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Fao Sarahloveland

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See ya later sal :huggles:


Get some of that coursework done sal :D go on you know you want to :- :lol: :lol:
hellooooooo, i have soooo had enough of kids parties this weekend :wacko: :wacko:



Yay...Oxford have just won the boat race (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) ...thats cos us oxford folk are brilliant ;)


right then...whats been happening???....something must must have ;)
Afternoon, quick hello cos i am cooking dinner and supposed to be on the web looking for fence panels

hope everyone is well, and having a lovely sunday :D
Why has bill switched all the lights on in the conservatory :unsure:
going to see lemar tonight ;)



JLS from the Xfactor are supporting him 8)
Stubbed my toe on the bed this hurt :angry:
going to see lemar tonight ;)  


JLS from the Xfactor are supporting him 8)

you lucky so and so, i love lemar, very talented bloke

have a fab time Hely

right i am off now for a bit, might be back if not see you's all tomorrow

love you all
going to see lemar tonight ;)  


JLS from the Xfactor are supporting him 8)

you lucky so and so, i love lemar, very talented bloke

have a fab time Hely

right i am off now for a bit, might be back if not see you's all tomorrow

love you all
good lord where did you spring from ;)


have a good evening Debs x
got another ghost hunt booked for April.....going to dudley castle...oohhhh spooooooky :D
well, since im talking complete crap to myself...i leave go and read my book...bella wants Edward to sleep with her...but hes scared he will hurt her because hes a vampire....but soon he will be turning her into one as they cant leave without each other....but he wants them to get married first...... he also scared of hurting her cos as you know vampires are very strong and he could end up killing her just by giving her a good stuffing......right i wont say anymore cos i dont want to ruin it all for you :teehee:



well its been a pleasure speaking to you all...but your getting boring now, so im off ;)


have a good evening xx
well, since im talking complete crap to myself...i leave go and read my book...bella wants Edward to sleep with her...but hes scared he will hurt her because hes a vampire....but soon he will be turning her into one as they cant leave without each other....but he wants them to get married first...... he also scared of hurting her cos as you know vampires are very strong and he could end up killing her just by giving her a good stuffing......right i wont say anymore cos i dont want to ruin it all for you :teehee:  


well its been a pleasure speaking to you all...but your getting boring now, so im off ;)


have a good evening xx
lol already read tht bit :p what book u on? i'm on breaking dawn now, last in the series :(
finished me lounge...dont look to closely cos some dodgy painting but its the best i did...especially round the edge of the brown but its sooo hard using dark on light..well it is for me anyway :p got a lovely faux leather mirror in chocolate brown that needs to go up and i need to get some pics up..want to buy a rug for the floor and need a new blind for the window...i am pleased with its the rest of the house needs doing now :wacko:





next thing will be a flat screen telly..hate that bloody bulky thing..needs to go
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