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Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

I'm not allowed upstairs but that darn cat is! Mum put up a stair gate to stop me going up after him but it didn't take me long to work out how the catch operated. She wasn't very pleased and put a new way of locking it on the gate.

Yesterday I worked out how to open the new one - it's taken me a couple of weeks but I've done it :D

Mum called me a "little wretch". That is a compliment isn't it? I thought it was but now I'm not so sure.....
Oh I can imagine the cat rubbing your nose on it to Harri! :p
Well done Harri, you are very clever! Your Mum will have to find a new challenge for you :D
Oh I can imagine the cat rubbing your nose on it to Harri! :p

I got my own back on that darn cat - he was missing from yesterday afternoon and didn't eat his tea! Mum was quite worried about him this morning when he didn't appear for breakfast either. I knew where he was but didn't say anything until I saw Mum was upset so I woofed at the door of the spare bedroom til she came to see what the noise was about. :p

I bet it was her who accidentally shut him in!
I got my own back on that darn cat - he was missing from yesterday afternoon and didn't eat his tea! Mum was quite worried about him this morning when he didn't appear for breakfast either. I knew where he was but didn't say anything until I saw Mum was upset so I woofed at the door of the spare bedroom til she came to see what the noise was about. :p

I bet it was her who accidentally shut him in!

This made me chuckle a lot Harri!
I'm having the best weekend ever!

Yesterday Mum and Dad took me with them when they went to some friends for supper and I found Bella was there too! We played for hours until it was midnight and time to come home.

I was really tired this morning but I still had to get up early. I was able to sleep in the car though which was nice.

When the car stopped and I got out I saw two dogs that looked just like me! I turned my head the other way and there were more! There were 19 of us! We had a glorious time at Houndsville. It was a bit muddy but I didn't care. I was off the lead and able to run and play as much as I liked.


Coming home I was so tired that I slept all the way and I've been dozing all afternoon too. Tonight I'm planning on finishing that pizzle that Mum gave me the other day

This is me - despite all her comments about clothes and dogs Mum put a bandana on me - she said it was so she could spot me when I was running with the pack but I don't believe her!

How great to run free with others that look just like you! :)
Houndsville is about 30 minutes from where I live! We took Jimmy there, but as it's close to the M5 he spent most of his time barking at the passing traffic :(
Mum made me walk up to the vet this morning in the rain - it's at least 4 miles there and back and I was on the short lead the whole time. I'm very good at loose lead walking though :D

The vet stuck a needle in me again to see if he could work out why I was drinking and weeing so much a few weeks ago. Apparently the last set of blood results were really worrying and I've been referred to a specialist....

He rang with the results this evening and Mum keeps cuddling me and crying so much that my fur is getting wet! She says this set of results is completely normal! I've still got to go back next week for another needle to make sure before the referral is cancelled. I think this is very good news but why is Mum crying?

Anyway she gave me my first raw chicken wing for tea. I loved it. I hope she has some more for me as it's much nicer than kibble!
Harri, tell your mum that raw chicken wings are a well-known cure for all possible ills!
That's great news Harri! Sometimes humans cry because they're so happy :D

p.s make the most of it
I went for my longest walk yet - it was really really really muddy but Bella came too and we had a great time running around the fields. It all went horribly wrong though when I got home. I was so muddy after wrestling with Bella that Mum gave me a bath.

I didn't see that coming. I was expecting the usual paw wash but the water got deeper and some horrid flower smelling liquid was poured over me. I cried and cried but it didn't work. Mum is very mean at times.

I had mega zoomies afterwards to try and get rid of the smell! I didn't much like the thing that made a loud noise and blew warm air at me either.

Pssst Harri - fox poo is brilliant for getting rid of that nasty flowery smell. Don't tell Mum I told you so!
We popped into the pet shop on my walk this morning and she bought me some tripe. I haven't ever had that before.

It smelt delicious even though it was frozen. Luckily it had defrosted by the time my supper was due :D

I don't think it was very nice of her to make me have my supper in the garden though :cool:
I had to have supper in the garden again....

Nice walk around a very strange town called "Glastonbury" today. I was allowed in some of the shops but they smelt very strange. Everyone seemed very nice though and Mum took me into the pet shop to buy some chicken biscuits.

We then had a picnic on the top of the Tor. Mum and Dad had some nice smelling pasties but I had to make do with the the chicken biscuits. It's a good job they were nice!

When we got home I helped Dad in the garden. I'm sure he wouldn't have got half as much digging done without my help. He said he was actually trying to cut the grass....

And another trip to the vet this morning- this time Dad took me as Mum had to go to the dentist. I think both of us would rather have stayed in bed. I'm going off the vet - he stuck another needle in me :( but Dad siad I was as good as gold.

Mum took me for a nice walk afterwards and we bought lots of delicious smelly tripe for my supper. I was so tired afterwards that I took a long nap in the sun.


When Dad came home he took me for another walk!

Mum says I'm to tell you that the vet rang and my results are still normal. I don't need to go again nor do I need to go to see the very special vet. I'm very happy about that as I'm sure he'd want to stick a needle in me too :cool:
Hurrah for normal results and no more needles!

I can't begin to say the relief - we still don't have a reason but he seems to be fine now. Whatever it was he seems to have resolved it himself. He's been so good through all this. He's put up with umpteen blood tests without so much as a whimper.

Now I just need the insurance company to pay up .....!