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Is It True

Yes lets sweep it all under the carpet and hope it all goes away :) theres a lot of hypocrites in the sport :- "

Did this not happen 4 years ago where 2 people robbed all the fed money and nothing was paid back or done about it by the bwra :angry: a part from allowing one of the said persons to be a regional rep acting at the reps meeting yesterday on how to deal with the recent vote :(

Pathetic a 6 month ban may of been more appropriate like the last 2

Did either mr & mrs bellwood have a regional rep there yesterday on their behalf or were they even informed there was a meeting i bet not :- " there is lots of silly mistakes been made in connection with how to deal with this :oops: hope to see the full minutes of the meeting on the bwra web site after all we were asked to sign our signatures to the postal voting forms i am sure as members we are in the right to see it
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Yes  lets sweep it all under the carpet and hope it all goes away :)   theres a lot of hypocrites in the sport :- "
Did this not happen 4 years ago where 2 people robbed all the fed money and nothing was paid back or done about it by the bwra :angry:   a part from allowing one of the said persons to be a regional rep acting at the reps meeting yesterday on how to deal with the recent vote :(

Pathetic a 6 month ban may of been more appropriate like the last 2

Did either mr & mrs bellwood have a regional rep there yesterday on their behalf or were they even informed there was a meeting i bet not :- "  there is lots of silly mistakes been made in connection with how to deal with this  :oops:   hope to see the full minutes of the meeting on the bwra web site after all we were asked to sign our signatures to the postal voting forms i am sure as members we are in the right to see it

Just because the two others that thieved and cheated got away with it would it be right to let these two who have admitted they did get away with it also ---


is the answer the first two should never have been allowed to carry on racing with decent folk----

but two wrongs can never make a right--

what happens the next time do we say oh well the last two thieves and the two before them got away with it so should these i don't think so --

also What sort of pathetic excuse for a man would let his wife take all the blame not the sort i want to race with i can assure you all of that ----he should be taking the blame not squirming and passing it over like most men would who i know ---disgusting in my opinion---

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Tony Taylor said:
JOHNG said:
Thats totally up to the interval if they wanted to vote or not..but at least every member got a chance to vote...

the 167 who did'nt vote should have no comments to make about the outcome. :oops:

if they had bothered to vote the outcome might have been different :- "

Not all of the 167 received their voting forms.

No doubt I'm not alone in being unwilling to sign the voting form as requested fearing a witch hunt. It would be interesting to see how many of the BWRA committee would sign an affidavit that they have kept the voting decisions of all members confidential.

What i don't understand is

To take No action 74.Votes. To take action 84.Votes. Abstain 5. Votes Invalid 9. Votes.
the 84 votes to take action must of all voted to Indefinitely suspend Mr B Bellwood from the B.W.R.A ...not ticked a other box that stated the number of years IE 1 year , 2 year etc

I can not remember what was on the forms now ...anyone know ?

what does the 9 invalid votes mean


there are 167 people who can tell you denise :oops:
I was one of those who ticked only one box for her and one box for him ----- as that i understand was the correct procedure to follow --for an indefinite suspension of their membership ---

I also signed mine as i am proud to stand up and be counted ---nothing to hide nothing to fear thats my view---

Karen-Coral said:
I was one of those  who  ticked  only one box for her and one box for him ----- as that i understand was the correct procedure to follow --for an indefinite suspension of their membership ---I also signed mine as i am proud to stand up and be counted ---nothing to hide nothing to fear thats my view---


the votes have been counted lets get on with racing now :thumbsup: and no one can say it wasnt put to the members .and like steve i signed my voting slip and think justice as been done
166 - as i can account for one as Sadie had moved house and hadn't thought to let BWRA know until paying membership this time so thats reason she didnt receive hers :D
I only was interested in Tony Taylors comments ieNot all of the 167 received their voting forms.

what does the 9 invalid votes mean


I didn't recieve a ballot form either, I was asked for my address twice last year and it appears the problem wasn't rectified as my house numbers, road and postcode were all incorrect. The ballot form did eventually get to my house albeit after the deadline. In fairness, after seeing Tony's ballot form I chose not to complete it. My reasons being in the questions I'd asked previously. My concerns being that I could be held legally liable for any actions Bruce & Di take for signing the form.
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there would have been some member,s that didnt know the people involved

and newly joined the bwra and didnt really know wot the matter was about,so wouldnt have voted

i for one didnt vote and didnt really know wot it was about till i asked a member,after the dead line,so as a result didnt vote
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dont care who knows my vote it was for bwra to take no action i know 2 wrongs dont make a right but its still double standards :( especially after the money was returned, i know it should never of happened to start with it was wrong and dishonest but at least they know that :- " maybe Bruce could be a bwra rep after his appeal :blink:
mutley said:
dont care who knows my vote  it was for bwra to take no action i know 2 wrongs dont make a right but its still double standards :(   especially after the money was returned, i know it should never of happened to start with it was wrong and dishonest but at least they know that :- "  maybe Bruce could be a bwra rep after his appeal :blink:

Lets just hope that no one else has a dip into other peoples money thinking its ok to do so -

or sign other peoples names on cheques

lets have it right this was premeditated and only luck that it ever came to light --

i would think that should this decision be altered there will be many more leaving the BWRA as a direct result of it ---they have had the vote now lets get on with the racing--

