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Billy, you want to get them heart tablets checked out, cos they shouldn't have this effect on you :lol:

ps. Is that your camera in your trunks :- " :lol:
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might inflame f*** all dave !!! my dog won fair and square. theres the next tip..when theres a descion made dont let the usual suspect try and convert you.

i feel like handing the bastrd trophy back ! billy youre the worst loser ive ever came across...

infact robert still has a trophy of mine send it to f***ing harpur ...


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to avoid confusion here...China is the jet black tiny dog with the orange vet wrap..this series show zena beating sky. china was further from dave and just infront of zena.


Can I ask (out of curiosity) why where people using tripods? :blink:
anyone can be magnanimous when they win,the test of a true man is how he accepts defeat. :thumbsup: john youve got a little cracker there,this is just the start of bigger and better things for little China.the best of luck to you both :luck: :luck: :luck:
well i take it sky came 3rd im happy with that first shes seen a lure since last year lol :D
guss said:
well i take it sky came 3rd im happy with that first shes seen a lure since last year lol :D
What a sporting person you are :thumbsup: I'm sure with time and patience she'll get more experience and you'll be rewarded. You should be happy with her performance and I'm sure regardless of placing you'll continue to be happy with her efforts. :cheers: Keep up the good work and I hope you and your dog continue to enjoy racing. :luck:
wild whippies said:
guss said:
well i take it sky came 3rd im happy with that first shes seen a lure since last year lol :D
What a sporting person you are :thumbsup: I'm sure with time and patience she'll get more experience and you'll be rewarded. You should be happy with her performance and I'm sure regardless of placing you'll continue to be happy with her efforts. :cheers: Keep up the good work and I hope you and your dog continue to enjoy racing. :luck:

hear,hear!well done mate and good luck in the future :luck: :luck: :cheers:
wild whippies said:
Can I ask (out of curiosity) why where people using tripods? :blink:
Ionly used the tripod a couple of time's,as it was bloomin freezin,and i could'nt hold the camera steady.Niether could the bloke beside me,who was videoing.I was getting blured pix,and thought that the tripod would help.Wont matter anymore though,as i will not be taking anymore pix.
billyboy45 said:
wild whippies said:
Can I ask (out of curiosity) why where people using tripods? :blink:
Ionly used the tripod a couple of time's,as it was bloomin freezin,and i could'nt hold the camera steady.Niether could the bloke beside me,who was videoing.I was getting blured pix,and thought that the tripod would help.Wont matter anymore though,as i will not be taking anymore pix.

y should he not use a tripod?? :blink: we thought billy's pic's were brill & a lot of effort went into taking them :thumbsup:

Rose :)
stormydog said:
coatsy said:
billyboy45 said:
longstone lad said:

hi Deirde

thankyou for da starting line pics  :)

as usal my camera never left me pocket

colin will b pleased to c dem when he gts in from work

rhonda :thumbsup:

Anyone notice just how interested my Niki bitch is,in lure coursing.No wonder she does'nt get anywhere fast.Ive been doing a lot of practicing portrature with her over the last few day's,and she's still bloomin posing for the camera.May i just say that im sorry folk's,but it clearly thought that it was the white and brindle in this pic,that went on to win the final.

billy the finishing order at the line in the under 23 was china zena together and ur dog then the white and brindle dog it was a close finish for all 4 of them :thumbsup:

thank you colin...(who was on the line and not looking thru a lens) billy youll have to leave the camera down mate as its ruining your line of vision.

you focused on the 2 slower dogs mate as one was forget the 2 fastest colins and mine were further across the track and ahead. even the starting line crowd could see that. hope youre not going to do this all this year too :(

Wont be taking no more pix of racing ,as im pissed off.I made a mistake,and in post 54 i openly admitted this,for all on here to see.I knew the bloke from Colerain had hetter and more pix than i had,as he was further down the field,and on the other side.Otherwise,i wouldnt have mentioned it.I dont stand bloody freezin,and takin pix for myself.I try and do it for the benifit of those on here.This was my 1st time with this camera to try the straight racing,and ok,i made a blunder of it.Belive me,i have enough shit happening here at home,without some on here blowing their mouth's off.Id be very careful what id say on here,cause there is a lot more that just might come out,regarding a recent phone call.So cool it.Ive spent all bloody morning at the vet's,and now we have a death in the family,so i dont need this crap.Ive appologised to the party involved,and also by PM.I can put up the reply's to my PM if nessesary
stormydog said:
might inflame f*** all dave !!!  my dog won fair and square.  theres the next tip..when theres a descion made dont let the usual suspect try  and convert you.
i feel like handing the bastrd trophy back !  billy youre the worst loser ive ever came across...

infact  robert still has a trophy of mine  send it to f***ing harpur ...

          "TOP WHINGER"


John.1?Where am i trying to convert anyone.Cant you even accept the appology i made in post 54.I also apologised to you by pm,and in youre reply,you accepted it,and said there was no way this would cause a dent in our friendship.I said that Robert's pix would show up the real race result,as i was undoubtably wrong.As for the trophy John.It was only because of you,and youre 11 month old pup,who wont have anymore puppy races to run in this country,that i went and bought the stupid thing's.It was you who were looking for a puppy race,and as it was doubtful,i went and ordered the trophy for it,knowing how much you needed a puppy racing championship,before it was too late,as China was running out of time.See,i try my best to look after my so called mate's John,not like other's who stab all their mates in the back.When i took a wee angina attack at the show,during the racing,it was because i was running to get a battery for the camera,as it was you're race that was coming up,and i put getting pix for you,in front of the pain's i was taking in my chest.Going back to the trophy. When Colin said that it should be for the whippet's,and not the whippet/greyhound's,and because i had already told you that i had the trophy bought for you,that i then went and borrowed the money of the wife, for another one,for the whippet's.I think i did alright with my contribution's,but let's make sure that the one negative thing,outway's all the positives.Now let not those who live in glass houses,throw stone's.One final thing i will say here.How am i a sore loser.Tell me one thing i said to support this.I was beat fair n sqare,in fact,Trouble never even reached the final,and was beat by 2 quiker dog's on the day.Maybe she will come right some day,and return the favoutr,maybe not.Niki,well Niki is just Niki,and ive already been in contact with someone who had offered her a home,a while back,as a pet.So yes lad's,i can take my beating's,no problem.Now im realy beat,so goodnight.Ive got more important thing's to see to. Billy, cant see through a lens,Harpur.Well not till i get my speck's anyhow.
this is my last reply to this....

billys pm states he may have been wrong in saying there was 5...yes 5 lengths in this race. sorry these pix show china up as they approach the line and she was powering on at that. lovely pix !

my final comment is...

billy you didnt need to commit acts of gross backstabbery.. your comments on the result were unwarrented and ill-advised. carry on taking pix as thats your hobby and everyone enjoys them but, as a hobby not as evidence.

JOHNNY...OVER AND OUT :thumbsup:
Miss Madam said:
billyboy45 said:
wild whippies said:
Can I ask (out of curiosity) why where people using tripods? :blink:
Ionly used the tripod a couple of time's,as it was bloomin freezin,and i could'nt hold the camera steady.Niether could the bloke beside me,who was videoing.I was getting blured pix,and thought that the tripod would help.Wont matter anymore though,as i will not be taking anymore pix.

y should he not use a tripod?? :blink: we thought billy's pic's were brill & a lot of effort went into taking them :thumbsup:

Rose :)

Because Rose,

a) It's a potential hazard being on an open field with no barriers that the dog could run into it.

b) It can distract the dogs who WILL look and it will impede their performance, look for yourself, there is a dog racing amongst the photos posted that is looking directly at the camera lens. The only time I get this is when they're on the bends and I'm parallel with the lure at the time the shot's taken. (in other words they're looking at that)

c) There is no need for a tripod, end of!

Don't think I'm having a jib at any specific individual as I don't know which individuals had tripods (bar Billy who has replied that he was using one) All the photos are brilliant, and I more than most appreciate the efforts involved Rose. ;) But first and foremost, safety of the dogs should be paramount.
wild whippies said:
Miss Madam said:
billyboy45 said:
wild whippies said:
Can I ask (out of curiosity) why where people using tripods? :blink:
Ionly used the tripod a couple of time's,as it was bloomin freezin,and i could'nt hold the camera steady.Niether could the bloke beside me,who was videoing.I was getting blured pix,and thought that the tripod would help.Wont matter anymore though,as i will not be taking anymore pix.

y should he not use a tripod?? :blink: we thought billy's pic's were brill & a lot of effort went into taking them :thumbsup:

Rose :)

Because Rose,

a) It's a potential hazard being on an open field with no barriers that the dog could run into it.

b) It can distract the dogs who WILL look and it will impede their performance, look for yourself, there is a dog racing amongst the photos posted that is looking directly at the camera lens. The only time I get this is when they're on the bends and I'm parallel with the lure at the time the shot's taken. (in other words they're looking at that)

c) There is no need for a tripod, end of!

Don't think I'm having a jib at any specific individual as I don't know which individuals had tripods (bar Billy who has replied that he was using one) All the photos are brilliant, and I more than most appreciate the efforts involved Rose. ;) But first and foremost, safety of the dogs should be paramount.

You're probibly right Jac,about the safety thing,but the finishing line was about 30 meters wide,and only a few meters back from the rough ground,as you can see on the pick of me with the tripod.I was well back from the bloke who was standing on the line with the video camera,so i couldnt get any pix of them as they approached and went over the line,as you can see.I only used the tripod. a couple of times as my hands were freezing,and i thought that this was the reason i was getting loads of camera shake.There is no stabilizers in this wee toy.When the simulated was going on,i got myself in behind some trees,but there was no where else to stand for the racing pix.Around the finish line is usualy full of folk,with kid's running around,and cameras everywhere.At least i was well back from the finishing line.The end of the field coming up so quickly,just behind the line would bother me though,cause it make's dog's start breaking far too early,when they see the fence,and this is where the dangers come from,as regards dog safety.I know what it's like to be put in the hospital when a dog hit's you,so that is why i was that bit further back,than the other bloke.Even it meant i couldn't see the line.Have to admit though,that i should have been down level with the line,and back a bit further.Just on the day,i wasn't.If id have kept the camera at wide angle,instead of bothering about that perfect close up shot for a certain someone,that i didn't get anyway,then i might have seen better,as to who was where.But again,i didn't.But hey,we live and learn.Totaly diferent from track racing,where there is a wall or whatever to help with distracting the dog's while racing.Personaly,i think that when they are on that lure,and someone is at the finishing line,they dont even see them.That is the way it's been for years,but there is usualy a multitude of folk at the finishing line,+all the dog catchers,who are usualy running around after the dog's,before they even stop running.We live and learn Jac,and all had to start somewhere.Next year i wont have time to take any photo's anyhow,as my hands will be full,holding all the dog's for Kirsty,as ive given her the lot,after the day i had yesterday.Now if i had you're set up of kit,i could probibly get good pix even from the next field over,but id have to learn how to use it 1st. ...Billy...
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