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Dog Front Leg Amputation

I've had no broadband for a few weeks and just catching up now.

I'm pleased to hear he's doing well. :)

As for cocking a leg to pee, my tripod bitch does it out on walks... all a question of balance, lol.

She used to roll over backwards at the start when she tryed to scratch herself with one of her back legs, but soon learned to adjust how she positioned herself to stop that. They are so quick to adapt to this new situation; if it was a human we'd be weeks/months recovering and adapting and probably crying about it alot to boot.
Okay, okay, can all get it out of your head that Arnie needs a girlfriend! He can't even wee on 3 legs yet, let alone start dating! :teehee:
Took him for another 'jog' last night and he tried 3 times to lift his left back leg...problem is, he lost the front left....there I was trying to explain to him that if he lifts his back right he may be able to balance better! I would love to have been behind me! A couple gave me a very strange look because I was practically sitting on the pavement and showing him how to lift his back right...I'm getting quite the name for myself around my way!

I think his steps are being delivered today! How exciting!

Jane...thanks for the link, made me cry! :)

Don't know much about boy dogs but I think they like to pee against something so would it be possible to walk him so that the leg you want him to lift is near the hedge , tree etc at least just now ? :wacko:
Hula, you're a genius!!!! Maybe all I need to do is walk in the opposite direction so his pee pee leg is against the wall! Either that or I need to learn to walk backwards!!!
Hi Sarah, We had the same problem with Jesse :wacko: We had to walk the opposite way around the block where we live so that the amputated side was next to the hedge all the way :thumbsup: and all he had to do was tilt his body at the back

:blink: After a while though he got the hang of things and would turn around next to a hedge if he was facing the wrong way :thumbsup:

So glad Arnie is doing well :huggles: take care, Sonia and Star xXx
June, Thank you for saying that! As for sticking around...I've been looking for a bunch of mad people to talk too for the longest time! This site really makes me smile :)
Hula, K9 has helped me get through this and I will be here if anyone else needs advice on how to cope with it.
well you cant get any madder than june :oops: thats me in k9 jail for the day :teehee:

sarah this site is so much fun and i have met and made the nicest bunch of friends ever :thumbsup:

long may you enjoy it :huggles:
Good morning, Sarah and Arnie :thumbsup:

Hope your jog round the block the other way goes well today :D :huggles:
Let it be known to all that 'HULA IS A GENIUS'!

I feel so stupid for not even thinking about it.

Came out of the house and turned right, which means that Arnie's good side (the one with both legs) is nearest to the hedge. When he found the perfect peeing spot he lifted his right leg and managed to balance to finish his business! So, with front right and back left on the ground he can do it! He is still wobbly but he managed it!

So with that resolved (thank you Hula and Sonia), the next thing I need to do is slow him down!!!!!! Im worried I'm going to get too fit!!!! bwaaaaaaaaaaaa! He did get to such a speed last night that he took a very dramatic dive when he found somewhere to sniff!

I guess we are both still learning to deal with his 'tripodness' but I feel much more relaxed about it now and he seems to be coping marvellously.

Its true that the first 2/3 weeks are the worst.

Oh and the steps I bought him have not been as successful as I hoped. I excitedly put them on the floor and he jumped straight over them!

Well, it hasn't stopped raining today! Is it wrong to open a bottle of wine and a packet of chocolate? I mean I'm going to run it off later anyway!!!! :teehee:

Lots of love to all my K9 friends!
out of all the heartache i have had this last 2 weeks i am so glad to read arnie is doing so well and yes i agree trac long may you stiuck around :thumbsup:
out of all the heartache i have had this last 2 weeks i am so glad to read arnie is doing so well and yes i agree trac long may you stiuck around :thumbsup:
Oh hun, its so nice to see you back. I cannot imagine how awful it has been for you. Thinking of you :wub:

I'm sure you have lots of offers, but I'm here if you need me.


Let it be known to all that 'HULA IS A GENIUS'!
I feel so stupid for not even thinking about it.

Came out of the house and turned right, which means that Arnie's good side (the one with both legs) is nearest to the hedge. When he found the perfect peeing spot he lifted his right leg and managed to balance to finish his business! So, with front right and back left on the ground he can do it! He is still wobbly but he managed it!

So with that resolved (thank you Hula and Sonia), the next thing I need to do is slow him down!!!!!! Im worried I'm going to get too fit!!!! bwaaaaaaaaaaaa! He did get to such a speed last night that he took a very dramatic dive when he found somewhere to sniff!

I guess we are both still learning to deal with his 'tripodness' but I feel much more relaxed about it now and he seems to be coping marvellously.

Its true that the first 2/3 weeks are the worst.

Oh and the steps I bought him have not been as successful as I hoped. I excitedly put them on the floor and he jumped straight over them!

Well, it hasn't stopped raining today! Is it wrong to open a bottle of wine and a packet of chocolate? I mean I'm going to run it off later anyway!!!! :teehee:

Lots of love to all my K9 friends!
A bottle of wine and some choc is positively called for!

Well done Arnie on managing to successfully leave his pee-mails for all the other dogs. :thumbsup:

I think front leg amputees find it much easier to get round at a faster pace than a slower one. Full steam ahead!
i havent been on for a bit and went straight to this,good news on your wee dog,i am very happy for you.Glad he is still bobbing along,he still got life in hin bless,sending you both my love and best wishes,great news. :thumbsup:
Evie, the wine did the trick! Just one glass mind you :)

Staffygirl - thanks!

He definitely seems to have more life these days. He's patiently waiting for his walk, or should I say run! Going to try and slow him down tonight though...
Hi Sarah

So glad that Arnie is running rings round you :thumbsup:

Made me laugh about the stairs ...... typical ....... you try to do something for him and he shows you he doesn't need them :teehee:

Hope it's stops raining tonight when you take him for his jog. x
Hi guys,

Okay, hate to say this but think I may have made a huge mistake by sleeping with Arnie for the past two weeks. Last night I tried to sleep in my own bed and he was having none of it! He kept scratching the bed and jumping up and licking me (something he has never done before). I tried to settle him back in his room (yes the spare bedroom is Arnie's room!). Every time I tried to leave he would jump off (something I didn't think he could do!!!!) and come back to my room! He was really clingy this morning too :(

I feel so bad because I don't want him to think I am abandoning him. Any suggestions?

I'm at work tomorrow so think I may have to sleep in there with him tonight just so I get a good nights sleep!
Would he not sleep in his own bed in your room ?


Just put him in the spare room and shut the door and tell him to be quiet . :wacko:
Would he not sleep in his own bed in your room ?


Just put him in the spare room and shut the door and tell him to be quiet . :wacko:
laughing out loud at your 'tell him to be quiet'!

arnie has always taken the double bed in the spare room as his own...suits me, i dont particularly like visitors anyway!!!! :teehee:

'his bed' is in the kitchen and he never spends the night in there....just thinking i may have to tell the 'old man' that life as a married couple is over! :unsure:
sarah thankyou your a star ive just seen your post x im so glad armie is back to his cheeky self although its hard for you hope you manage to get something sorted soon :thumbsup:
Hmmmmmmmm :blink:

Arnie's got you sussed out alright, Sarah :teehee:

What about just letting him have the run of the house??

He will decide where he wants to sleep then :-

I suppose it was inevitable that he wouldn't want to sleep without you again :oops:

Sorry I can't offer any advice as I am a total softy when it comes to our gang and they sleep where they want :thumbsup:
To be honest having thought about it I'm not that worried...looking on the bright side:

1. He farts less than my husband

2. He snores less

3. He doesn't get up to pee

4. He doesn't set a really early alarm

5. He doesn't insist that there is a fan on

6. he doesn't need the window wide open when its minus bloody 5 outside!

Infact he's a pleasure to sleep with..

Forget my earlier request for suggestions...I don't need them! All is well in the house! :teehee:
To be honest having thought about it I'm not that worried...looking on the bright side:1. He farts less than my husband

2. He snores less

3. He doesn't get up to pee

4. He doesn't set a really early alarm

5. He doesn't insist that there is a fan on

6. he doesn't need the window wide open when its minus bloody 5 outside!

Infact he's a pleasure to sleep with..

Forget my earlier request for suggestions...I don't need them! All is well in the house! :teehee:
:teehee: looks like a good night sleep for you then lol
To be honest having thought about it I'm not that worried...looking on the bright side:1. He farts less than my husband

2. He snores less

3. He doesn't get up to pee

4. He doesn't set a really early alarm

5. He doesn't insist that there is a fan on

6. he doesn't need the window wide open when its minus bloody 5 outside!

Infact he's a pleasure to sleep with..

Forget my earlier request for suggestions...I don't need them! All is well in the house! :teehee:
Lol Sarah, you are a scream (w00t)
To be honest having thought about it I'm not that worried...looking on the bright side:1. He farts less than my husband

2. He snores less

3. He doesn't get up to pee

4. He doesn't set a really early alarm

5. He doesn't insist that there is a fan on

6. he doesn't need the window wide open when its minus bloody 5 outside!

Infact he's a pleasure to sleep with..

Forget my earlier request for suggestions...I don't need them! All is well in the house! :teehee:
Looks like you need advice on getting rid of the that IS something I can help with :thumbsup: