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How Far Do You Go???

Loud shouting at traps, whistle blowing, distracting hand motions..............

All 'bloody ignorant actions' from 'bloody ignorant morons'...........

Karen B.
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sure Ive seen Steve at traps Karen while you go up the track (w00t) think your statement calling folk morons is a bit of :( i will stay at traps while Dee goes up the track and continue to shout my dogs out whilst others do the same :blink: Ive had dogs who put feet through, what if i wasn't there the lids go up the legs go up the dogs lame all we hear is moan about this moan about that lets change this we should all be grateful for what we already have :thumbsup: i love racing but sometimes think why i bother :- "
Excessive actions -I'm referring to..............

from morons....

Lol-do you disagree Gary-with the suggestion of morons?
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forgot to mention whene shouting my dogs out the boxes im never nearer than 20 yards to the traps :)
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At SPWRC we are not allowed to shout or scream at our dogs or encourage them in any way.

Either from the traps or the finish line.

I was led to believe that shouting was not allowed at open or the champs so we try to follow that rule.

It means there are no distractions and it is a fair field. :thumbsup:

I wouldnt have thought there would be any difference between Ped and Non Ped racing

Or is there? :eek:
mutley said:
forgot to mention whene shouting my dogs out the boxes im never nearer than 20 yards to the traps  :)

Hey-That wouldn't make much difference to some......

their body might be 20 yards from traps-but their gobs would still be in breach! (w00t)

jinx and rubys mum said:
At SPWRC we are not allowed to shout or scream at our dogs or encourage them in any way.Either from the traps or the finish line.

I was led to believe that shouting was not allowed at open or the champs so we try to follow that rule.

It means there are no distractions and it is a fair field. :thumbsup:

I wouldnt have thought there would be any difference between Ped and Non Ped racing

Or is there? :eek:

I think, but I'm not 100% sure that whilst peddy racers can't shout their own dogs on, they can shout other dogs on, which defeats the purpose.

I shout my own dog on whilst walking up the track and during his race. He may be a sighthound but he isn't deaf either. As the original whippet used to run to their owner and not chase a lure up the track, I think the same predisposition can be present in some dogs even today.

I've got a whippet who will chase the lure up the track with great gusto however, a shout from me to stop mid-race will stop him dead in his tracks. He's gold dust at training non-peds for this reason as I'm sure Vicky will vouch for.

As for banging about on or at the traps, well any animal or human being is going to be unnerved at being put in a box and being startled in such a manner, so I do think there's just cause for complaint here.
In North America - one racing association bans calling/yelling for your dog, the other does not. I don't think it makes a bean of difference to the dog but I do think it makes a difference to the safety factor. If our lure man can't hear above the racket how's he going to hear when someone yells there's a loose dog/kiddie on the track or a dog down.

If it's not necessary and can impede safety I say don't do it.

As for mucking about at the boxes (traps) we handlers aren't allowed in front of them so we'd be encouraging our dogs to run backwards - which doesn't happen.

Always interested in how things are done in other parts - thanks for the discussion.


BC, Canada
jinx and rubys mum said:
At SPWRC we are not allowed to shout or scream at our dogs or encourage them in any way.Either from the traps or the finish line.

I was led to believe that shouting was not allowed at open or the champs so we try to follow that rule.

It means there are no distractions and it is a fair field. :thumbsup:

I wouldnt have thought there would be any difference between Ped and Non Ped racing

Or is there? :eek:




LONVL (larth out not very loud)

GARY ;) ;)
Official prizes/merchandise for owners who are intent on distracting at the traps....
I've got a whippet who will chase the lure up the track with great gusto however, a shout from me to stop mid-race will stop him dead in his tracks. He's gold dust at training non-peds for this reason as I'm sure Vicky will vouch for.

