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Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

Mum abandoned me all day today - she said I wouldn't enjoy a full day out shopping. I might have done! I don't know...

Anyway Dad was left in charge. I did manage to get two walks out of him but he wouldn't let me off the long line :(

I decided to forgive Mum when she finally came home and let her hold my chew for me whilst I reclined on the sofa cushions ;)

This was yesterday's entry really but for some reason it didn't post!

Today I'm chilling in the snow and plan to take a nap in front of the fire once I've persuaded Mum to light it for me :p
Well your very cute Harri :p I'm sure you would also love shopping, all the dogs and people you would meet :)
I've been away with Mum and Dad hunting megaliths! We didn't catch any but I got to stay in my first B&B with Mum. She says it's the first and last time..... It was very hot in there so I was very very thirsty and drank gallons. Of course that meant I needed to wee gallons too so I kept getting Mum up to take me outside. She wasn't very pleased as it was right on the Welsh coast and cold and windy so she had to keep getting dressed. I think it was 4 times...

Once Dad did it and I remembered that I hadn't had a poo all day so I decided that it would be a good idea to do one then (it was about 3am). Somehow Mum found this very funny. Dad was less amused :p

Once I was finally comfortable and settled down for a proper sleep Mum made me get up so we could go and get breakfast. I've been tired all day because of that :mad:

I've been away with Mum and Dad hunting megaliths! We didn't catch any but I got to stay in my first B&B with Mum. She says it's the first and last time..... It was very hot in there so I was very very thirsty and drank gallons. Of course that meant I needed to wee gallons too so I kept getting Mum up to take me outside. She wasn't very pleased as it was right on the Welsh coast and cold and windy so she had to keep getting dressed. I think it was 4 times...

Once Dad did it and I remembered that I hadn't had a poo all day so I decided that it would be a good idea to do one then (it was about 3am). Somehow Mum found this very funny. Dad was less amused :p

Once I was finally comfortable and settled down for a proper sleep Mum made me get up so we could go and get breakfast. I've been tired all day because of that :mad:

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Great picture :) well at least you did it outside
Excuse my poor knowledge but what are megaliths?

That did make me chuckle - your dad Must have wondered why getting a dog was a good idea when picking up pop at 3am!
So excited! Mum just told me Bella will be staying with her friend for good :D:D:D:D:D:D

@Josie Mum says megaliths are stones in very very old stone structures from like 5000 years ago. We were at the quarry where they made the stones for Stonehenge
Your adorable Harri :)

Thank you :oops:

I had a lovely walk this morning. It was so warm that when I got home Mum opened the doors from the sitting room to the garden. That is so cool. I didn't know they worked and it's great not having to go all the way to the back door when I want to go outside.

The garden is full of strange black and yellow buzzy things on the flowers. I nudged one with my nose just to see what it was and Mum quickly told me to "leave it" as it would hurt me. That's silly. How could something like that possibly hurt me? I'll just have to take a closer look when she's not watching....
Harri please listen to your mum, you could go to doggie heaven if you swallow one as it can sting your throught and you could suffocate :( But you can look at them from a distance just don't try and eat any... It was also warm up here when I got back and I can continue my tan, Olive loves sunbathing but Doris not so much. Enjoy the rest of your day! :p
Well Mum is still worried about me as I'm drinking a lot ( I'm thirsty!) so she took me to the vet again last week. She wanted to do a test that she knew would hurt me yesterday so they gave me a magic injection. I felt really really strange afterwards - when Mum collected me I could hardly keep my eyes open and I don't remember any of it.

I was supposed to be keeping mum company at the cottage whilst some work was being done and while it was being inspected by Visit Wales but I was so so sleepy I slept all the 5 hour drive and when we got there I felt really ill. I didn't want to eat. I felt sick and I was so unhappy I was crying. I've never felt like that before :(. I just wanted to cuddle up and go to sleep so I didn't feel ill.

Mum put me in my crate at bedtime but I felt so lonely and miserable that I started crying again so she let me sleep on her bed with her. I snuggled up and finally went to sleep properly. I did wake up lots of times but every time I whimpered I remembered she was very close by and that was nice. She kept stroking me and talking to me which helped a lot.

I felt a lot better this morning. I wanted to hold my tail up again and I had some nice chicken fillets for breakfast. I even managed some lamb stew :) I then helped the chimney sweeps and welcomed the nice lady from Visit Wales with my best waggy tail and smile.

Then we had a loooong drive back home which was really really boring. I amused myself by climbing on the pile of last year's duvets which were being retired (Mum says they are going to the local dog rescue so dogs that aren't as lucky as me have something comfy to sleep on). I buried myself in the middle and took a nap. Mum was laughing at my nose sticking out (well I needed to breath!) and then laughed even more when I discovered my seat belt was just loose enough to let me climb right to the top of the pile. There was just room for me below the car roof!
Well Mum is still worried about me as I'm drinking a lot ( I'm thirsty!) so she took me to the vet again last week. She wanted to do a test that she knew would hurt me yesterday so they gave me a magic injection. I felt really really strange afterwards - when Mum collected me I could hardly keep my eyes open and I don't remember any of it.

I was supposed to be keeping mum company at the cottage whilst some work was being done and while it was being inspected by Visit Wales but I was so so sleepy I slept all the 5 hour drive and when we got there I felt really ill. I didn't want to eat. I felt sick and I was so unhappy I was crying. I've never felt like that before :(. I just wanted to cuddle up and go to sleep so I didn't feel ill.

Mum put me in my crate at bedtime but I felt so lonely and miserable that I started crying again so she let me sleep on her bed with her. I snuggled up and finally went to sleep properly. I did wake up lots of times but every time I whimpered I remembered she was very close by and that was nice. She kept stroking me and talking to me which helped a lot.

I felt a lot better this morning. I wanted to hold my tail up again and I had some nice chicken fillets for breakfast. I even managed some lamb stew :) I then helped the chimney sweeps and welcomed the nice lady from Visit Wales with my best waggy tail and smile.

Then we had a loooong drive back home which was really really boring. I amused myself by climbing on the pile of last year's duvets which were being retired (Mum says they are going to the local dog rescue so dogs that aren't as lucky as me have something comfy to sleep on). I buried myself in the middle and took a nap. Mum was laughing at my nose sticking out (well I needed to breath!) and then laughed even more when I discovered my seat belt was just loose enough to let me climb right to the top of the pile. There was just room for me below the car roof!
Well I'm happy your feeling better :)
I woke up feeling really really happy this morning and ready to make up for the last two days. I did try and let Mum have her breakfast before asking for a game but I was so ready to play..... She bribed me with a bit of her toast.

We then went out for a lovely long walk and I met a pig! I've never seen one before (only smells) and I jumped when it came right up to the fence to say hello to me.


I was so muddy when we got home I had to have a shower so that meant some zoomies afterwards- such fun! We'd walked an awfully long way but I wasn't a bit tired.

Then I wanted to play all afternoon. Poor Mum looked very tired though :( Maybe I should have let her have her cup of tea in peace? I did have a marrowbone I could have chewed for a bit. Dad did take me for a short walk when he came home but then he had to go out again so I asked Mum to play with me instead.

Dad's home now and "in charge" as Mum is so tired that she's gone to bed. I wonder if he'll play with me now?
I had another nice day yesterday. I like Easter! I wasn't allowed any of the chocolate eggs but I had a real one in the garden which was fun to play with and then nice to eat!

We went to my first castle at Caerffili - there were lots of people dressed up in funny clothes. I don't think Mum was much impressed though - she kept muttering about machine stitching, chemical dyes, and orange carrots. She really does embarrass me sometimes!
