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Madeline's Mum Now A...

one thing that is bothering me is they tried so hard for children,all 3 children were IVF so why leave them?, all children are special, but if you have to try extra hard to have them why would you leave them a lone?this is something i cannot understand.
Can every decent human being do what I'm doing and get Stormydog off this topic..I've reported him once b4 for doing what I call a 'Daily Star' commentary on this piece. To say that this is 'boring the bollox' off him just shows his ignorance to the plight of a missing child. Unfortunately we will always get people like this in life, a tragedy is a highlight to some, I find him repulsive.
whippetgood said:
What a whacky situation :( they are saying Madeleine was given sleeping pills???? WHO GIVES A 4 YEAR OLD SLEEPING PILLS????? I would like to know why Kate MCcann washed  Madeleines cuddle cat the day after she supposedly went missing?strange thing to do IF ITS TRUE OF COURSE!!!

You'd be surprised actually how common it is for parents to 'sedate' their children in one way or another.....and this has been done in various ways for years..

I'm not saying this is right-

PHENERGAN was widely used and available 30/40 years ago...don't know about its availability today.

It was reasonably 'ok' to put a drop of whiskey etc into a toddlers bottle-('grandma's advice') as such..

Today-I've heard Calpol is often mis-used for a sedating effect.....

My point is not that all this is 'right' but if the McCanns 'have' sedated their children-they will have been in a better position professionally to get their hands on such medication than most.
Phenergan is still used for doping children..parents appear to use all different excuses but it is still widely bought and used as an over the counter the drug. When i used to take my kids to nursery i was never ceased to be amazed by the mothers' who openly would say how well this or that worked to get the kids to sleep..God, i personally find that quite shocking. It does seem very strange that the twins in this case slept through the search of the apartment, their Mother crying and then an hour later Police carrying them outside..without even stirring. Apparently extracts from Kate McCanns diary show that she was struggling with the 3 kids as the husband didnt seem to help much. There is something so very wrong with this case, i dont know if that little girl will ever be found now. :(
I've heard of parents giving "medised"(like calpol but has an anatihistamine in it) to kids before bedtime or if they are being left with a babysitter because it makes them sleepy :( :(
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Not good is it?.......

Unfortunately we live in a very selfish society......

We all want a break from the kids and time to knows this more than mums...young children are hard work-

I guess both Mr/Mrs McCann have high pressure jobs....No-one expects anyone to be Mother Theresa or a Martyr...but there are other ways to cope...and you'd expect intelligent individuals to know this-(IF THEY'VE DONE IT)

If Mrs McCann was struggling...why didn't they employ a nanny-they could well afford it.

Or take a break alone....all luxuries many of us can't afford.
maybe because the McCanns went through so much to get their children (IVF treatment) they didnt want to admit they were struggling...afterall they had achieved the goal of having kids which is what they'd always wanted.
Just heard on the news....... Sir Richard Branson is putting up £100,000.00 to help the MCaans legal situtation with the investigation.. Surely this means he thinks they are innocent too..... :luck: :luck:

I for one hope so...
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michelle said:
maybe because the McCanns went through so much to get their children (IVF treatment) they didnt want to admit they were struggling...afterall they had achieved the goal of having kids which is what they'd always wanted.


no-one likes to think they are failing/not coping :thumbsup:
I don't quite know what to think really, about this sad case. I cannot believe either or both of the McCanns killed Maddie ... whether accidentally or on purpose (and I don't think they would have done so on purpose). It is just that I can't square them, leaving the children unattended so they could have an evening out, even if they were only 75 yards away (or whatever the distance was). You just wouldn't want to deliberately risk it ... also the reports about them leaving the twins in the creche afterwards when they were just beginning their publicity campaign.

I do think they should be treated innocent until proven guilty (altho having said that I would almost find it preferable to think Maddie died of an accidental overdose of sedatives, and so drift off to sleep never to wake up, than to have been abducted and treated in a harmful terrifying way by a stranger).

I just do not know. And at the back of my mind, as well, are the reports of Portugese children said to have gone missing over the years, whose parents bitterly complained that the Portugese police did not do as much to search for them as they did (belatedly) for Maddie.

