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Is It True

salvageman said:
hellbound said:
salvageman said:
suzie said:
,Salvageman, that is wishful thinking, how do you know they both spent the money. Like i said Die was in charge of the money.[you will never know whether they both spent it.] so whos to say Bruce is untrustworthy.  Some people are just hellbent on banning them both whether they are guilty or not.

if my wife had spent over 4 grand of anybodies money i would have known so to turn a blind eye to it is the same as spending it ,plus they both pi-s in the same pot.mick

lol :wacko: :wacko:

if your wife was prosecuted for robbery in say thailand and you both went to prison ! because you would expect togo as well from reading your post after-all you must both do whatever in the same pot,

when you were let out of prison and landed in England would you expect togo straight back to prison here for the seem robbery

what you on about

alright just for you :b Thailand -- England two separate country's with separate rule's @ law's, " with me so far "

NNWRF --BWRA two separate organization's with separate rule's " get it now "
hellbound said:
A big round of applause for the BWRA Top TableYet again another wasted AGM members  spending  their well earned wages on unnecessary fuel money to be a part of votes taken that day

How come members that attended the AGM are been dictated to once again .

Who says that the chairman has to take full control over the meeting , has he not proved at the previous 3-4 years AGM he has no control and make decisions that he know too well he has no intentions of keeping

If the BWRA Top Table can not fulfill the requests-votes-wishes of the members then lets hope they will consider resigning with some dignity .

With the AGM in mind votes were taken whether mistakes were made or not, by the majority of members that at their own expenses (not funded by the BWRA funds unlike the top tables) and should be carried out, not swept under the carpet because they dont want to or they can not be bothered with the extra work, no body forces them to take these positions, the re-elections proved that was done wrongly as well.

The BWRA can only say that in the light of what they have done they are not a good role model for the sport and refuse to do as there  members wish


1.Paul Jennings asked if a BWRA member had asked for a dog to be tested at the straight champs, quite a heated discussion followed. Alison Armstrong informed Paul, that no dog was going to be tested & as usual, it was all down to certain people who dont give their names, spreading rumors, trying to cause trouble.

2. Vicky Harper was then put forward to take over as the new top gun compiler, this was agreed by everyone. The top gun format was then discussed and it was agreed that each BWRA region would be allowed 2 opens to count for top gun points, plus all BWRA national events, more information will follow from Vicky.

3. L.Broom asked if the 36lb & 40lb scratch could be added to the regional team events, no objections were put forward, so these will now be included in team events.

4 The veteran championships, were then discussed, it was agreed that these would now be held on separate days. The sidewinder saunter remains for racing champions only, and the veteran champs is open to all veterans, dogs can only enter one event.

5. Tony Cooper then expressed how sick he was of all the rubbish being put on the internet by people that do not back up what they say, with a name, and he though moderators should take it off as it was just causing trouble. Tony Taylor said he had no control over it.

6. Rita Young then expressed her disgust in Mr and Mrs Bellwoods taking the NNWRF funds, as this money belongs to all of us. Tony Cooper said the BWRA is a democratic organisation, and it was up to the members to decide what to do about the situation. A letter was then read out from wallsend wrc, stating that anyone currently under a ban from either the BWRA or NNWRF would not be allowed to race at Wallsend WRC. Rita Young then proposed that Bruce and Di Bellwood be banned from the bwra for life, this was seconded by P.Johnson. Votes for 28... Against 7.

7 Gary Bailey then asked if this also applied to Tony Weatherson & Yvonne Ragnolli. Erica redshaw stated that tony & Yvonne had served their BWRA ban and it should not be discussed any further. L.Broom said the tony and Yvonne situation should have been dealt with 3 years ago. The whole discussion got very heated with a lot of personal comments being made between both members. C.Brekin then said she was new to the sport & thought the situation was like children in the playground fighting to which a round of applause followed. L.Broom then proposed that anyone under a ban from the BWRA could not be a BWRA regional rep, seconded by M.Cahill. For 32 against 1.

8 Mark warren then asked for a hard line to be taken on people using drugs for personal use, as this is a family sport. Anyone proving to be using drugs, the police to be informed and the said person/s involved would be immediately banned, everyone agreed.

9 Drug testing was then discussed. P.Jennings proposed to reinstate testing, seconded c.horsnall. For 38 against 0. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that random drug testing would now take place, members would need to sign a disclaimer, and £10 would be added to the membership to help cover the cost of this.

10 A. Armstrong said that she thought the 28 day rule for membership & registration applies to all, and not just the new ones, and if that was the case when was it changed? It was agreed that the 28 day rule from 2008 applies to all.

11J.Meades asked if anything had been done about the letter he sent in March, he was told that it had.

12 M.Warren said that he did not agree with workers getting expenses, no other comments were made on this subject.

Meeting closed...3.20, proposed C.Cornish, seconded D.Bailey.

A straight answer BWRA please are numbers 6-7-9 still standing or are they not and if these questions are not answered what the feeling of k9 members about an on-line petition been set up to get as many signature as we can to ask the Top Table to do their jobs and reconsider the above

If for what ever reasons the top table are not carrying on with 7-9 why did they not added them both to the postal vote that is out now

chairman / chairwoman / chairperson " person in charge of a company's board of directors or a meeting "

Tony Cooper's not been Chairman for 3 /4 years,

the bwra should still have A.G.M every year its upto members if they want to attend any agm, alot of members don't attend because there understanding was that no proposal's would be put forward at this agm,

had it been a proposal meeting then any proposal should go out to a postal vote every payed up member of the bwra should have a say in the running of there organization

There is a proposal form out is there not.
hellbound said:
A big round of applause for the BWRA Top TableYet again another wasted AGM members  spending  their well earned wages on unnecessary fuel money to be a part of votes taken that day

How come members that attended the AGM are been dictated to once again .

Who says that the chairman has to take full control over the meeting , has he not proved at the previous 3-4 years AGM he has no control and make decisions that he know too well he has no intentions of keeping

If the BWRA Top Table can not fulfill the requests-votes-wishes of the members then lets hope they will consider resigning with some dignity .

With the AGM in mind votes were taken whether mistakes were made or not, by the majority of members that at their own expenses (not funded by the BWRA funds unlike the top tables) and should be carried out, not swept under the carpet because they dont want to or they can not be bothered with the extra work, no body forces them to take these positions, the re-elections proved that was done wrongly as well.

The BWRA can only say that in the light of what they have done they are not a good role model for the sport and refuse to do as there  members wish


1.Paul Jennings asked if a BWRA member had asked for a dog to be tested at the straight champs, quite a heated discussion followed. Alison Armstrong informed Paul, that no dog was going to be tested & as usual, it was all down to certain people who dont give their names, spreading rumors, trying to cause trouble.

2. Vicky Harper was then put forward to take over as the new top gun compiler, this was agreed by everyone. The top gun format was then discussed and it was agreed that each BWRA region would be allowed 2 opens to count for top gun points, plus all BWRA national events, more information will follow from Vicky.

3. L.Broom asked if the 36lb & 40lb scratch could be added to the regional team events, no objections were put forward, so these will now be included in team events.

4 The veteran championships, were then discussed, it was agreed that these would now be held on separate days. The sidewinder saunter remains for racing champions only, and the veteran champs is open to all veterans, dogs can only enter one event.

5. Tony Cooper then expressed how sick he was of all the rubbish being put on the internet by people that do not back up what they say, with a name, and he though moderators should take it off as it was just causing trouble. Tony Taylor said he had no control over it.

6. Rita Young then expressed her disgust in Mr and Mrs Bellwoods taking the NNWRF funds, as this money belongs to all of us. Tony Cooper said the BWRA is a democratic organisation, and it was up to the members to decide what to do about the situation. A letter was then read out from wallsend wrc, stating that anyone currently under a ban from either the BWRA or NNWRF would not be allowed to race at Wallsend WRC. Rita Young then proposed that Bruce and Di Bellwood be banned from the bwra for life, this was seconded by P.Johnson. Votes for 28... Against 7.

7 Gary Bailey then asked if this also applied to Tony Weatherson & Yvonne Ragnolli. Erica redshaw stated that tony & Yvonne had served their BWRA ban and it should not be discussed any further. L.Broom said the tony and Yvonne situation should have been dealt with 3 years ago. The whole discussion got very heated with a lot of personal comments being made between both members. C.Brekin then said she was new to the sport & thought the situation was like children in the playground fighting to which a round of applause followed. L.Broom then proposed that anyone under a ban from the BWRA could not be a BWRA regional rep, seconded by M.Cahill. For 32 against 1.

8 Mark warren then asked for a hard line to be taken on people using drugs for personal use, as this is a family sport. Anyone proving to be using drugs, the police to be informed and the said person/s involved would be immediately banned, everyone agreed.

9 Drug testing was then discussed. P.Jennings proposed to reinstate testing, seconded c.horsnall. For 38 against 0. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that random drug testing would now take place, members would need to sign a disclaimer, and £10 would be added to the membership to help cover the cost of this.

10 A. Armstrong said that she thought the 28 day rule for membership & registration applies to all, and not just the new ones, and if that was the case when was it changed? It was agreed that the 28 day rule from 2008 applies to all.

11J.Meades asked if anything had been done about the letter he sent in March, he was told that it had.

12 M.Warren said that he did not agree with workers getting expenses, no other comments were made on this subject.

Meeting closed...3.20, proposed C.Cornish, seconded D.Bailey.

A straight answer BWRA please are numbers 6-7-9 still standing or are they not and if these questions are not answered what the feeling of k9 members about an on-line petition been set up to get as many signature as we can to ask the Top Table to do their jobs and reconsider the above

If for what ever reasons the top table are not carrying on with 7-9 why did they not added them both to the postal vote that is out now

chairman / chairwoman / chairperson " person in charge of a company's board of directors or a meeting "

Tony Cooper's not been Chairman for 3 /4 years,

the bwra should still have A.G.M every year its upto members if they want to attend any agm, alot of members don't attend because there understanding was that no proposal's would be put forward at this agm,

had it been a proposal meeting then any proposal should go out to a postal vote every payed up member of the bwra should have a say in the running of there organization

There is a proposal form out is there not.

yes your right there is a proposal form as agree by the rep' at the meeting on the 17 12 2007, see your rep about why they voted for it on your behalf if your not happy
L.Broom then proposed that anyone under a ban from the BWRA could not be a BWRA regional rep, seconded by M.Cahill. For 32 against 1.

Drug testing was then discussed. P.Jennings proposed to reinstate testing, seconded c.horsnall. For 38 against 0. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that random drug testing would now take place, members would need to sign a disclaimer, and £10 would be added to the membership to help cover the cost of this

Your no longer a rep

When was drug testin voted out to be voted back in

Why are the Top Table not doing as the members have asked

Or have decided theirs enough money in the B.W.R.A funds to cover testing
hellbound said:
hellbound said:
A big round of applause for the BWRA Top TableYet again another wasted AGM members  spending  their well earned wages on unnecessary fuel money to be a part of votes taken that day

How come members that attended the AGM are been dictated to once again .

Who says that the chairman has to take full control over the meeting , has he not proved at the previous 3-4 years AGM he has no control and make decisions that he know too well he has no intentions of keeping

If the BWRA Top Table can not fulfill the requests-votes-wishes of the members then lets hope they will consider resigning with some dignity .

With the AGM in mind votes were taken whether mistakes were made or not, by the majority of members that at their own expenses (not funded by the BWRA funds unlike the top tables) and should be carried out, not swept under the carpet because they dont want to or they can not be bothered with the extra work, no body forces them to take these positions, the re-elections proved that was done wrongly as well.

The BWRA can only say that in the light of what they have done they are not a good role model for the sport and refuse to do as there  members wish


1.Paul Jennings asked if a BWRA member had asked for a dog to be tested at the straight champs, quite a heated discussion followed. Alison Armstrong informed Paul, that no dog was going to be tested & as usual, it was all down to certain people who dont give their names, spreading rumors, trying to cause trouble.

2. Vicky Harper was then put forward to take over as the new top gun compiler, this was agreed by everyone. The top gun format was then discussed and it was agreed that each BWRA region would be allowed 2 opens to count for top gun points, plus all BWRA national events, more information will follow from Vicky.

3. L.Broom asked if the 36lb & 40lb scratch could be added to the regional team events, no objections were put forward, so these will now be included in team events.

4 The veteran championships, were then discussed, it was agreed that these would now be held on separate days. The sidewinder saunter remains for racing champions only, and the veteran champs is open to all veterans, dogs can only enter one event.

5. Tony Cooper then expressed how sick he was of all the rubbish being put on the internet by people that do not back up what they say, with a name, and he though moderators should take it off as it was just causing trouble. Tony Taylor said he had no control over it.

6. Rita Young then expressed her disgust in Mr and Mrs Bellwoods taking the NNWRF funds, as this money belongs to all of us. Tony Cooper said the BWRA is a democratic organisation, and it was up to the members to decide what to do about the situation. A letter was then read out from wallsend wrc, stating that anyone currently under a ban from either the BWRA or NNWRF would not be allowed to race at Wallsend WRC. Rita Young then proposed that Bruce and Di Bellwood be banned from the bwra for life, this was seconded by P.Johnson. Votes for 28... Against 7.

7 Gary Bailey then asked if this also applied to Tony Weatherson & Yvonne Ragnolli. Erica redshaw stated that tony & Yvonne had served their BWRA ban and it should not be discussed any further. L.Broom said the tony and Yvonne situation should have been dealt with 3 years ago. The whole discussion got very heated with a lot of personal comments being made between both members. C.Brekin then said she was new to the sport & thought the situation was like children in the playground fighting to which a round of applause followed. L.Broom then proposed that anyone under a ban from the BWRA could not be a BWRA regional rep, seconded by M.Cahill. For 32 against 1.

8 Mark warren then asked for a hard line to be taken on people using drugs for personal use, as this is a family sport. Anyone proving to be using drugs, the police to be informed and the said person/s involved would be immediately banned, everyone agreed.

9 Drug testing was then discussed. P.Jennings proposed to reinstate testing, seconded c.horsnall. For 38 against 0. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that random drug testing would now take place, members would need to sign a disclaimer, and £10 would be added to the membership to help cover the cost of this.

10 A. Armstrong said that she thought the 28 day rule for membership & registration applies to all, and not just the new ones, and if that was the case when was it changed? It was agreed that the 28 day rule from 2008 applies to all.

11J.Meades asked if anything had been done about the letter he sent in March, he was told that it had.

12 M.Warren said that he did not agree with workers getting expenses, no other comments were made on this subject.

Meeting closed...3.20, proposed C.Cornish, seconded D.Bailey.

A straight answer BWRA please are numbers 6-7-9 still standing or are they not and if these questions are not answered what the feeling of k9 members about an on-line petition been set up to get as many signature as we can to ask the Top Table to do their jobs and reconsider the above

If for what ever reasons the top table are not carrying on with 7-9 why did they not added them both to the postal vote that is out now

chairman / chairwoman / chairperson " person in charge of a company's board of directors or a meeting "

Tony Cooper's not been Chairman for 3 /4 years,

the bwra should still have A.G.M every year its upto members if they want to attend any agm, alot of members don't attend because there understanding was that no proposal's would be put forward at this agm,

had it been a proposal meeting then any proposal should go out to a postal vote every payed up member of the bwra should have a say in the running of there organization

There is a proposal form out is there not.

yes your right there is a proposal form as agree by the rep' at the meeting on the 17 12 2007, see your rep about why they voted for it on your behalf if your not happy

Ok i am not happy why did you vote for me when as a member i was not asked

In Thailand Die would be missing her hands now along with both you and tony :oops:
L.Broom then proposed that anyone under a ban from the BWRA could not be a BWRA regional rep, seconded by M.Cahill. For 32 against 1.Drug testing was then discussed. P.Jennings proposed to reinstate testing, seconded c.horsnall. For 38 against 0. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that random drug testing would now take place, members would need to sign a disclaimer, and £10 would be added to the membership to help cover the cost of this

Your no longer a rep

When was drug testin voted out to be voted back in

Why are the Top Table not doing as the members have asked

Or have decided theirs enough money in the B.W.R.A funds to cover testing

try to keep up all over turned at the meeting 17 /12 / 2007

and yes still a rep
hellbound said:
hellbound said:
A big round of applause for the BWRA Top TableYet again another wasted AGM members  spending  their well earned wages on unnecessary fuel money to be a part of votes taken that day

How come members that attended the AGM are been dictated to once again .

Who says that the chairman has to take full control over the meeting , has he not proved at the previous 3-4 years AGM he has no control and make decisions that he know too well he has no intentions of keeping

If the BWRA Top Table can not fulfill the requests-votes-wishes of the members then lets hope they will consider resigning with some dignity .

With the AGM in mind votes were taken whether mistakes were made or not, by the majority of members that at their own expenses (not funded by the BWRA funds unlike the top tables) and should be carried out, not swept under the carpet because they dont want to or they can not be bothered with the extra work, no body forces them to take these positions, the re-elections proved that was done wrongly as well.

The BWRA can only say that in the light of what they have done they are not a good role model for the sport and refuse to do as there  members wish


1.Paul Jennings asked if a BWRA member had asked for a dog to be tested at the straight champs, quite a heated discussion followed. Alison Armstrong informed Paul, that no dog was going to be tested & as usual, it was all down to certain people who dont give their names, spreading rumors, trying to cause trouble.

2. Vicky Harper was then put forward to take over as the new top gun compiler, this was agreed by everyone. The top gun format was then discussed and it was agreed that each BWRA region would be allowed 2 opens to count for top gun points, plus all BWRA national events, more information will follow from Vicky.

3. L.Broom asked if the 36lb & 40lb scratch could be added to the regional team events, no objections were put forward, so these will now be included in team events.

4 The veteran championships, were then discussed, it was agreed that these would now be held on separate days. The sidewinder saunter remains for racing champions only, and the veteran champs is open to all veterans, dogs can only enter one event.

5. Tony Cooper then expressed how sick he was of all the rubbish being put on the internet by people that do not back up what they say, with a name, and he though moderators should take it off as it was just causing trouble. Tony Taylor said he had no control over it.

6. Rita Young then expressed her disgust in Mr and Mrs Bellwoods taking the NNWRF funds, as this money belongs to all of us. Tony Cooper said the BWRA is a democratic organisation, and it was up to the members to decide what to do about the situation. A letter was then read out from wallsend wrc, stating that anyone currently under a ban from either the BWRA or NNWRF would not be allowed to race at Wallsend WRC. Rita Young then proposed that Bruce and Di Bellwood be banned from the bwra for life, this was seconded by P.Johnson. Votes for 28... Against 7.

7 Gary Bailey then asked if this also applied to Tony Weatherson & Yvonne Ragnolli. Erica redshaw stated that tony & Yvonne had served their BWRA ban and it should not be discussed any further. L.Broom said the tony and Yvonne situation should have been dealt with 3 years ago. The whole discussion got very heated with a lot of personal comments being made between both members. C.Brekin then said she was new to the sport & thought the situation was like children in the playground fighting to which a round of applause followed. L.Broom then proposed that anyone under a ban from the BWRA could not be a BWRA regional rep, seconded by M.Cahill. For 32 against 1.

8 Mark warren then asked for a hard line to be taken on people using drugs for personal use, as this is a family sport. Anyone proving to be using drugs, the police to be informed and the said person/s involved would be immediately banned, everyone agreed.

9 Drug testing was then discussed. P.Jennings proposed to reinstate testing, seconded c.horsnall. For 38 against 0. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that random drug testing would now take place, members would need to sign a disclaimer, and £10 would be added to the membership to help cover the cost of this.

10 A. Armstrong said that she thought the 28 day rule for membership & registration applies to all, and not just the new ones, and if that was the case when was it changed? It was agreed that the 28 day rule from 2008 applies to all.

11J.Meades asked if anything had been done about the letter he sent in March, he was told that it had.

12 M.Warren said that he did not agree with workers getting expenses, no other comments were made on this subject.

Meeting closed...3.20, proposed C.Cornish, seconded D.Bailey.

A straight answer BWRA please are numbers 6-7-9 still standing or are they not and if these questions are not answered what the feeling of k9 members about an on-line petition been set up to get as many signature as we can to ask the Top Table to do their jobs and reconsider the above

If for what ever reasons the top table are not carrying on with 7-9 why did they not added them both to the postal vote that is out now

chairman / chairwoman / chairperson " person in charge of a company's board of directors or a meeting "

Tony Cooper's not been Chairman for 3 /4 years,

the bwra should still have A.G.M every year its upto members if they want to attend any agm, alot of members don't attend because there understanding was that no proposal's would be put forward at this agm,

had it been a proposal meeting then any proposal should go out to a postal vote every payed up member of the bwra should have a say in the running of there organization

There is a proposal form out is there not.

yes your right there is a proposal form as agree by the rep' at the meeting on the 17 12 2007, see your rep about why they voted for it on your behalf if your not happy

Ok i am not happy why did you vote for me when as a member i was not asked

In Thailand Die would be missing her hands now along with both you and tony :oops:

first tell me who you are, and then i will tell you if im your rep,

what they do to people found guilt in a court of law maybe and could still bebate the rights and wrongs of that.

but not a witch hunt in a hobby
your not a rep members choice remember :- " or are you saying that was also back peddled on :- " people wanting Bruce banned should look closer not only did you get away with still racing your part of the bwra not just as a member (w00t) now that is hypocrisy at its highest level (w00t) never should of happened but at least they payed it back your unbelievable
Last edited by a moderator:
mutley said:
your not a rep members choice remember :- "  or are you saying that was also back peddled on :- "  people wanting Bruce banned should look closer not only did you get away with still racing your part of the bwra not just as a member (w00t)   now that is hypocrisy at its highest level (w00t)   never should of happened but at least they payed it back your unbelievable

speak to your rep, :thumbsup:
hellbound said:
L.Broom then proposed that anyone under a ban from the BWRA could not be a BWRA regional rep, seconded by M.Cahill. For 32 against 1.Drug testing was then discussed. P.Jennings proposed to reinstate testing, seconded c.horsnall. For 38 against 0. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that random drug testing would now take place, members would need to sign a disclaimer, and £10 would be added to the membership to help cover the cost of this

Your no longer a rep

When was drug testin voted out to be voted back in

Why are the Top Table not doing as the members have asked

Or have decided theirs enough money in the B.W.R.A funds to cover testing

try to keep up all over turned at the meeting 17 /12 / 2007

and yes still a rep

your always bending rules to suit ones self :- "

Why were you made to leave the reps meeting on the 17/12/2007 then ?

i have inquired about it to one of my reps and as far as he was aware ..your no longer a rep ...


intesting topic im still reading through it. can anyone tell me when drug testing was voted out, was not at any meeting ive been to.

2 as i understood it a new proposal stayed in for 2 years and went to a postal vote. proposals could still be put in every year, then go to postal vote.

3 we have not had a postal vote about the Bellwoods as yet.

4 one other thing. Since when did reps get expenses from the nat body ? £90 odd. reps can claim from there region. Ive never had a penny from either. Now find my membership is helping other reps fuel bills.
butch said:
intesting topic im still reading through it. can anyone tell me when drug testing was voted out, was not at any meeting ive been to.2 as i understood it a new proposal stayed in for 2 years and went to a postal vote. proposals could still be put in every year, then go to postal vote.

3 we have not had a postal vote about the Bellwoods as yet.

4 one other thing. Since when did reps get expenses from the nat body ? £90 odd. reps can claim from there region. Ive never had a penny from either. Now find my membership is helping other reps fuel bills.




gary farmer said:
butch said:
intesting topic im still reading through it. can anyone tell me when drug testing was voted out, was not at any meeting ive been to.2 as i understood it a new proposal stayed in for 2 years and went to a postal vote. proposals could still be put in every year, then go to postal vote.

3 we have not had a postal vote about the Bellwoods as yet.

4 one other thing. Since when did reps get expenses from the nat body ? £90 odd. reps can claim from there region. Ive never had a penny from either. Now find my membership is helping other reps fuel bills.





Hi Gaz I know you was a south rep and paid your own expences, as many do, I would like to know how some reps get expences from the NAT body, if thay want to claim for expenses it should be from there region.



GARY : :thumbsup:
Know there was a reps meeting to day any one heard what the out come is regarding bruce and di
Think your best bet would be to post on BWRA Top Gun forum as responses to discussions on here are being posted there. ;)

Thanks for informing us there was a Reps meeting though.
So what happens when they appeal which i assume they will?