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Fao Sarahloveland

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Hello Hely love :huggles:  

Good Evening David :D


Hello to anyone else who might be about xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Clair - and Hely if you're still here.

Had a good day Clair?
Yes it was fine thanks David, how about you? shame really our head teacher is back to school tonight after being off this week on a residential...been such a lovely atmosphere at school without her
Fine thank you Clair - beautiful day of course. Yes- it's a pity but I suppose she has to be there sometimes.
im fine ta david...hope you are well :D


im all sorted for the footy tonight, and soooo pleased that alan shearer is gonna try and sort the toon out...god knows we need it ;)


hello clair xx
well..slip is here!!! she is a beautiful lady..laying on the settee with the kids loving all the fuss :wub:
right i am going to make meself a mug of sploshy and go and sit with Slip!! nite everyone!! xxxx
Hello Sarah :huggles: Goodnight Sarah :huggles:

Pleased Slip arrived at yours okay and is making her self at home :) :)


Good evening to any other peoples out there
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Glad Slip arrived safely with Debbie today. Don't be getting too attached now!
Good evening everyone :huggles:


:'( :'( :'( :'( I've just read my daughter emmas reply on my thread :'( Bless her :huggles:


Hope you've all had a good day :)


Well done debbie for dropping slip off at sarahs glad you had a safe trip. :huggles:
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I'm being picked on in chat!!!!
morning folks.....................sarah im guessing slip got you ok....i will have a proper nosey around later, im off to the Botanic gardens in oxford with Bill's class today :D


hope everyone is well, and i will come and proper chat mind has been filled with other stuff for the past few days, but its getting back to normal now ;)


speak soon, take care my lovely friends xxxxxxx
Good morning all, hope we are all well,

i can see Sarah was a bit excited while i was travelling down :wacko:
Good morning all, hope we are all well,i can see Sarah was a bit excited while i was travelling down :wacko:
Was she - I'd never have guessed! :lol:

Glad you had a good trip - well done to both of you! Lucky Slip!
Morning All


Hope you all have a good day :D


Hely - I've missed you - hope all is well with you- you know how we miss your useless crap :huggles:


Catch you all later :D
Good morning all, hope we are all well,i can see Sarah was a bit excited while i was travelling down :wacko:
Was she - I'd never have guessed! :lol:

Glad you had a good trip - well done to both of you! Lucky Slip!
Thanks David, good trip all the way down i had hannah and slip snoring through my paul simon cd,my god is that girl going to be spoilt, sarah was outside for about twenty minutes waiting for me,

must say with what she has been through, what a smashing dog
Hely hurry up and get your backside back on here, you have been very much missed, well your useless info has :lol: :lol:
yeah hely..i miss you..feel like we havent spoke for ages :( hope your ok my bird xxxx
just had an engineer come round to repair my cooker..he was a really big bloke with the smallest head i have ever seen :blink: honestly..i couldnt stop staring at him..i have a shadow following me around all the time :wub: she has her head in my lap!!! awwww :wub:
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