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Madeline's Mum Now A...

I wouldnt leave my children either....but they are 'human' and we all make mistakes....

they are being penalised enough and going through a living hell losing their daughter.....their lives will never be the same no matter what happens...Im sure they dont need reminding of this...

and the fact is she is still is not proven remember that she is dead....the priority should be looking for her....
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Janimal said:
I wouldnt leave my children either....but they are 'human' and we all make mistakes....
they are being penalised enough and going through a living hell losing their daughter.....their lives will never be the same no matter what happens...Im sure they dont need reminding of this...

and the fact is she is still is not proven remember that she is dead....the priority should be looking for her....

I agree...whatever has happened...what a price they are paying :(

I know of a family who lost a baby to cot death...she continued to smoke through her next pregnancy...the house was thick with fag smoke...

Another family had a child with CF...they smoked in the same room...

What about

Parents who put drugs before their children

Women who put their new fella before the welfare of their kiddies

Things don't add up with Maddy....but we are only getting snippets....and we all know what the media can do....
The thing is evrybody says the Portuguese police are half arsed but it is only through this new forensic evidence that they have made both parents formal suspects!! evidence that did infact come from this country!!!!!
whippetgood said:
The  thing is evrybody says the Portuguese police are half arsed but it is only through this new forensic evidence that they have made both parents formal suspects!! evidence that did infact come from this country!!!!!
mmmmm yes ....

but there are also plenty bent coppers too... :angry: even in this country...

I admit something is just not quite right ......

but in my opinion forensic evidence or not I still believe they didnt kill her.......

suppose time will tell....
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Janimal said:
whippetgood said:
The  thing is evrybody says the Portuguese police are half arsed but it is only through this new forensic evidence that they have made both parents formal suspects!! evidence that did infact come from this country!!!!!
mmmmm yes ....

but there are also plenty bent coppers too... :angry: even in this country...

I admit something is just not quite right ......

but in my opinion forensic evidence or not I still believe they didnt kill her.......

suppose time will tell....

Yes Jan your right there are many sides to the coin :b its a terrible situation :- "
We've always found them to be quite clinical about the whole thing
Well both of them are trained Doctors so wouldn't you expect a controlled facade.

I think it is dreadful how people have turned on them. I don't for one moment believe they are guilty of murdering their own child! Makes me quite cross how people are so quick to aportion blame and hatred on innocents. What is wrong with folk today :rant: And I am not just referring to this event, but in general, there seems to be a feeling of hatred, despise and nastiness in the world. Why can't we all just have some compassion???????
Joanna said:
We've always found them to be quite clinical about the whole thing
Well both of them are trained Doctors so wouldn't you expect a controlled facade.

I think it is dreadful how people have turned on them. I don't for one moment believe they are guilty of murdering their own child! Makes me quite cross how people are so quick to aportion blame and hatred on innocents. What is wrong with folk today :rant: And I am not just referring to this event, but in general, there seems to be a feeling of hatred, despise and nastiness in the world. Why can't we all just have some compassion???????

Well, i think thats a lovely way to be and to think :thumbsup: unfortunately the world is not like that, i don't think people have just turned on the McCann's just to be nasty i think they have actually had an enormous amount of support :)) its just which ever way you look at it, things just don't seem to add up :- "
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I agree, its all just too weird and has been from day one, none of it adds up, especially the constant high profile "connections" they seem to have.
Well both of them are trained Doctors so wouldn't you expect a controlled facade.

I think it is dreadful how people have turned on them. I don't for one moment believe they are guilty of murdering their own child! Makes me quite cross how people are so quick to aportion blame and hatred on innocents. What is wrong with folk today :rant: And I am not just referring to this event, but in general, there seems to be a feeling of hatred, despise and nastiness in the world. Why can't we all just have some compassion???????

Well said, iam thinking the same thing.

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i have not turned on the parents I am thinking the same as I did when Maddie first went missing. Those children should never have been left alone I will never change my views on that. The more I see of the McCanns the more I dislike them. Sorry cant help the way I feel. I have always felt uneasy with them and have said something just isnt right. Talking to other people they feel the same

I have always said to that maybe my dislike for the parents may be clouding my judgment. I find something very odd about them almost creepy. I hope for their sakes I am wrong. If they have harmed Maddie in any way accidental or not they will not be welcome back in this country after all the support and money they have been sent.

Nothing would make me happier than to see Maddie in the arms of her parents safe and well. A bit of me still hopes that will happen and she has been taken and is living a happy life with a family that really wanted a little girl but somehow that seems a bit like a fairy tale doesnt it. Miracles do happen :luck:

talisman said:
i have not turned on the parents I am thinking the same as I did when Maddie first went missing. Those children should never have been left alone I will never change my views on that. The more I see of the McCanns the more I dislike them. Sorry cant help the way I feel.  I have always felt uneasy with them and have said something just isnt right. Talking to other people they feel the same

I have always said to that maybe my dislike for the parents may be clouding my judgment. I find something very odd about them almost creepy. I hope for their sakes I am wrong. If they have harmed Maddie in any way accidental or not they will not be welcome back in this country after all the support and money they have been sent.

