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Dog Front Leg Amputation

Well Im pleased to announce that we all seem to be getting better! woohhoooooo!

I had a major negotiation on my hands this woke up and I needed to get him and Arnie downstairs....tried asking the baby to wait at the top behind the gate but that wasn't going to work so asked Arnie to wait. I was halfway down the stairs when the baby started laughing. I looked back to see Arnie had nudged the gate open with his nose and was making his way down the stairs!!!!

He did it!!!! Much to my amazement! I think it was sheer determination on his part as he didn't want to be left at the top!

So tell me, do I let him do these things on his own now? I feel like I need to protect the wear and tear on his other leg....or am I being over protective?

Hope everyone is feeling well today.
That's so typical Arnie :teehee: I'd say let him do what he feels he can do. The other leg will build extra muscle to compensate, so the more he uses it the stronger it will get. What a boy!!! Glad you are feeling better too, I've been lucky like Jane, so far have escaped flu and the norovirus which is spreading around. Have a good weekend :thumbsup:
Well Im pleased to announce that we all seem to be getting better! woohhoooooo!
I had a major negotiation on my hands this woke up and I needed to get him and Arnie downstairs....tried asking the baby to wait at the top behind the gate but that wasn't going to work so asked Arnie to wait. I was halfway down the stairs when the baby started laughing. I looked back to see Arnie had nudged the gate open with his nose and was making his way down the stairs!!!!

He did it!!!! Much to my amazement! I think it was sheer determination on his part as he didn't want to be left at the top!

So tell me, do I let him do these things on his own now? I feel like I need to protect the wear and tear on his other leg....or am I being over protective?

Hope everyone is feeling well today.
Oh my goodness....sheer determination...hes certainly getting better

thats just awesome news....what a guy he is... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I personally would let him try anything within reason, Im sure he will know his own limits..
Great news , I would let him do what he wants occasionally but stop him if he's doing the stairs etc too often at the moment :thumbsup:
Life has a way of sorting itself out, doesn't it Sarah? :thumbsup:

I was very protective of Poacher when she started to go off lead, I didn't want her to strain herself or to

start hopping too much and not using her bad leg. In the end I had to let her get on with it (w00t) and her

good leg has built up much more than the shorter one. The most noticeable thing is the size of her paw - it's

huge on her right leg and very dainty on the left :blink:

Reckon Arnie will take care of himself ........ he's had enough time to adjust now and must be aware that he

needs to compensate when he overbalances, bless :wub: I'd just keep an eye on him and don't let him run up and

downstairs for fun!! :lol:
Thank you my friends....

Seems Arnie is being very brave today. He asked to go out in the garden (not the usual scratching of the door, more of a nudge with his nose!) he went out he spotted a fox!!!! He bounded up the garden in a half run half stumble and then slipped and went straight on his face...he got up and carried on. In the meantime I am squealing from the back door to try and get him to slow down!

I know I have to let him try these things but I feel like a new mother with him! Very difficult to know how much to let him do!

Stitches out at 3 today!!! Fingers crossed.

Hope all are well...glad to hear you have avoided the norovirus. My Mum had it and 'man was it baaaaad'!
Be great to have the stitches out, final hurdle with the vets, I bet they'll be over the moon with him...he'll start to look more handsomer still with no stitches - glad you're all on the mend too! :thumbsup:
Hi guys,

Well the vet visit was a success. My heart sank when the nurse said she wasn't sure on a couple of them. The wound looks like it was gaping open a little. THe vet checked it and said its just the way its healing! Seems that it has a few ml of give in it. I have to be careful that he doesn't rip it open as its still early days and he is borderline cushings as well (so healing process may take longer).

He was a very brave boy and had his 30 stitches out with no hitches! The nurse was sweating a little because the skin had started to eat a few of them up!

They told me he has some internal sutures which will take around a month to dissolve so I need to make sure he doesn't over exert himself. Guess that answers my question as to whether he can chase foxes or not!!!!!!

When I got him home he was like a new dog! He ran around trying to find something to bring me and has asked to go outside at least 3 times in the last hour! I think hes trying to tell me something!

So, it looks like all is well. I need to carry on doing what I'm doing and take care of him as best I can.

And Jane, yes life does seem to have a way of sorting itself out...even if at the time it feels like nothing is ever going to be the same...sometimes its just different!

Thanks again to everyone for giving me continued support. I really have appreciated it and look forward to hanging around here and having a chat...if you'll have me :teehee:
Oh yes...we're always happy to have you about...and the handsome have entertained us all of late :thumbsup:
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So pleased for Arnie that his stitches are out. What a brave lad - he's doing so well.

