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Madeline's Mum Now A...

midlanderkeith said:
affieluver said:
after seeing them both on the news last night im now convinced they have nothing to do with her dissapearence , they both looked absolutley devastated and in total shock .Lets hope what ever has happened little maddie is found safe and well i just hope they are not victims of a hate campaign now they have returned home we should respect their loss and give them time to deal with everything for the sake of their twins  :)
But we dont live in an ideal world affie, they will get some stick beleive you me

your not wrong there keith :(
Isnt it strange though how some children just dissappear like the little boy in Greece.....Ben Needham, and this case in Ireland in 'stick 'for these people.....and these children were never found either... :(

wonder what makes this case any different, as no body has been found yet...
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well ive got 2 tips for all parents...........

never let michael jackson babysit your kids or let the bloody mccanns take them on holiday !! :- "

j o:) hn
phill said:
It all seem' s a bit odd to me.On top of the cold/calculating manner of both parents,It's not natural,You would be totally in bits :- "

I lost a son many years ago, and although cirmcumstances not at all similar, you have to stay calm and controlled to survive and keep your sanity otherwise you would go completely mad following the death of a child.

I haven't any strong views on who may be guilty because we only know what the media tell us, but the forensic evidence seems weak, and the investigation a farce, as far as I can make out.

Also would not the MacCanns have been keen to get away from Portugal as quickly as possible if they had been guilty?

I think if these two lived on a council estate they would have been in jail a long time ago, if not for suspected involment in the disappearence but for CHILD NEGLECT leaving them kids alone.

I have a 3 year old and I would'nt let her be anywhere on her own. When she was in hospital I wouldnt go home, the nurses kept saying she would be okay


If I thought about how upset my baby would be if she woke up in a strange place and I wasnt there I wouldnt be able to forgive myself!

I hope and trust in god these people did nothing but I dont know something is definatly a foot with them.

Maybe they accidentally killed her or maybe the child has killed herself accidentally and they are covering up for the sake of their reputation and the fact they NEGLECTED their child!
I can't beleive that they could have deliberately harmed Maddie but I do think its a possibility that something happened to her while she was left alone. Those kids should never have been left alone. :(
Rae said:
I can't beleive that they could have deliberately harmed Maddie but I do think its a possibility that something happened to her while she was left alone.    Those kids should never have been left alone.  :(
I totally agree with you, but unfortunatly they were and god only knows where she is or what happened to her.

just bloody awful. :(
Im still thinking something is not right....but cant believe that the Mcanns have done this to Maddie either. :(

I still think the guy that was questioned first in Portugal and his Russian friend may have had something to do with the so called evidence.....after all they did help in the apartment with the police and their investigations..

Its all so very strange...

Another thing, why would Gerry go to all this trouble of making a Blog....if Maddie were dead.. :(
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Were all capable of murder believe you me, let me put it this way, lets suppose assuming you have children, someone did em a mischief god forbid, wouldnt you like to get your hands on em and do the same to them, know i would without compunction, some of us are now convincedthe parents have murdered her, how do you come to that conclusion, you dont even know them, no one but no one truly knows whats going on in the mind of others, not even your nearest and dearest, but while im at it, i bet ive shed more tears than her parents, not once have i seen any of them have a good genuine heartbroken cry over that little girl, 3 yr old when she went missing on my birthday, 3rd may, so im trying to think possitive and wish for the safe return of this little sweetheart

keith dad n grandad

No I dont have children, but i know exactly what u mean keith as thats how i felt when my sis was beaten up, if i could have got my hands on em their life wouldn't have bin worth living :rant: .
rach125 said:
Were all capable of murder believe you me, let me put it this way, lets suppose assuming you have children, someone did em a mischief god forbid, wouldnt you like to get your hands on em and do the same to them, know i would without compunction, some of us are now convincedthe parents have murdered her, how do you come to that conclusion, you dont even know them, no one but no one truly knows whats going on in the mind of others, not even your nearest and dearest, but while im at it, i bet ive shed more tears than her parents, not once have i seen any of them have a good genuine heartbroken cry over that little girl, 3 yr old when she went missing on my birthday, 3rd may, so im trying to think possitive and wish for the safe return of this little sweetheart

keith dad n grandad

No I dont have children, but i know exactly what u mean keith as thats how i felt when my sis was beaten up, if i could have got my hands on em their life wouldn't have bin worth living :rant: .

No one but no one has the right to lay a hand on anyone, having said that, brings this to mind, at the time of my wifes passing, my teenage daughter was associating with a wrong un a real vicious git, she was out at the time with this bloke and i needed to find my daughter, i knew where they hung out so axe in hand off i went, scoured Bolton in Lancashire and believe you me, if id had copped up with em, he wouldnt be here now, neither would i, moral being here, like ive said, were all capable of murder

keith :cheers:
maggie217 said:
I lost a son many years ago, and although cirmcumstances not at all similar, you have to stay calm and controlled to survive and keep your sanity otherwise you would go completely mad following the death of a child.
I haven't any strong views on who may be guilty because we only know what the media tell us, but the forensic evidence seems weak, and the investigation a farce, as far as I can make out.

Also would not the MacCanns have been keen to get away from Portugal as quickly as possible if they had been guilty?


