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Fao Sarahloveland

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debbie...fancy putting me mirror up on wed??? i will make you a bacon sarnie and cup of splosh if you do :p i darent attempt it cos it will be a guaranteed balls up if i do it
i am hungry...want a roast beef dinner...crispy spuds...yorkshire pud..buttered mashed swede...parsnips..caggage..carrots and beans all covered in gravy and horseradish :D think i will have to settle for a pot noodle :unsure:
Sarah I love that colour, the room looks great, you are brave using a strong colour - you have such style!
thanks will be better when i get some pics up...i saw the most fabulous painting of audrey hepburn today....i so wanted to buy it for the room but i had to hold was stunning
right..i am off....get the uniforms ironed..make me bed...then have a lovely hot soak in the some bath thingys from Lush..oh the smell is gorgeous...laters taters :D xxxxxxxxxxxx
i am hungry...want a roast beef dinner...crispy spuds...yorkshire pud..buttered mashed swede...parsnips..caggage..carrots and beans all covered in gravy and horseradish :D think i will have to settle for a pot noodle :unsure:
Thats exactly what i did for dinner but without the swede, and a roasted my carrots, no prob i will put the mirror up do you want me to bring the drill and raw plugs, oh by the way the living room looks really nice will have a closer inspection on wed :D
i think the sigs you are using would make great pictures on the wall esspec the flamenco dancer you had friday :D
i think the sigs you are using would make great pictures on the wall esspec the flamenco dancer you had friday :D
I was just about to say the same Debbie, that Ballerina has all of the right shades in it to look stunning in that room :D
i am hungry...want a roast beef dinner...crispy spuds...yorkshire pud..buttered mashed swede...parsnips..caggage..carrots and beans all covered in gravy and horseradish :D think i will have to settle for a pot noodle :unsure:
Thats exactly what i did for dinner but without the swede, and a roasted my carrots, no prob i will put the mirror up do you want me to bring the drill and raw plugs, oh by the way the living room looks really nice will have a closer inspection on wed :D

noooooooooooooo..dont look to close!! if you wouldnt mind deb doing that for me...would be most grateful :D
i think the sigs you are using would make great pictures on the wall esspec the flamenco dancer you had friday :D
I was just about to say the same Debbie, that Ballerina has all of the right shades in it to look stunning in that room :D

in b&q there are a few of the most beautiful dancing women,honestly i am spoilt for choice with them all....
i love all these flamenco pictures...they are so beautiful arent they??? i adore my ballerina too..that pic is one of my favs
Good Morning, looks like its gonna be a lovely day, even though there a covering of frost.

Hope you all had a good weekend :D
i just been looking at zach's pics!!! isnt it funny how certain people on here who claim to be John's friend cant even pass a comment on those mum and son pics? I think it would kill them to say something nice wouldnt it?
and they have the gall to get the hump if no one comments on their pics!!!!! haha!!! double standards me thinks ;)
anyhoo...enuff of insignificant people!! hope all my lovely friends on here are ok! sun shining here....abso gorgeous 8)
Hello Sarah, the insignificant people are nutters, they only comment when they haven't got pmt which is never by the looks of it :lol: saying that they can't even comment on how well the pups are doing
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morning folks :D


sarah, your room looks great love...well done :)


im after a new piccie for my kitchen.....i think im gonna go for a bansky print :thumbsup:


sarah i could have come and put your mirror up love...i have some blue tac here...that would have done wouldnt it :-



we are off to reading today to get betsy assessed at the dyslexia many forms we had had to fill in :wacko:


went to see Lemar last night............HOW GOOD WAS HE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


he was bloody fantastic......................... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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