I'm entitled to my opinion Steve same as you not saying they should get away with it, they havnt... i just find it harsh after last events :( people say its in the past and yes i agree we need to look ahead and enjoy the sport just wanted my feelings known. just a pity members never felt so strongly last time it happened anyway thats that now to be honest if it was me i wouldn't want to race again but would never put myself or my wife in that situation to start with.also I'm not scrutinizing any member whichever way they voted its up to the individual and fair play to bwra for dealing with it best they could but having someone as a bwra rep who did what they did is hypocrisy at the highest level 2 wrongs dont make a right but double standards sums it up for me :(
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ive said my peace thats my lot on the subject just gonna race my dogs and get on with it :)
mutley said:
I'm entitled to my opinion Steve same as you not saying they should get away with it, they havnt... i just find it harsh after last events :(   people say its in the past and yes i agree we need to look ahead and enjoy the sport just wanted my feelings known. just a pity members never felt so strongly last time it happened anyway thats that now to be honest if it was me i wouldn't want to race again but would never put myself or my wife in that situation to start with.also I'm not scrutinizing any member whichever way they voted its up to the individual and fair play to bwra for dealing with it best they could but having someone as a bwra rep who did what they did is hypocrisy at the highest level 2  wrongs dont make a right but double standards sums it up for me :(

I can agree that you have a right as does anyone to an opinion on any matter that is what my father and men like him fought for---

having said that your statement of double standards does not stand up --

maybe you should take a step back and see it as learning from past mistakes an there has been plenty

but when you have a new committee they should learn from mistakes made by previous ones-----to late to deal with what has gone before should have been done at the time of the offence's that were committed

mistakes are something we all make you and I are no different in that respect --

i am far from perfect ---but have standards and some moral fiber/principals .

I find this whole affair disgusting in its entirety--

how someone can rob cheat lie to others then have the spineless /pathetic and shameful response that it was all his wifes doing is beyond me--and dont forget there are those who thought he/she were their friends you included --would you treat a leper in that way ? i dont think so--also others who probably had less in the way of worldly wealth were robbed--thats what stinks


jasper. said:

i think the reply Chris gave was brilliant!!! so true

Next thing you know those who sympathize with the couple in question will be expecting us all to have a whip round to fund it for them---

One thing Maurice it wont be you as it is not in RULES !!!is it?


maybe you should take a step back and see it as learning from past mistakes an there has been plenty

but when you have a new committee they should learn from mistakes made by previous ones-----(un qoute)

Can't see this ever happening again with the NNWRF with this new bank account, because all the committee have access to the account at any time :thumbsup:

Just wondering how the committee are finding this on-line access, I thought it was a great idea :thumbsup:

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milly said:
[quote name=

maybe you should take a step back and see it as learning from past mistakes an there has been plenty

but when you have a new committee they should learn from mistakes made by previous ones-----(un qoute)

Can't see this ever happening again with the NNWRF with this new bank account' date=' because all the committee have access to the account at any time :thumbsup:

Just wondering how the committee are finding this on-line access, I thought it was a great idea :thumbsup:



Funny you should mention this Geoff i was at the bank the other day well both banks

Old bank account is now officially closed with confirmation for whom it concerns ;)

New account i opened at the time is no good for on line banking as its only a savings account and shows up on my on line banking but has my other accounts on there too... and this not been a problem i would give access to one or two of the committee but not all,( no offense meant )...also as explained if all com had access to the account and anything went wrong IE resined etc ..the password would have to be changed and in doing this would take 2-3 working days via post not really a brilliant idea after all

So Ive got a load of info on accessible accounts if we need to take that it stands i have with me at all times a savers book which you can only access the account paying in or taken out with i alway present it to at least one of the com at ever open ...i have how ever been getting counter cheques for all out going bills this year

I also intend on doing a 3 month accounts break down for our top table from now on with bank statments...

Hope this answers anyones questions


Reads like good commitee practise Dee :thumbsup: Will members get an annual financial report aswell?
I would also like to add Ive got letters here from different company's dated 2004/2005 with unpaid monies still due from when the past people were running the fed

Also still got hard copies of the petitions that were given to the

bwra at the time , which were never dealt with

maybe if they were handed over now to the new committee

they may deal with it

But whats the point most people are happy enough

to run along side 2 thieves and cheats for the past 4 years

i wonder if Bruce gets the same response when he still comes racing

my point been weather the nnwrf or the bwra with hold these peoples

membership some clubs will still be happy

enough to let people like them race there dogs , in fact they will be publicly invited on k9

to go to there opens ...its been proven time and time again i could put the

links to these topics on if anyone wishes

Can i just added weather it was 4 years ago or 4 days ago the point is these 2 people stole off its members company's gave positive drugs test no i don't think it should just be dropped .... people need to be ware when we have wolves among the sheep .... most people have personally possessions with them  when racing ... wasn't there a camera stolen out of a car a few years ago


:rant: to think that someone who holds a persition on a committee can make comments like this about two people who have done more to help the sport than you ever will, if you took more interest in what was happening with in your committee instead of keep bringing up von and tony, then maybe Di would'nt have got away with taking the money she did, its you who bringing the sport into disrepute,