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My babie's pictures at 4 weeks old

Hey Lydia,

I used to do ballet and gymnastics for years, but now my health is too bad for it. Im getting so lazy I never exercise. Im like my whippets, I like being a couch potato. I want to be whippet thin.

Alot of people think I am under 18 because of my weight.

No dont worry Im not offended, I have had some pretty shocking comments about my weight before and that was not one of them. Alot of heads turn when I walk down the street - I am sure its because they look at my weight.

People always yell out too me too go eat some mc donalds :x

If I could have my own way though I would be alot lighter than I am now. But I never seem to be able to get much skinnier than I am now without depleting my potassium levels, collapsing or someone intervening :(

bizzybabe said:
I want to be whippet thin.
If I could have my own way though I would be alot lighter than I am now. But I never seem to be able to get much skinnier than I am now without depleting my potassium levels, collapsing or someone intervening  :(  
What I'm about to say is at great risk of severely offending you Beth. But with your signature quote and your comments above you've left yourself open to it.

Doesn't your quote above tell you something? It's not healthy to be lighter than you are - the dropping potassium levels, the collapsing and people intervening should indicate that to you.

And you don't want to be whippet thin - you want to be extremely skinny. Whippets are not thin. Whippets are not extremely skinny either. They are the correct weight for their build and the job they were born to do. If they are too thin - they can't perform.

It's obvious from the photos that you've posted that your dogs are in good condition - you must obviously know how to feed them correctly. HOw come you can't see that you need to feed yourself correctly in order to be able to function correctly? My guess is that the reason you can't exercise is not because you are lazy but because your body can't cope with it.

Your signature quote is a real worry and I don't think it's right of you to promote anorexia publicly on this board in this way.
Your pups look great but i'm not keen on photos & posts openly promoting eating disorders for a response - maybe nigel would be kind enough to delete the photos or edit so that we can just see the pups.
I'll apologise now :oops: but you really need help bizzybabe.........anorexia is a phsycological disorder that starts off with wanting to look thinner to attention seeking to end up as an obsessive behaviour/way of living and until you recognise this you'll never get better also have a responsibility to your dogs to sought yourself out, as your ment to be responsible and look after them............Plus if you can't look after yourself, how long will it be when you become iller (which you will) long will it be befor your dogs start to suffer ?? remembering that you have a phsycological disorder that will end up distorting your rationality ...........Your doctor will be able to help you ............why don't you go with a friend as they will see your illness differently to you, and can give your doctor a different perspective that will help in the diagnosis :luck:


Beautiful pups by the way :wub:
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I don't want to sound harsh on you,but have you thought about who's going to look after your beautiful dogs when you become seriously ill................Or Worse!!

I really think you need to seek professional help on this.I once knew someone who suffered with anorexia,& they died at 25 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would hate to think this could happen to you.

bizzybabe said:
Hey Lydia,
I used to do ballet and gymnastics for years, but now my health is too bad for it. Im getting so lazy I never exercise. Im like my whippets, I like being a couch potato. I want to be whippet thin.

Alot of people think I am under 18 because of my weight.

No dont worry Im not offended, I have had some pretty shocking comments about my weight before and that was not one of them. Alot of heads turn when I walk down the street - I am sure its because they look at my weight.

People always yell out too me too go eat some mc donalds  :x

If I could have my own way though I would be alot lighter than I am now. But I never seem to be able to get much skinnier than I am now without depleting my potassium levels, collapsing or someone intervening  :(  

Hmm, my first thought when I saw your photo's, were that you looked exactly like a ballerina (the few I've meant were constantly worrying about getting too big for ballet) or, someone suffering with anorexia.

I'm not going to try to change and your veiws or ideas concerning yourself.I certainly wouldn't recomend a McDonalds to anybody,with or with out an eating disorder :x .

Life is about choices, all through life we have choices to make regarding ourselves,and any family (I include all pets as family) that rely on us. :wub:

My views and ideas have changed over the years, as I've hopefully grown up and matured. You didn't actually say how old you are, (not that it is important),what you value now,and what your hopes and dreams are, could change considerably over the years ahead. :blink:

At some point you will need to decide wether you wish to live,or fade away.When you've reached that decision,seek help then,and hopefully,it wont be too late.

Hey Im sorry I offended some people... Sorry for openly promoting eating disorders... I sometimes forget that other people do not feel the same way about this as I do. I would never consider myself to be ill.

I LOVE my dogs and I would never let anything happen to them - they help me more than any doctor ever has.

I wont fade away! I would not let that happen.

Please dont worry about me because I didnt mean to worry or offend any one.

I am sorry.

BTW Cindy is NOT a red or orange brindle, she is going to be the same colour as her mommy.... Amber is a creamy brindle..
Hi Bizzebabe, all your pups are soo cute.

Unfortunately im in Lancashire England, which is probably a good job, if i were any closer id be running straight round.

