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How Far Do You Go???

Hey come on Elise i dont think i mentioned any 'rules' now thats something totally different - now your just being silly common sense and rules going together - but at the end of the day 'we're whippet racing' and anyone thats done it for a few years (again not sayin me as i'm a relatively newcomer to it!!!!!) the shouting, waving, tactics have and will always be around it comes with the territory - i just say let the best dogs win and cheats in the long run won't prosper we hope (that is if there are any cheats!!) if it is cheating waving 'windmilling' whatever constitutes to cheating - ok i'll shut up now :- "
I understand what people are saying about the fact that it's just whippet racing to some degree, and i can accept the bit that doesnt influence my dogs, but i do think that if we want people to join this sport, you have to have a degree of common sense and fairness about it all. To say that it's "just the way it is" I think will be the downfall of the sport.

It was tongue in cheek to describe it as 'windmilling', but there are people that take the p**s at the traps and up the track, Dee is right, maybe I should take it up with the people that i feel are doing it...............alternatively perhaps there should be standard issue handcuffs given at the start of each open, with a returnable deposit of £5.00 for a key at the end!!

rob67 said:
I understand what people are saying about the fact that it's just whippet racing to some degree, and i can accept the bit that doesnt influence my dogs, but i do think that if we want people to join this sport, you have to have a degree of common sense and fairness about it all. To say that it's "just the way it is" I think will be the downfall of the sport.

I agree :D
rob67 said:
alternatively perhaps there should be standard issue handcuffs given at the start of each open, with a returnable deposit of £5.00 for a key at the end!!

You never know Chris , Santa might bring you some lol
rob67 said:
I understand what people are saying about the fact that it's just whippet racing to some degree, and i can accept the bit that doesnt influence my dogs, but i do think that if we want people to join this sport, you have to have a degree of common sense and fairness about it all. To say that it's "just the way it is" I think will be the downfall of the sport.
It was tongue in cheek to describe it as 'windmilling', but there are people that take the p**s at the traps and up the track, Dee is right, maybe I should take it up with the people that i feel are doing it...............alternatively perhaps there should be standard issue handcuffs given at the start of each open, with a returnable deposit of £5.00 for a key at the end!!


handcuffs Chris (w00t) You'll have us looking at you and Rob all funny if you talk like that :- " :lol: Must admit do turn round once while i'm walking up the track to shout the dogs but think thats more for my benefit than there's :lol: but I must shout like mad when i'm up the top cause I always lose my voice by the next day :lol: No comment from John Meades please :- " :D
rob67 said:
...............alternatively perhaps there should be standard issue handcuffs given at the start of each open, with a returnable deposit of £5.00 for a key at the end!!

Hope the handcuffs have fur round them dont want them to rub and make wrists sore do we :thumbsup:
sadieandco said:
rob67 said:
...............alternatively perhaps there should be standard issue handcuffs given at the start of each open, with a returnable deposit of £5.00 for a key at the end!!

Hope the handcuffs have fur round them dont want them to rub and make wrists sore do we :thumbsup:

Can't you tell how bad us lot are :- " Chris mentions handcuffs and we all jump to the wrong conclusion :lol: :oops: Sorry Chris
on a serious note i now really do stay at traps only to try to calm my dogs :) only started doing it because lot others used to go over board so i know where your coming from Chris :) but i still dont think anyone would really do things at boxes to put others of ,maybe :blink: the best thing in my mind would for a line round traps to stop anyone going in say 30 yard of boxes but I'm sure you would still get the shouting even if it was as faraway as half way :- " i always stay at traps with my m8s dog as ya do or she misses traps if not kept calm but never scream and shout lol or windmill a new word for our sport :D :D
Thurrock have trap area roped off so if your shouting a dog out you can't get close to the front of the traps,maybe that should happen at all events
Quite a few years ago when we first got Lisa Blue Goblin off Ken & Pauline , she got very distracted from people shouting , clapping etc at the boxes, so for a few weeks friends of ours Micky and Alice Tate stayed at the traps and made as much distraction as they could while we gave her short runs from the traps, it did the job and improved her trapping also ...she was a funny dog anyway , she only would run for a bag of meat at the end of each race

