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well i know of a few breeds in whippets thats got no greyhound breeding in them and wouldnt say quote  more often and the breed will get even more nutty and nasty.i found them to placid
greyhounds are very placid dogs,and if let be very loving dogs
well i am all for bringing the size of whippets down to 28lb,we used to have this weight limit in force and never had nutty dogs then ???  don't know wether stopping breeding with greyhounds would work though, who would police this?????? greyhounds are very gentle dogs and placid and there are some lovely big dogs ...............
well  i think we should just carry on as we are doing,or ban the dogs running today that have greyhound blood in them,wonder how many non ped racing dogs would be left :(
:D ha ha neil, i wonder how many non peds would be racing if you banned all the dogs with greyhound blood in them, if you know of any whippets with no greyhound blood in them , please let us know, this could be interesting???????   :p   ;)   :D
i thought we were trying to get more people racing not talking  about banning dogs maybe if we gave things a little more thought the sport would benifit a little and actually get better that should not be to hard surely and what this has to do with distances i am not sure ???????seems to have gone astray somewhere along the way
well thank you Mr boyd for putting us back on the straight and narrow,now were was we??? oh yes , i think 150yards  is a good distance for the champs and certainly think bigger dogs would have a better chance of winning if running over longer distances , but after Drama Queen winning the final over 200 yrd distance i may be wrong............... :p   :D   ;)
i also think that on the bends you have a better chance of winning if you had a dog say 24lb and upwards, on the straights at 150 yrds i would say 18lb to 22lb.   :p
hi if u lowered the weight limit down from 32lb then no one would cross greyhounds into the whippet breed or less would. this could be a problem cause the  gene pool is very small anyway so if no new blood isn't added then faults will ocurr more often and the breed will get even more nutty and nasty.  
i think this is were the greyhoung thing started in distances

well i know greyhounds are nearly always very nice dogs, as a child i grow up with them always had one or two

but dont think if we stopped mating whippets and greyhounds that we would end up with a gene pool that would make faults to ocurr and more nutty and nasty dogs really, as this probly would of happened in the ped whippet side of things.

:D Hi, well i have to say the only time my dog--s are nutty and nasty is when they are at the track, or maybe when they see next doors cat ;)  
Pat, you mean to say your next door neighbours cat is still alive?   :p
:p lol Vicky, it moves with lightning speed, never comes in my yard but they look for it all the time ;) it hides behind the fence, probably why they have a dig( my bulbs up) now and again :)
We've recently moved house and a few months after moving found out that the people opposite have got 7 cats (or they did have)   :D  Which isn't good when you've got a load of whippets
:angry: The woman next door but two has loads of cats , they are cheshire cats, lovely but they know to keep away from my house,   one always manages to run across the road as i am taking the dogs  out :angry: my dogs go barmy and all the neibours are at the windows :( and millie always always tries to bite me ;) hows that for takin about distances ;)   ;)   ;)
At least the cat's keeping it's distance - see we haven't gone too far off the topic.
:D lol, you'r not wrong there Vicky,, :p nice to have a laugh eyyyyyy ;)   :p   :D
i was out walking on main road and a chicken run out,yes chicken i nearly had my arms pulled out of there sockets,wish it was on field :angry: even kane may have caught it :D   :D
:D I know what you mean Neil, Millie seems to run around me and then she grabs the lead and starts pulling at it and that pulls me :p the neibours think its hilarious, they fall over laughing and i can't do any thing for laughing too, but not very happy afterwards cos my arms hurt, wonder why things always fly out at you when you are walking the dogs ??? you have to laugh :p hmmmmmmmmm
Hi, in answer to Tony, i find what the letter writer is saying is, what i have been saying all the time, little uns get injured when running with the big uns, we need to  consider either bringing  the weight limit back down to 28lb and the rest run off scratch ie 2ft a pound will be fare for the bigger ones or put up with the system that has for so many years been ok by the majority of whippet racers.....i think this needs looking at though       :p   :D   ;)