I will vouch foryour peddies there a godsend at the ginpit with up and coming pups they have Darcey Hubble and Axell to do next year :D

and your dogs show that dogs do listen and here whats going on when running up the track
I'm sure most owners dont shout dogs out at traps to put others off :( rather encourage there own out.
Karen-Coral said:
Official prizes/merchandise for owners who are intent on distracting at the traps....

ive seen that mug in your van before karen :D did you nick it of someone :- "
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back on topic

there are some who do go over the top :- " when getting dogs out, but there are also genuine people who encourage dogs out without making a racket :) even if it was stopped say been allowed 20 or30 or whatever distance from traps people would still do it from so far up the track including me :)

and steve :- " :)
rob67 said:
I'm curious to know as to how far people are willing to go..................(or how far do the rules dictate you can go) to encourage their dogs (or sometimes friends dogs) whilst in the traps, or to encourage them as they are racing up the track? Having seen various ways of people keeping their dogs attention in the trap.............which includes clapping, waving something etc I'm curious as to what effect that has on the other dogs in the race( I personally dont think it's fair) and if it has always been the case that it was allowed. Speaking for myself, I know I imitate a fishwife up the track :D   (w00t) but I dont think that puts other dogs off! Anybody who has been in racing long enough to remember the good old days and what happened then?


People standing at the traps clapping, waving something etc has been happening as long as i have raced.

To me its all part of the excitement of racing our dogs, and most dogs are brought up around the race tracks .... i would say they get used to the racers / racing noises from a young age

I think its sad and wrong to say people are intending on distracting dogs at the traps has been mentioned on in this topic by a few
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rodders said:
sherry said:
Fleesh said:
mutley said:
i alleways stay at traps to get em out due to others doing the same  :)
You've summed it up in one there Gary :thumbsup:

I've heard complaints about trap boards, why do we use them ? Because everyone else does it.

Shouting the dogs, because everyone else does it.

Carrying coats, hats, bags, rags, towels up the track and wafting them around, because everyone else does it.

Mum just asked why to people shout at their dogs to "watch it" - watch what ? the lure hasn't come past yet :wacko: , i just wonder what happens when someone in the park waves their arm down towards the floor, do a pack of whippets all suddenly charge down the field in a straight line ?

If we're talking about safety issues as well, what happens when a great big scratch dog gets off it's lead when jo bloggs is waving and wafting a coat, hat, towel etc over the lure sting at the finish line ? BANG !!!

P.S I think I must be on my soap box tonight !!! :oops:


It's alright you laughing Carole,try walking past our Harv with your shopping bags at Scotland.When running ours to each other at home have allways used rustling carrier bags with abit of food in :- " needless to say Harveys locked up when I come back from the Supermarket (w00t) :lol:

size of harvey you should be pushing a shopping trolley up the track not waving a bag. think most dogs would run to the lure without any shouting, do they hear it ????/(w00t)
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rob67 said:
I'm curious to know as to how far people are willing to go..................(or how far do the rules dictate you can go) to encourage their dogs (or sometimes friends dogs) whilst in the traps, or to encourage them as they are racing up the track? Having seen various ways of people keeping their dogs attention in the trap.............which includes clapping, waving something etc I'm curious as to what effect that has on the other dogs in the race( I personally dont think it's fair) and if it has always been the case that it was allowed. Speaking for myself, I know I imitate a fishwife up the track :D   (w00t) but I dont think that puts other dogs off! Anybody who has been in racing long enough to remember the good old days and what happened then?


People standing at the traps clapping, waving something etc has been happening as long as i have raced.

To me its all part of the excitement of racing our dogs, and most dogs are brought up around the race tracks .... i would say they get used to the racers / racing noises from a young age

I think its sad and wrong to say people are intending on distracting dogs at the traps has been mentioned on in this topic by a few

Sorry Dee. I think there are people that do go over the top and are unsportsmanlike, dont think it's wrong to say it if it's an opinion, I havent been in racing for that long, but I think it's something that does go on in the minority. I dont think there is anything wrong in shouting for your dog, it's the other windmill like actions and olympic style clapping etc at the traps that I find crap.

Have you tried asking the people/person concerned to stop as it may be putting your dog off at the traps or others, maybe the people/persons doing it doesn't realize they are been over the top . as lots of excitement etc when running dogs everyone want to win

If you do ask and they refuse then it becomes a problem .... maybe try having a quite word first and see where it goes from there

The NNWRF hold there bend race till all persons are be hide the traps , (just have to listen to Linda on the dvd's :- " )..leaving one of the committee to check on dogs muzzles etc ... Gaz stops at the traps on the straights with our dogs or visa versa as we have a few that claws the bars resulting in split webs (which are a twat to heal) but i must admit i do wait till the lure starts to move and i shout them on