At Swallows nest we used the white sticks for the track and the orange netting to keep people a good few yards from the race area
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As I am probably the most prolific bag waving moron to walk up a track I think that entitles me to have a say on this topic. I have been racing dogs for over 30 years, and that includes rag racing – first title winner being Rag Champion Right Rapid, so waving a bag is second nature to me, but after an owner made a comment to me earlier in the year that he thought my waving bag had put his dog off (I was standing near to the winning line at the time} I apologised to the owner and I have never waved my bag since. If owners found it so off-putting why not ask me to stop?? I do and always will carry it as it contains all that I need to race my four dogs which are quite often in one race after another i.e. 3-4 muzzles a spare collar and lead, spray and cloth to wipe the trap, Vaseline for the dogs stoppers, but I make sure that I put the bag down behind me. As for standing near to the traps I do stay when Now Milli races as she is manic in the traps if I walk away resulting in badly split webs, I also stay when Lexi runs as she panics if she cannot see Sally or myself - I have never waved my bag or wind milled my arms while there I do call my dogs name, BUT once that lure string has moved I become invisible to any dog all they are focused on is what is moving in front of them – if you think I am putting your dog off all you have to do is ask me to move further up the track. How many dogs has anyone seen trap out and run to a person stood at the side?? If the lure should stop before the finish line some dogs carry on regardless, some stay on the lure, others will run around but if they don’t see/hear their owner they too make their way to the finish. The comments made regarding racing on a greyhound track are ridiculous the only time I have ever seen a possible accident is when a dog actually jumped over the wall. I do remember years ago a BWRA proposal was pasted that owners could not walk up the track to catch their dogs guess what?? An extraordinary general meeting was called because people did not want anyone other than themselves (or family) to either catch or put their dogs into the traps so where do we go from here?

I honestly started typing this before the “Name and Shame” comment.

Elaine racing wouldn't be the same without your carrier bag :lol: just don't walk past our Harvey with it or you'll have to pick everything up off the floor :D karen
Caught in the act....ive found the windmillers lol

clapping hands screaming at dogs waving stuff ect ect ect....think it may put pups off more than adults.To me i would keep everyone away from traps and alicate 1 person to keep and eye on muzzles.but a lot of started judges do this anyways OMO
maid said:
As I am probably the most prolific bag waving moron to walk up a track I think that entitles me to have a say on this topic. I have been racing dogs for over 30 years, and that includes rag racing – first title winner being Rag Champion Right Rapid, so waving a bag is second nature to me, but after an owner made a comment to me earlier in the year that he thought my waving bag had put his dog off (I was standing near to the winning line at the time} I apologised to the owner and I have never waved my bag since. If owners found it so off-putting why not ask me to stop??  I do and always will carry it as it contains all that I need to race my four dogs which are quite often in one race after another i.e. 3-4 muzzles a spare collar and lead, spray and cloth to wipe the trap, Vaseline for the dogs stoppers, but I make sure that I put the bag down behind me.  As for standing near to the traps I do stay when Now Milli races as she is manic in the traps if I walk away resulting in badly split webs, I also stay when Lexi runs as she panics if she cannot see Sally or myself - I have never waved my bag or wind milled my arms while there I do call my dogs name, BUT once that lure string has moved I become invisible to any dog all they are focused on is what is moving in front of them – if you think I am putting your dog off all you have to do is ask me to move further up the track.  How many dogs has anyone seen trap out and run to a person stood at the side??  If the lure should stop before the finish line some dogs carry on regardless, some stay on the lure, others will run around but if they don’t see/hear their owner they too make their way to the finish.  The comments made regarding racing on a greyhound track are ridiculous the only time I have ever seen a possible accident is when a dog actually jumped over the wall.  I do remember years ago a BWRA proposal was pasted that owners could not walk up the track to catch their dogs guess what?? An extraordinary general meeting was called because people did not want anyone other than themselves (or family) to either catch or put their dogs into the traps so where do we go from here?  I honestly started typing this before the “Name and Shame” comment.


Have to be honest elaine, I wasn't thinking about you at all. My comments were about my experiences personally, but i think in general people need to think a little more about what we do, and how this might or might not affect others dogs. It's like the old problem of some people stepping in too quick to pick their dogs up.............all it takes is a little thought for others; especially those new to the sport. I wouldnt name and shame cos I dont think here is the place to do it. I know that those who have been in the sport for ages will say that it's always been like that, but it doesn't mean it cant change a bit for the better.

this is just my own opinion but ive never once thought anyone standing @ the boxes *windmilling* (pmsl @ dees picture) ) clapping, shouting of their own dogs etc wud b doing it 2 put other dogs off. i personally think if someone wasnt @ the boxes there cud b a lot of split webs etc ( omo) and as for goin in for your dog too quick.. i cant say ive ever seen anyone do that more go in 4 them 2 slow, again just my opinion get your dogs over the line asap i say