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My terrors..such a fun!

Ha ha the dreaded silence = usually being naughty :D
Yes...there is only two reason for it...being up to no good or being poorly. Neither one is desirable option...though sometimes with the first one there can be laughs involved :rolleyes:
Yes...there is only two reason for it...being up to no good or being poorly. Neither one is desirable option...though sometimes with the first one there can be laughs involved :rolleyes:
I've recently set up a camera in my living room. Initially, the intention was to keep an eye on my 2 Yorkshire Terriers whilst I am not in ... and for security, but now it is the perfect way to check on upon the sudden silence in the room! It is actually quite funny how their behaviour differes depending on whether I look at them or not!
I've recently set up a camera in my living room. Initially, the intention was to keep an eye on my 2 Yorkshire Terriers whilst I am not in ... and for security, but now it is the perfect way to check on upon the sudden silence in the room! It is actually quite funny how their behaviour differes depending on whether I look at them or not!
I hope you are not finding too much naughty behaviour when your back is turned away..? ;)
I'm quite confident that my older one is more and less behaving as I imagine her to be when I'm not around, but the youngster can be a bit loose cannon. I think I have less worrying to do if I don't know all of her antics. :rolleyes:
And we played rough....(is there any other way?) :rolleyes::D

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I managed to have camera ready to shoot in that precious second when both girls stood still watching a squirrel rustling in nearby bushes in a forest. 'to charge or not to charge.....?' :rolleyes:
Perfection what a lovely stance.
Thanks...that stance did not last long. Just as I pressed the camera button, they were off.
And you can see from the photo which one went forward like a bullet for a kill and which one did gazelle like jumping to have some fun with a chase.:D Not that they got very far, but it doesn't stop them trying...:rolleyes:
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So we had lovely afternoon in woods and the girls were keeping cool..
First some running in cold water..

Then some exploring to see if they could find any water voles....

...and yep...somebody got tangled and somebody else had to get their feet wet to sort it out...:rolleyes:

"Now what else could I that a squirrel !?"
Love that last shot:)

You need another terrier, then you could teach them to plait...
Yes! You are correct...I do need another one. Though plaiting is least in my mind. I'm sure some entanglements would be guaranteed. But getting the third one is a working progress...hopefully remedied in near future... ;)
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Don't do it! To adapt the old country saying about boys:

"One terrier is a terrier, two terriers are half a terrier, and three terriers are no terrier at all".
Earlier today I started to make a new cover on settee for the dogs to lie on. Laid the fabric on floor for cutting and as soon as the material touched the floor, Iida plonked herself on and she would not shift away..:rolleyes: She obviously decided it was for her and wanted to put it in use straight away...

Moment ago...I was on front of telly when I realized strong smell of cucumber in the air. From the other side of room came some munching noises...
Somebody had helped herself to the veg basket's contents that I had earlier on brought home from the allotment! New addition for this little one's culinary exploration...
Taking her health seriously by stocking up on fresh veg! Well done that dog.
Taking her health seriously by stocking up on fresh veg! Well done that dog.
Well....yeah. I'm glad it wasn't my only cucumber in the house. When you grow your own, it usually result more than we can eat..glad to have a another mouth to feed the over production for.
Other day we did a trip to the east was girls first encounter with sea and sand :D It is a trip we've done with all our dogs to give them chance to experience it at least once in their life time.....and the reactions are worth the effort.

A first view of things to come.... 'wow, this seaside is so big!'

'lets see then how brave you really are....'

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'I like it here'
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' is wet out here...can we go home now?'

It was a very good day and we all enjoyed it. Even we chose to go in the middle of the week and keep far away of the usual holiday areas into more 'wilder' areas...there was still quite a lot of other dogs with their owners about....and we thought we could have a stretch of beach to ourselves..:rolleyes: Never mind...
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Our 'Hairy Mary' and 'Ms Cowpatt face' had some good time while visiting local Heath to see heathers on full bloom and see what produces their new favourite 'patt snack' :rolleyes: English Longhorn cows didn't show being tight with their offerings...

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Was a little confused by this until I had a second look at the photo:D
She obviously had a great walk!
Yes....she enjoyed it a lot...bit too much I would say.
You have to hand it to her though: not easy to pull off ‘looking gorgeous’ with the addition of cowpat, but she does!
You have to hand it to her though: not easy to pull off ‘looking gorgeous’ with the addition of cowpat, but she does!
Aww...thanks for such a compliments... 'a proud mum moment'. But 'gorgeous' is not the smell that is coming out of both of them after nibbling the cow poo. They used to like horse stuff...but recently they've kept walking by the piles! Must be 'so yesterday...'