Nothing would make me happier than to see Maddie in the arms of her parents safe and well. A bit of me still hopes that will happen and she has been taken and is living a happy life with a family that really wanted a little girl but somehow that seems a bit like a fairy tale doesnt it. Miracles do happen :luck:


well said ! cant agree more... i see the headlines today states that "parents fly home to see to twins" !! that makes me sick ! any normal human after ermm "having a child abducted"...wouldnt let their other 2 outa their sight !!! noooooo..not the these 2 weirdos...they get them sent backand stay until the "heat" gets too much ! sorry...but thats not what anyone i know would do !! you would have the other kids glued to your side full-time ! by the way in my last reply i mentioned how my nephew was there in that town in portugal 2 weeks ago..someone on here thought i was reffering to the natives when i said the doubt that was cast over the parents innocence..sorry i shouldve said the doubt is from all the english based there !!
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I do hope madeleine comes home nice and safe. But it is funny how they havent found a break in. or anything. And the mum never looks sad sad :S and what the hell were they doing leaving the kids alone in the appartment when there were baby sitting services :S
And also another thing that bothered me, is after all the money sent to help, the Mcanns went on tour and met the pope. I dont mean to offend anyone but realistically what could the pope do? :blink:
They are flying home to try and let the twins lead a 'normal' life as such....I cannot imagine what the past months must have been like for them out there, a living hell.

I also agree they should not have left the children, but that is in the past now.

the way the media have been allowd to hound them is dreadful....Ive been following it all on sky news... :(

Lets hope they are proved innocent and clear there names once and for all in this dreadful matter.

Im sure someone somewhere knows where that little girl is....and lets hope they find some answers soon. I think they need the british public behind them right now.
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Janimal said:
Be honest here.....
Does this man and woman really sound like or look like child killers or abuctors to you???   certainly not me..... :(   and I would personally like to wish them luck :luck:   :luck:   with the case itself and the truth...

did huntley look like a child murderer...nope..just weirdo !! dont fall the waif like image of maddys mum !! looks count for nothing where murder abounds .

im not accusing anyone here by the way..i just smell a rat..thats all :- "
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rach125 said:
Poor girl. My mam has always suspected the mother for some reason, though it is beyhond my comprehension as to why a mother would want to kill her daughter :(
Were all capable of murder believe you me, let me put it this way, lets suppose assuming you have children, someone did em a mischief god forbid, wouldnt you like to get your hands on em and do the same to them, know i would without compunction, some of us are now convincedthe parents have murdered her, how do you come to that conclusion, you dont even know them, no one but no one truly knows whats going on in the mind of others, not even your nearest and dearest, but while im at it, i bet ive shed more tears than her parents, not once have i seen any of them have a good genuine heartbroken cry over that little girl, 3 yr old when she went missing on my birthday, 3rd may, so im trying to think possitive and wish for the safe return of this little sweetheart

keith dad n grandad
stormydog said:
Janimal said:
Be honest here.....
Does this man and woman really sound like or look like child killers or abuctors to you???   certainly not me..... :(   and I would personally like to wish them luck :luck:   :luck:   with the case itself and the truth...

did huntley look like a child murderer...nope..just weirdo !! dont fall the waif like image of maddys mum !! looks count for nothing where murder abounds .

im not accusing anyone here by the way..i just smell a rat..thats all :- "


for 'waif like' John

I personally agree I think Kate McCaan has lost so much weight over the past months its unbelievable - so no wonder waif like...the weight has just dropped off her....

we would probably look the same in this situation.

but Innocent until proven guilty in my books....

oh Yes, and as for Ian Huntley I had suspicions about him from the first interview he gave with police. I agree he looked like a weirdo...

at least he is now where he belongs.
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after seeing them both on the news last night im now convinced they have nothing to do with her dissapearence , they both looked absolutley devastated and in total shock .Lets hope what ever has happened little maddie is found safe and well i just hope they are not victims of a hate campaign now they have returned home we should respect their loss and give them time to deal with everything for the sake of their twins :)
affieluver said:
after seeing them both on the news last night im now convinced they have nothing to do with her dissapearence , they both looked absolutley devastated and in total shock .Lets hope what ever has happened little maddie is found safe and well i just hope they are not victims of a hate campaign now they have returned home we should respect their loss and give them time to deal with everything for the sake of their twins  :)
But we dont live in an ideal world affie, they will get some stick beleive you me