Poor little girl.
I was laying down some newspapers for our pup to use when one of the pages i threw down had 15 different pictures of Madeleine and in big letters saying DON'T YOU FORGET ABOUT ME my heart just sank.

Bluebell said:
I was laying down some newspapers for our pup to use when one of the pages i threw down had 15 different pictures of Madeleine and in big letters saying DON'T YOU FORGET ABOUT ME my heart just sank.

Yes lets not forget until someone is far as we know she is still missing....... so lets

Strike Whippets said:
I'm with Stormy on this one ......Just like I was when the poor little girl first went missing ........Lots of things just don't add up ........If shes still alive, I hope shes very safe

What you mean is that reports by the gutter press do not add up and that makes the parents guilty?!!!!
marion said:
well i was ok with them being innocent till i read she washed the toy!!
that's odd!!

but my man alway's said it was them..

I hope he's wrong tho!!

and i hope she's still alive.

people in shock do the weirdest things. Many years ago my friend went to her friends' place to drop something off. It was late evening and her 3 years old girl was asleep on the back seat of her car. She pulled into their driveway, quite a distance off the street, and went in, with the car parked right under open windows of the room where she talked to her friends and their visitors for few minutes. When she came back to her car, the child was gone. Police were called and everybody went looking around, while my friend was told to stay put by the phone. So what do you think she did? She washed up their dishes! (w00t) The little girl was found safe and sound wandering in the next door back garden, but my friend always wonders what would "the experts" made out of the fact that in the time her child could have been possibly being raped and murdered she was washing up her friends' crockery.

Would anybody please explain to me what is the appropriate behavior of a parent whose child goes missing? Every time something like that happens there is somebody who finds something "not right" with the parents; reaction. If they cry, they are obviously putting it on, if they manage to keep themselves together, they are cold, unfeeling and obviously did it. :(
have to say i agree completely with you seraphina. :thumbsup: i feel like theres only me and a couple of others reading the facts on some of the sites i go on such is the level of rubbish being spouted.ive been told umpteen times that if they lived on a council estate theyd have their kids taken off them ive been told that they drugged their children,last night i read that they had drunk 16 bottles of wine when they were in the restaurant and thats just for starters. :angry: cant help remembering the lindy chamberlain case from a few years ago and all the rubbish that was written about her.her childs name azaria means sacrifice in the desert(it didnt! but that didnt stop the press from printing it!)) so as 7th day adventists they obviously must be child sacrificing religious maniacs,'shes too cold', 'she doesnt show enough emotion','she doesnt look very upset to me' etc etc etc all the same old drivel thats being said about the mcCanns.we all make judgements every day,this couple made an error of judgement thinking their children would be safe alone in their hotel room while they ate a meal.they werent.but that doesnt mean they should be hung drawn and quartered.weve all made errors of judgement over our lifetimes who of us is perfect?the problem for the mcCanns is that their error is being splashed across the worlds press and they are being slated for it.whereas most of our errors are known only to us and maybe a few others. ;)
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kris said:
have to say i agree completely with you seraphina. :thumbsup: i feel like theres only me and a couple of others reading the facts on some of the sites i go on such is the level of rubbish being spouted.ive been told umpteen times that if they lived on a council estate theyd have their kids taken off them ive been told that they drugged their children,last night i read that they had drunk 16 bottles of wine when they were in the restaurant and thats just for starters. :angry: cant help remembering the lindy chamberlain case from a few years ago and all the rubbish that was written about her.her childs name azaria means sacrifice in the desert(it didnt! but that didnt stop the press from printing it!)) so as 7th day adventists they obviously must be child sacrificing religious maniacs,'shes too cold', 'she doesnt show enough emotion','she doesnt look very upset to me' etc etc etc all the same old drivel thats being said about the mcCanns.we all make judgements every day,this couple made an error of judgement thinking their children would be safe alone in their hotel room while they ate a meal.they werent.but that doesnt mean they should be hung drawn and quartered.weve all made errors of judgement over our lifetimes who of us is perfect?the problem for the mcCanns is that their error is being splashed across the worlds press and they are being slated for it.whereas most of our errors are known only to us and maybe a few others. ;)
Well said, Kris, I agree with every word.

All the press reports are a lot of supposition anyway, because they don'y know much, so have to print any rubbish they come across.


And as I said earlier in this thread, the McCann's apparent 'coldness' is a protection to help them keep their sanity


kris said:
have to say i agree completely with you seraphina. :thumbsup: i feel like theres only me and a couple of others reading the facts on some of the sites i go on such is the level of rubbish being spouted.ive been told umpteen times that if they lived on a council estate theyd have their kids taken off them ive been told that they drugged their children,last night i read that they had drunk 16 bottles of wine when they were in the restaurant and thats just for starters. :angry: cant help remembering the lindy chamberlain case from a few years ago and all the rubbish that was written about her.her childs name azaria means sacrifice in the desert(it didnt! but that didnt stop the press from printing it!)) so as 7th day adventists they obviously must be child sacrificing religious maniacs,'shes too cold', 'she doesnt show enough emotion','she doesnt look very upset to me' etc etc etc all the same old drivel thats being said about the mcCanns.we all make judgements every day,this couple made an error of judgement thinking their children would be safe alone in their hotel room while they ate a meal.they werent.but that doesnt mean they should be hung drawn and quartered.weve all made errors of judgement over our lifetimes who of us is perfect?the problem for the mcCanns is that their error is being splashed across the worlds press and they are being slated for it.whereas most of our errors are known only to us and maybe a few others. ;)
What an excellent post... :thumbsup:

I read the Lindy chamberlain case too btw...

looks like the case against the McCaans gets weaker each day

also the Portugese police dont want to interview them again ....

I for one would put money on it that they are innocent...
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Seraphina said:
Strike Whippets said:
I'm with Stormy on this one ......Just like I was when the poor little girl first went missing ........Lots of things just don't add up ........If shes still alive, I hope shes very safe

What you mean is that reports by the gutter press do not add up and that makes the parents guilty?!!!!

I thought this was a free country and I can believe what I like !!!!!!!!!!........ at the end of the day I don't read national newspapers as my life is too hectic to be able to sit down and sift through garbage .....but I am an intelligent person who feels theres things in this case that really don't add up .....I know if me and my OH left our child (or in their case CHILDREN) unattended as we ate out etc ..... we'd be up for charges of neglect ..... and believe it or not both me and my OH come from VERY middle class back grounds (and their class is their saving grace at the mo IMO) ......but this is just MY PERSONAL OPINION of course .......
I agree with Kris, this couple made an error of judgement but that doesen't mean they should be HUNG DRAWN AND QUARTERED, weve all made errors of judgement who of us is PERFECT.

well said kris

Strike Whippets said:
Seraphina said:
Strike Whippets said:
I'm with Stormy on this one ......Just like I was when the poor little girl first went missing ........Lots of things just don't add up ........If shes still alive, I hope shes very safe

What you mean is that reports by the gutter press do not add up and that makes the parents guilty?!!!!

I thought this was a free country and I can believe what I like !!!!!!!!!!........ at the end of the day I don't read national newspapers as my life is too hectic to be able to sit down and sift through garbage .....but I am an intelligent person who feels theres things in this case that really don't add up .....I know if me and my OH left our child (or in their case CHILDREN) unattended as we ate out etc ..... we'd be up for charges of neglect ..... and believe it or not both me and my OH come from VERY middle class back grounds (and their class is their saving grace at the mo IMO) ......but this is just MY PERSONAL OPINION of course .......

I have no idea what you base your intelligent opinion on, if not on what you read or hear on TV. Believing is one thing but do you really think that you have the right posting on Internet forum your opinion suggesting that these people are murderers?

The same thing happened with Lindy Chamberlain, she lost one child in horrendous circumstances, her second baby was born in jail and taken away from her, growing up without her mum for almost 5 years, as did her other children. And half the world has also put their boot in. It is just unbelievably disgusting.

Can't you have some compassion for people who lost a little girl, and have a good reason to blame themselves? They must be going through unimaginable agony and just because they do not look or act the way you thing they should you feel free to accuse them of hurting their child. (w00t)