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Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

Oh dear - it's far too hot for Welsh Terriers! Mum took me for a walk earlier but we didn't go far as I was wilting despite having lots of drinks of water.

I've spent the afternoon sunbathing (note from Mum - daft dog could of course go inside where it's much cooler but no - he's choosing to lie in the sun!)

Awww!! It's getting quite hot for my Border Collie too.. however I've just broken out the milk ice cubes I made, they seem to be working well (when they're not sliding across the kitchen floor that is...) I highly recommend them in this weather!
I really don't understand humans.

I was woken up far too early yesterday and put in the car (at least they put my bed in as well so I was comfy) and we had a looong car journey to the cottage. When we were there I wasn't even allowed inside! We all stayed in the garden while Dad cut the grass and Mum did some tidying up.

They then put me back in the car and we went to a pub for lunch and I finally got a bit of a walk. Then we all got back in the car and drove home again. I think I was in the car for nearly 10 hours!

Why? They could have done all that in the garden at home. At least Dad shared his lunchtime roast beef with me!

Today is definitely better. Mum said I was so good yesterday and that she knew I'd had a very boring day so we've been on a super walk. I met my friend Bear for a play then made some new friends to play with in the wood. When we finally got home I had a chicken wing for lunch and one of the beef treats I won last week from @Direct Dog Treats :D

Dad is due home soon so I'm hoping that if I look :oops: he'll take me out for another walk :p
Did you miss me? Mum and Dad went away (again!) and abandoned me (again). Well not really. I mean they did go away but I got to stay with Bella and I've had a really great time. :)

I was very very glad to see Mum but I've only been home for an hour and I'm missing Bella already - I hope sh can come and play tomorrow.
:D Mum said I was really really good today!

I came when I was called and I remembered my old trick from when I was little of hanging back and watching Mum carefully until she called me. Of course I came at once and claimed my treat! I did this lots of times and I don't think Mum suspected a thing :p

I had a pedicure today - Mum said my claws were too long. I thought they were just right; I've been doing some digging in the garden and they work really well.:p

Mum did offer to paint my nails pink like hers. I hope she was teasing me....
I'm on holiday with Mum!

It's lovely here - we went for a long walk yesterday up a mountain and I was sooooo tired when we got back I went straight to bed!

Today I got to play on the beach - there are lots here that dogs are allowed on and they were really quiet so Mum let me run and play. I even went in the sea up to my tummy. It was a bit cold and the water tasted nasty but it was great fun. The trouble is I'm really tired again tonight...

I've had the best holiday ever!

Bella came to stay too.... We had such fun together on the beach but I'm back home now

(OK embed fail - how to I get the video to post here without the link to my FB page which I don't really want? )

I’m afraid that’s the only way you can do it (it’s to do with storage) - unless you upload it onto YouTube and do it that way.
I'm missing Bella now I'm back home. I hope we can go for a walk together very soon.

There have been lots of loud bangs and scary flashes outside last night and again this morning. I wasn't sure if I should be worried or not but I looked at Mum and she didn't look worried at all. She played ball with me in the sitting room and I soon forgot to notice what was happening outside :D
Very sensible, Harri - Jasper did the same this afternoon, but went and laid on the lawn in the sun instead.
He looks like he’s recreating a scene from Harry Potter when the maze takes one of the students :eek::eek:

Annoyingly can’t find a photo

P.s sorry that probably means nothing to a lot of people!