Hi guys,Well the vet visit was a success. My heart sank when the nurse said she wasn't sure on a couple of them. The wound looks like it was gaping open a little. THe vet checked it and said its just the way its healing! Seems that it has a few ml of give in it. I have to be careful that he doesn't rip it open as its still early days and he is borderline cushings as well (so healing process may take longer).

He was a very brave boy and had his 30 stitches out with no hitches! The nurse was sweating a little because the skin had started to eat a few of them up!

They told me he has some internal sutures which will take around a month to dissolve so I need to make sure he doesn't over exert himself. Guess that answers my question as to whether he can chase foxes or not!!!!!!

When I got him home he was like a new dog! He ran around trying to find something to bring me and has asked to go outside at least 3 times in the last hour! I think hes trying to tell me something!

So, it looks like all is well. I need to carry on doing what I'm doing and take care of him as best I can.

And Jane, yes life does seem to have a way of sorting itself out...even if at the time it feels like nothing is ever going to be the same...sometimes its just different!

Thanks again to everyone for giving me continued support. I really have appreciated it and look forward to hanging around here and having a chat...if you'll have me :teehee:
When my Chip had his stitches out,(between 18 and 20 in all) there was also a gaping bit...which healed without trace...its marvelous how skin heals itself.

He certainly sounds like hes coming along in leaps and bounds...Im so pleased to hear your phrase life isnt going to be the same - just different

what a brave attitude to it..

Im sure with your positive vibes, and Arnie going the way he are all doing JUST FINE... :huggles: And I for one have certainly

enjoyed your posts about Arnie...
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Well I'm so pleased that Arnie is now happily stitchless :thumbsup:

I expect they were beginning to irritate him so it's no wonder he is bouncing around now they're gone :D

........... don't you dare disappear, Sarah!!! It's a pleasure having you on K9 and I hope you will become a permanent member of us bunch of renegades :lol: :lol:
Aww Sarah ...... so pleased to hear about Arnie's progress ...... you must be feeling like you can relax a little now his stitches are out and he is beginning to get about better. :thumbsup:

He already looks fantastic ...... a very handsome lad ....... but now those stitches are out and as the hair begins to grow back he'll look even better. :wub:

Please don't disappear ...... like Janice, I have enjoyed your posts. :b
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Awww, thanks for saying I can stay :wub: (truth is, I was going to hang around till you kicked me out anyway!!!!) :teehee:

Arnie had another good night and decided that under the covers was the best place for him last night...that was after our midnight walk around the garden in 80mph winds and rain! My neighbours must think I've lost it....there I was in bright pink fluffy pj's and my husbands size 12 flip flops!!!! Oh well, if they don't know me by now!

I ordered Arnie a set of dog steps! I found then on ebay and thought it would help him get on and off the bed in the spare room on his own. Perhaps then I can return to my own bed (although my husband has commented he's rather enjoying the entire bed to himself! :huh:

Looks like bad weather is rolling in today so I'm planning a nice big fat roast dinner! I know I have to watch Arnie's weight but he can still have chicken!

Have a good one everyone...Im back to work tomorrow so will have tons more time to be on here! :teehee:
Glad you are going to stay Sarah , you never know maybe one day you will be getting a little whippet girlie to keep Arnie company :teehee:
Glad you are going to stay Sarah , you never know maybe one day you will be getting a little whippet girlie to keep Arnie company :teehee:
That could be a very good plan Hula! Love the girlie whippets...such pretty pretty dogs! :)
Just wanted to share my good news! Arnie asked to go out!!!!!!

Came downstairs and saw him sitting by the front door (he hasn't done this for maybe a month!). I was nervous but he was so confident. He got quite a pace going. So much so that I was almost jogging. I was only planning a 10 minute around the block but he wanted to keep going. His determination was amazing! He started pulling me toward the playing field but I avoided it. I didn't want him to over do it.

So, after a 20 minute jog we came home in one piece! I was out of breath but he was bouncing around and looked so happy!

I tell ya, the stitches coming out has changed his demeanour completely. He seems so happy and raring to go now.

I'm one happy girl right now! Going to take it slowly but definitely feel like I'm getting my boy back :)
Hes going great guns....Im so pleased it sounds like Arnie is almost back to his usual self.. :thumbsup:

Fantastic news all round... :huggles: must give you so much hope for the furture now....keep it up Arnie..
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well sarah i think you have well and truly been bitten by a new form of bug ........that is the k9 bug your stuck with us now :teehee:

look forward to lots more stories of Arnie and his progress :thumbsup:
I have been following Arnie's progress every day, and I am so thrilled for both you and Arnie. Well done both of you.