I am so very sorry you lost your son, I can't imagine what you went through, and probably still are. :(

I agree about staying calm and surviving, in the early days Kate Mcann cried all the time, she then looked thin and drawn, and numb. I don't believe she's cold or calculating- she looks like many of the visitors in ICU. First they cry, then they look pale, and drawn, then just knackered, and numb. They stop crying, and have no emotion.

I don't believe they had anything to do with her disappearance, but I am disgusted that they left the kids by themselves.
I keep thinking that they have maybe be set up by the Portugese Police, who lets face it have not been the most switched on so far, how easy would it have been to have placed these samples in their car? Someone on another forum was saying maybe they should find out who the car was hired out to the night the child went missing..the thought that they possibly killed her is just too awful to all the publicity..that condition Munchausers (sp?) by proxy is when the people thrive on the publicity and attention they receive..remember Beverly Allitt the baby nurse. I cannot for the life of me understand why the would have left 3 children aged 3y and under alone in an apartment. Would you leave your handbag/wallet on a bed in an unlocked apartment?
I do recon that if she is,it was by accidentental mean's.In saying that,if it was an overdose of some kind,let's not forget that these 2 are professional's in the medical field,and should'nt make mistake's.What's also annoying is that all the money that was donated for the Maddy appeal,is now going as payment for a deffence,for the Mc Cann's.Surely they could use their own money for that,and leave the appeal fund,for what it was meant for.(IE)finding Maddy,Dead or alive.If they are (proven) guilty,then their whole deffence will have been paid for by people who realy cared for Maddy.I think the appeal fund should be frozen,till GOD willing ,she is found,one way or another,but hopefully alive.If she is dead,she's with a father who will never leave her.
billyboy45 said:
I do recon that if she is,it was by accidentental mean's.In saying that,if it was an overdose of some kind,let's not forget that these 2 are professional's in the medical field,and should'nt make mistake's.What's also annoying is that all the money that was donated for the Maddy appeal,is now going as payment for a deffence,for the Mc Cann's.Surely they could use their own money for that,and leave the appeal fund,for what it was meant for.(IE)finding Maddy,Dead or alive.If they are (proven) guilty,then their whole deffence will have been paid for by people who realy cared for Maddy.I think the appeal fund should be frozen,till GOD willing ,she is found,one way or another,but hopefully alive.If she is dead,she's with a father who will never leave her.
I think the McCanns have said quite clearly that they won't be using that money for their defence :thumbsup:
By law they are not allowed to use the money for defence

The main mistake in my mind is that they left the children and they will have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

The Police dont seem to have handled it the way they would have over here and are maybe only realising that now.

When its too late to get the evidence they should have got in the first place.

Somethings not right but I dont think its the parents who are guilty or at least I hope not!!
~Helen~ said:
billyboy45 said:
I do recon that if she is,it was by accidentental mean's.In saying that,if it was an overdose of some kind,let's not forget that these 2 are professional's in the medical field,and should'nt make mistake's.What's also annoying is that all the money that was donated for the Maddy appeal,is now going as payment for a deffence,for the Mc Cann's.Surely they could use their own money for that,and leave the appeal fund,for what it was meant for.(IE)finding Maddy,Dead or alive.If they are (proven) guilty,then their whole deffence will have been paid for by people who realy cared for Maddy.I think the appeal fund should be frozen,till GOD willing ,she is found,one way or another,but hopefully alive.If she is dead,she's with a father who will never leave her.
I think the McCanns have said quite clearly that they won't be using that money for their defence :thumbsup:

As Helen has already said they have clearly stated this will not be using the will be used as it was originally planned for the search for Madeleine.

I still think they are innocent, and think the so called evidence may have been planted somehow, I may be wrong

but something was printed in my local paper which was interesting too, saying

'why wernt the hire company employees under suspect or the person who hired the car directly before the for thought.
jinx and rubys mum said:
By law they are not allowed to use the money for defenceThe main mistake in my mind is that they left the children and they will have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

The Police dont seem to have handled it the way they would have over here and are maybe only realising that now.

When its too late to get the evidence they should have got in the first place.

Somethings not right but I dont think its the parents who are guilty or at least I hope not!!

what ? they should be bloody charged with neglect !!!! its happened in northern ireland umpteen times.


and if the child comes back i hope this charge is awaiting them. :rant:

Got to agree with you John.

If they had been off a rough council estate they would be charged for neglect and abuse.A hell of a lot of people agree with this,But as usual in this country are to PC to say anything :wacko:
tell you something else...should this wee girl come back the parents will get treated like bloody "war-heroes" and receptions here and civic receptions there !!

i know what the 2 barstewards should get :- "

they should be made to spend the night at ellie laurensons :eek: ;)
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mmmm Yes but this goes on all the time in this country and what actually are the charges at the end of it...

take the case of the young couple who murdered their little daughter recently.....

how long will they get for a little girls LIFE>>>

I agree maybe the McCaans should be charged with neglect, but I think they are being penalised enough at the moment.....

and of top of everything now being suspects in the dissappearance of their own daughter...

somethings not quite right somewhere....

I think they need to be taking in Robert Marat and his friends again....Ive always had my doubts about them... the extensive searches in their house came to NOTHING :angry:

and as I said in an earlier post the employees of the hire company and whoever hired the car directly before the McCaans...
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