess: Dont blame me, ive been asleep the whoooole time mum, honest!
(w00t) see it doesnt just happen to you (w00t) gorguse babies even if they are little :devil: when ya turn ya back :lol:
Jess and Lilys mum said:
This thread has cheered me up no end! Ours are little horrors, always ripping sofas, beds ect up! Not to mention, demolishing half a bowl of lasagne today!!
Sorry about the poor quality.


Charlie: Im hiding under here so no1 can see me!!

Jess: Dont blame me, ive been asleep the whoooole time mum, honest!

LOL :lol: looks like he is trying to look like someone else ... brilliant photos .. the little rotters :- " :lol:
I've a couple more to add.........these were from Big

Al when he was here :wub:


Oh well will have to stick to just the one, i cant find the pictures

of the hole he clawed in the raised bed.
I have no piccys but Nellie is your average whippet, loo roll, kitchen door, plants in pots, veg what I growing in garden, underwear , shoes ,slippers, toys so know one else can have them, just discovered sofa tastes sooo good, then looks at me as if to say "but you still love me mum, cos I give you big cuddles when you want them" :huggles: . Oh and must not forget she tries to eat the dachsie!!! this has been so good and very funny to read
Debbie Reed said:
This is what happened when I forgot to put the catch on the larder door...........Just add eggs! :- "



I wouldn't mind but the culprit is nearly 10 years old.


[SIZE=21pt]OMG!!!!! [/SIZE]Thats amazing such a work of art :lol:
we have 2 andrex pups here, :devil: will try get some pics up soon
Holy S**t!!

Am looking at these pics with a mounting sense of dread :eek: .

Tell me this was all faked to make funny destructive whippet photos - pleeeeease.... :wacko:
Debbie Reed said:
This is what happened when I forgot to put the catch on the larder door...........Just add eggs! :- "



I wouldn't mind but the culprit is nearly 10 years old.


Actually Debbie - are you sure that was whippets - to me it looks like Tracy Emin popped round while you were out :- "
Kiah hasn't destroyed anything major like a door, but during her first year she did destroy 6 pairs of my shoes, (she only chewed lady's shoes, not interested in men's) my (brand new pair of glasses which were not cheap!) and various assorted cushions and any sort of toy, especially small cars.

Finlay, at 3 months has yet to get into his stride, but he is in full training with shoes, plants and Kiah's favourite activity, digging holes in the garden. There is a patch of our lawn which looks like we have mole cats living here. As soon as we fill one in, they start a new one. :rant:

This is a great thread, I have no pics, but thoroughly enjoying everyone else's, keep them coming! (w00t)
If only I'd taken pictures when Fred was a pup. (w00t) It was fairly routine to have to put pots back in plants, hoover up the mess, clear up loo roll, tissues, put foam back into arms of settee, cover up yet another hole in the carpet with another new rug.......

Great thread :p
Great Thread!

I think I have enjoyed all the photos (bit disturbing) (w00t)

Interestingly Nockie still has the toys she received on her first day with us (she is 21 months) including a plush Bear sold as a child's toy (not a robust dog toy).

But give her anything new and the stuffing is all over the house in 5 seconds :D
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(w00t) Some great (scary) pics :lol:

So when do the whippies start acting in this demented manner lol? Think Dudley will have to be taken back to the breeder!!! :p Awww i'm just kidding, that little monkey will probably get away with murder (w00t)

Emma xxx
Can't believe this thread has been going so long and I've only just seen it (w00t)

I will try and find some pics of my gang but it continually amazes me that my Crocs have survived not just Jinny, but Ella and Sox too :D Bloomin' marvellous piece of kit, they are :thumbsup: :cheers:
What a wonderful thread - now I know that I'm not being neurotic arranging for a dog sitter if I am out for more than an hour or two! So far Grace has made holes in the wall, destroyed a mobile phone, chewed books, shredded loo roll and tissues, attacked any rug that has a long pile, and probably several other things that I've forgotten in order to keep my sanity!! Hmmmm .... looks as though this may not improve any time soon.
can you see whos stealing in this one... :lol: :- "

what a great thread, and great pic's (w00t)

i dont have any pic's and to be fair my whippets have been quite good, but charile did steal a joint of very best beef that i had left on the side to cool!

he also chewed my mobile phone and i then got stopped my the police for talking on it while i was driving :oops: and they have a look at your phone for some reason anyway they couldnt stop laughing at the state of it :b :b
Linbin said:
Holy S**t!!
Am looking at these pics with a mounting sense of dread  :eek: .

Tell me this was all faked to make funny destructive whippet photos - pleeeeease....  :wacko:

Me too!!

Oh my word, what have I let myself in for :blink:

Changed my mind, I want an orderly dog free house please.....

hmmmm but wheres the fun in that!!

Think I had better move some more stuff out of pups way :lol: