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Fao Sarahloveland

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change of plan..its Indian tonight :D
That would have been us tonight Sarah, but we're spending the day in a field with a portaloo tomorrow if you get my drift, so not wise :D
Better than being in a field without a portaloo ;)


Have a great day juney...don't forget to get up...we have an 8am service tomorrow...oh bugger!!! -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- :lol:
change of plan..its Indian tonight :D
That would have been us tonight Sarah, but we're spending the day in a field with a portaloo tomorrow if you get my drift, so not wise :D
Better than being in a field without a portaloo ;)


Have a great day juney...don't forget to get up...we have an 8am service tomorrow...oh bugger!!! -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- :lol:
early night then clair
Thanks girlies. I think maybe we should all get an early night - but if I'm not there, how will I know you have gone to bed? -_-
i am getting Slip to mine next wed..Debbie is collecting her for me and driving her down to Poole...where she will see her 2 kids!!! i cant wait to get her to mine!!!!! lots of pics!!! We still have Gyp (slips brother) to rehome so if we can all get together to get this lad a home it will be fantastic!!! i am sure between us lovely FAO people we can do this!! These dogs sooo deserve a loving home dont they? xxxx
change of plan..its Indian tonight :D
That would have been us tonight Sarah, but we're spending the day in a field with a portaloo tomorrow if you get my drift, so not wise :D
Better than being in a field without a portaloo ;)


Have a great day juney...don't forget to get up...we have an 8am service tomorrow...oh bugger!!! -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- :lol:
early night then clair
Thanks girlies. I think maybe we should all get an early night - but if I'm not there, how will I know you have gone to bed? -_-
you can trust us juney :D
change of plan..its Indian tonight :D
That would have been us tonight Sarah, but we're spending the day in a field with a portaloo tomorrow if you get my drift, so not wise :D
Better than being in a field without a portaloo ;)


Have a great day juney...don't forget to get up...we have an 8am service tomorrow...oh bugger!!! -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- :lol:
early night then clair
Thanks girlies. I think maybe we should all get an early night - but if I'm not there, how will I know you have gone to bed? -_-
you can trust us juney :D
:lol: No Trac, I really don't think she can :b
change of plan..its Indian tonight :D
That would have been us tonight Sarah, but we're spending the day in a field with a portaloo tomorrow if you get my drift, so not wise :D
Better than being in a field without a portaloo ;)


Have a great day juney...don't forget to get up...we have an 8am service tomorrow...oh bugger!!! -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- :lol:
early night then clair
Thanks girlies. I think maybe we should all get an early night - but if I'm not there, how will I know you have gone to bed? -_-
you can trust us juney :D
:lol: No Trac, I really don't think she can :b
well im gone :-
i have had about 2 hours kip :angry: nance let all the dogs into my bed...Flynn lays like a human next to me..head on my pillow and his front leg around me..that was fine..then he started snoring..i have never known a dog snore like drives me mad...he does this thing when he breathes out all his top lip flaps a horse...then he starts kicking cos he was dreaming..i woke him up and he just looks at me for a second then drifts off again..then the snoring begins all over again :blink: then Lady Lily decides to lay on top of me...completely crushing the air from me...i hoofed her over and she did stay least the whippets all curl up in a tiny ball and stay there all night..oh i am knacked -_- and i forgot to change the clocks so i was late doing the breakfasts...righto..i will stop moaning now :D hope all ok and you have a fab sunday :thumbsup:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Sarah your descriptions of Flynn sleepin with you are just hilarious - he sounds like a bloke!!! We need a video I think :D


Morning Everybody - hope you all have a lovely day :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
mornin clair!!! you wouldnt believe the noise coming from him...its like having a drunk in bed :wacko:
isnt it so pathetic that certain people on here feel the need to outbump every post i do??? sad are they just to want to see their name at the top of the posts on here!!! it beggars belief doesnt it??? you know that i have special friends on here that mean to world to me and every one else on here i couldnt give two tosses about....i hope they know who they are!!!
soniaaaaaaa :huggles: not bad thanks, bored and wishing i was at champs though :(


hows you?
aww never mind sal :( at least you get to go on k9 instead :D


I'm ok thx just gonna take star for a walk :huggles:
true lol i should be doing my boring cwk but i'm waiting for champs results lol


have a nice walk :huggles:
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