Id love to see a pic of his little face though :)
.. I sometimes forget that other people do not feel the same way about this as I do.
Hi bizzebabe

This is why you should seek help you obviously dont think that there is anything wrong with wanting to be really thin.

Good heavens if you saw me you would think I looked like a baby elephant!! :D

There are those of us on here who would love to loose a few pounds but if it meant we were going to be ill I think we would rather keep the extra load.

People on here are genuinely concerned for your health, it is not that you have offended anyone.

I wont fade away! I would not let that happen.
If you are anorexic if you dont seek help you won't be able to stop it happening.

We are all one one big happy cyber family on here so we are bound to be concerned. :huggles:


I like Cindy she is lovely, good luck with them! :wub:
:huggles: i do like libby and cindy :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

I appreciate that beauty is in the eye of the beholder (you all know I'm gorgeous) but you look much better/healthier/attractive in this pic!



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I have actually been getting help for a long time. I have suffered from this so called disease practically all my life.

I always have to go into hospital and have "nasal gastric tube feeding"... It is absolutely awful..!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I do get help. I see a pediatrician twice week to be weighed and get blood levels checked.

Its a living hell and I hate to see other people go through it.

I dont see whats wrong with wanting to be hard out bones... because thats my decision. But I hate the fact that I have to get sick all the time. I have no immunity.

According to my pediatrician I will live with this all my life, because I go through stages where I am better but then I go through stages where I get really sick and thin too. I dont understand why. And nobody understands me it is the most frustrating thing ever!!

People think I do it to attention seek, and that is what makes me angry because initially it never had anything to do with weight. It was to do with covering up reality from starving... because it gives you a high. Weight was not the issue - that only became the main focus when I lost my control and the issue of weight and food keeps my mind off problems. Thats why my aim is too be super thin.

But I dont know what I am hiding from so I can not stop doing it.

And I always like to feel light. Its not food I hate, its the calories. I love food otherwise, I LOVE cooking believe it or not. And I love being around food, I know a lot about diet and I like making sure other people eat healthy. I know the calorie content in practically everything, right down to a postage stamp...

If I had one wish it would be to live a normal healthy life - free of any eating disorder. Its not something that goes away easy it is just so hard to fight...
Well you haven't offended me. Your views are your views. And your views were expressed in response to Lyd's comments. I know that Lydia wouldn't have wanted for you to end up having to apologise simply for replying to her.

You clearly love your dogs a great deal (if you didn't that would offend me ;) ). I hope that when the time comes you'll feel energised enough to show your new pups and to take them out for walks and watch the wonder that is whippets running free and having fun.

I've found that whippets are the most wonderful dogs when you aren't feeling well. I remember that after having a major operation my dogs loved nothing better than to snuggle up next to me in bed. Very comforting.

Your pups are looking good. I'm looking forward to seeing the next set of photos as they develop. It'll be interesting to see what they look like as they mature.
Hi Bizzybabe, :D Bj's right,you haven't offended me in anyway.

Whippets are lovely dogs,I've got 6 whom I adore and wouldn't be without.We've also got a M.T.,she's lovely and a lot more active than the whippy's.

It is very frustrating, to not be understood.Communication is a skill,but communicating and understanding are on totally different planes.I don't suppose there is anyone else,who posts on here regularly,that will understand your veiwpoints completely.

It is a complete drag,attending hospital regularly for monitoring.Although I do not attend,as frequently as you,I can vaguely remember,(from my dim and distant past) how I detested every appointment,and, on the whole,still do.I personally find, most Dr's complete and utter p****s.

If you found a different Dr., could you change to be their patient ?

Have you got some close friend/s,who,even if they don't understand you,at least do not judge you on appearance ?

Finally, you still haven't said how old you are. I'm 35 yrs, (or maybe 36yrs) can't be bothered to try and work it out ;) .Oops, I'm going off topic - sorry nigel :sweating:

You'll have to post some new pics.How old are the pups now ? Have you had lots of enquiries about them ? Any ideas yet,which one/s you'll keep ?

Oh, Scott mentioned that he's gorgeous, I have met him,but can't remember if he's a hunk or not ? Sorry Scott, (w00t) it's Diesel I remember :- " and he is lush!

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Lydia said:
Oh, Scott mentioned that he's gorgeous, I have met him,but can't remember if he's a hunk or not ? Sorry Scott,  (w00t) it's Diesel I remember  :- "  and he is lush!
Stop telling fibs Lydia! Anyway you're too old for me!

Scott. ;)
Scott Frodsham said:
Lydia said:
Oh, Scott mentioned that he's gorgeous, I have met him,but can't remember if he's a hunk or not ? Sorry Scott,  (w00t) it's Diesel I remember  :- "  and he is lush!
Stop telling fibs Lydia! Anyway you're too old for me!

Scott. ;)
LOL, :D actually Scott,I'm too old/decrepid for any more fun these days with anyone,including John (w00t) .

But if I posted a pic of me when I was younger,you'd be dribbling with your jaw on the ground..... :p .
