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Fao Sarahloveland

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just had a check up at the stop smoke clinic and my carbon monoxide level is 2!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaay!! really chuffed with that..right I am off to walk Slip!! laters xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Afternoon everyone

Had a lovely time at toddler group found a new one just round the corner from me, Hannah made a easter chick,

and had a sing song quite a singer they all thought she was brilliant cos she knew the words to the songs and then afterwards she stands in the middle and takes a bow,

Bought my self a magnolia tree small does anyone know what soil they have to have whether its an acid soil or normal stuff
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hi all hope you are all well just asked my mum debbie they like an acid soil and are gorgeous when in flower :)


hope you are all enjoying this weather will catch up over the weekend :thumbsup:
hi all hope you are all well just asked my mum debbie they like an acid soil and are gorgeous when in flower :)  

hope you are all enjoying this weather will catch up over the weekend :thumbsup:
Thanks kelly's mum :D

Hope your ok kel and that little whippet is behaving herself, you have a lovely day too :D
Afternoon all ,hope you have all had a lovely day ,the weather has been fantastic so nice to be able to go out with out a coat :D

picked up the latest Asda magazine and according to an article in there i am over weight :eek: guess i know what i have to do then (w00t)
Afternoon all ,hope you have all had a lovely day ,the weather has been fantastic so nice to be able to go out with out a coat :D picked up the latest Asda magazine and according to an article in there i am over weight :eek: guess i know what i have to do then (w00t)
Don't be ridiculous, you're already like a stick :eek:
Hello everyone, just thought i would pop by, as i havent for a while, hope you are all well, it was nice to see a few of you at crufts,

Afternoon all ,hope you have all had a lovely day ,the weather has been fantastic so nice to be able to go out with out a coat :D picked up the latest Asda magazine and according to an article in there i am over weight :eek: guess i know what i have to do then (w00t)
:angry: :angry: Not even going to bother to reply but to need to have some maths lessons as well as elecution lessons!

Hello everyone, just thought i would pop by, as i havent for a while, hope you are all well, it was nice to see a few of you at crufts,
Hello Cara, nice of you to pop in, it was good to see you albeit briefly at crufts...we needed a k9 area I think to meet properly :lol:
yes clair, i agree, we should make a place next year,xx
morning :D


as usual....what have i missed ;)


ohhh i keep missing everyone....been soo busy havent had a chance to come and catch up with you alll.... :(


have you noticed im not here :unsure:


heres some catch up stuff for ya....


broke a nail yesterday

Gypsy jumped on me and hurt my leg

i killed a huge spider last night :x

going to my sisters for the day tomorrow

robert cut the grass yesterday

i have just put the bins out


right school time...mine finish at 2pm today and then thats my peace shattered for 2 weeks :wacko:


hope everyone is well xxxxxxxxxxx
just had a check up at the stop smoke clinic and my carbon monoxide level is 2!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaay!! really chuffed with that..right I am off to walk Slip!! laters xxxxxxxxxxxxx

:D :D :D :D well done you xxxx
Morning Hely,

i don't think theres much you have missed really,

i think we all have missed your witty information

hurry up and get on properly :D
Hely if you'd only read back occasionally you'd see that the main news is that we MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Morning All xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning all, nice to see you Hely. Hope you are well Christine, glad you came back again and we weren't too looneytunes for you :wacko:


Just been listening to the horses for the Grand National, and I normally listen to see if any of the names jump out at me and mean something. Well this morning I heard there is a horse running called Rambling Minster, and it reminded me of Clair - although she is more of a rambling minister :eek: (w00t) So I think I might just back it and see if Clairy brings me any luck :lol:
Morning JUne and everyone else

hope you all have a lovely day

june justa quick question who the hell is cloke

they have veiwed my profile i i haven't a clue who they are
Morning JUne and everyone elsehope you all have a lovely day

june justa quick question who the hell is cloke

they have veiwed my profile i i haven't a clue who they are
This is someone who goes ped racing, and for some reason she has checked out all the profiles of anyone who has left me a comment :wacko: It can be a bit spooky when someone checks you out who you don't know, but don't worry about it
Morning all, nice to see you Hely. Hope you are well Christine, glad you came back again and we weren't too looneytunes for you :wacko:  

Just been listening to the horses for the Grand National, and I normally listen to see if any of the names jump out at me and mean something. Well this morning I heard there is a horse running called Rambling Minster, and it reminded me of Clair - although she is more of a rambling minister :eek: (w00t) So I think I might just back it and see if Clairy brings me any luck :lol:
morning thats one of the favorites juney,i fancy state of play,Parsons Legacy and for the FAO's idle talk :-

nice to see you hely and hello again christine :D

my two finish at 2 as well ,and i cant wait for half term :huggles: :huggles:
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