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My terrors..such a fun!

From today's adventure..

Fantastic shots , what a crew
Thank you. They were super excited as we were exploring a new walking area for us. Loads of watery places to paddle through, and they LOVE that.
Lately I have been doing lots of autumnal outings as I'm doing charity walking for cancer research..'walk 62 miles with your dog during October' challenge. Our last 2 miles are completed tomorrow and although dogs do daily walks anyway, I can then afford to have few rainy days and send OH to get wet for a change ;):D.
I've been trying to do some foraging while out and about but I'm not having much luck with is not a good year for the edible ones.....loads of chestnuts though! And yes....girls have had few roasted chestnuts, but they are not sure yet if they like them or not :rolleyes:



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Lately I have been doing lots of autumnal outings as I'm doing charity walking for cancer research..'walk 62 miles with your dog during October' challenge. Our last 2 miles are completed tomorrow and although dogs do daily walks anyway, I can then afford to have few rainy days and send OH to get wet for a change ;):D.
I've been trying to do some foraging while out and about but I'm not having much luck with is not a good year for the edible ones.....loads of chestnuts though! And yes....girls have had few roasted chestnuts, but they are not sure yet if they like them or not :rolleyes:
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That’s an impressive haul of chestnuts, wow! I was disappointed this year with the quality and quantity of blackberries due to unfavourable sequence of sun and rain. However the wild garlic was plentiful as usual. Hats off to you and your chestnuts. Bon appétit.
That’s an impressive haul of chestnuts, wow! I was disappointed this year with the quality and quantity of blackberries due to unfavourable sequence of sun and rain. However the wild garlic was plentiful as usual. Hats off to you and your chestnuts. Bon appétit.
Even we have fair bit of chestnut trees around here, not all have been good croppers at is only some trees that have yielded any worth while nuts. We are going to do another trip this week and take a little larger bag with us. Our blackberries around here were REALLY plentiful. For weeks I picked them on each and every walk and I enjoyed more of the really ripe ones straight from the bushes, coming home from dog walking with purple fingers and mouth. :D What I picked to bring home were mostly for our chickens. I always carry extra doggy bags and such with me as you never know what you come across and want to bring back home. But so it goes...each year you win with some and loose with others.
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Your terriers are in superb condition. Credit to you!

My lurcher says the chestnut trees can stop dropping seed cases any time they like because they prickle her feet.
Your terriers are in superb condition. Credit to you!

My lurcher says the chestnut trees can stop dropping seed cases any time they like because they prickle her feet.
Your lurcher's feet and my fingers have the same problem there. Our terriers however are not bothered or they've gone all numb! :D
October's walking challenge is now complete and I did 70 miles, where as dogs probably did collectively 700...there is no stopping them! :D It is enough for me being honest....there is other jobs to be done too, though going walkabout everyday would be really really nice. But they got to walk in different combinations...individually as well as in 2's and all together. Each walk we did in different surroundings...woodlands/forests..parkland..fields...some street walking too.

On the other news...looks like we are soon going to have 'full pack' of 4 again :eek::rolleyes: One of Iida's pups is coming back to us as a temporary measure. Her owner is taken ill and unable to look after her needs (for now I hope) and rather having to rehome her and loosing the dog, we are taking her under our wings until he is better again. I just hope our girls agree with the arrangement, but if it doesn't work out....there is plan B & C already in place and all friends ready to rally to make arrangements to keep our little Nelly girl homed rather than giving her up some where unknown.
It is sad circumstances but part of me is exited is one of the pups that I was considering keeping for us and I named her Nellie as well :) So at least I get to have her, even if it is temporary basis.
Our hoodlums are sure to teach Nellie some new manners......we can't have such a well trained terrier being spoiled with too good manners (for a terrier) :D:D
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I hope Nellie's owner recovers and is able to take her back again soon, Finsky. What a shame not all breeders are like you xx
I hope Nellie's owner recovers and is able to take her back again soon, Finsky. What a shame not all breeders are like you xx
Thank you. When I heard though a friend who also had one of our pups that Nellie might have to be rehomed...I was SO worried about it all. Nellies owner and Nellie just clicked instantly when he came to see the pup...and they've been perfect match. I've never seen such a well trained terrier at such a young age neither.
All Nellie's owner's friends, we been heart broken for the idea that this pair would have to permanently separate. As we are only ones from this group who are not involved with busy shooting wasn't a big sacrifice to offer a open the door for a extra 'tail'. Others from the circle will be the back up plan or even help if we should need it. We'll just take it day at the time and hope best...what ever that may be.
That's one lucky pup (and owner) and I hope all works out well for all of you.
This time last year I was knackered and so was our Iida, after delivering 7 pups. Our birthday girls and their mum had lovely walk and enjoyed well earned treaty dinner (yorkshire pudding :rolleyes:) for their special day.

What a handsome bunch. Bet they keep you on your toes.
You bet! ....and on my knees and it is hands on 24/7 :D Yeah, they are not the easiest to keep happy but they are fun and so entertaining....and when their needs have been met, you get the reward of ultimate terrier cuddles and brown eye treatment. All well worth of the effort :)
This is what our field walks have filled & obsessive digging sessions. We don't cover much mileage, but at least these slow progressing 'walks' are tickling their brains so by the end of it, they are utterly satisfied..and muddy :rolleyes: :D
