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Cash Is A Daddy!

Wow, they are looking gorgeous Lana - you must be thrilled to bits with them :wub: :wub: :wub:
They are coming along so well Lana,I can't believe they are 7wks already!!!!

They look lovely. :wub:
Looking great Lana, I think my preference from those pics would be Striker and JD!
They are actually very hard to grade Caroline. The three solid dogs are very typey to each other (and their mother) in body shape. Striker is a heavier dog - he's not that much bigger than any of them but he's heavier in weight. Every puppy moves beautifully in the side gait. I'm a sucker for JD and Striker purely because of their colour and markings. But I do think BJ and Richie are just as good but those are yukky photos of them. BJ I think will have a more elegant/refined head than the other dogs. BJ, in his photos, gives me the impression that he is a bit straight in shoulder but when you watch him move, and see him standing naturally in the yard, it just can't be so. I also had a friend (not strictly a whippet man but whose opinion I value greatly) come over to assess and he came, pretty much, to the same conclusions I did. The three solid boys are very typey and difficult to separate. Striker is different but also very good. Eddie is lovely on the side gait but not so good going away. The only thing we differed on was he thought Betty was better than Dash.

In a perfect world I would keep them all and show them all until they were 12 months old to see how they develop. :wacko:
Lovely puppies Lana! Especially like Striker and Dash :wub:
Congratulations on such lovely pups Lana :thumbsup:

Striker can come to me :wub:
Glad you are back Lana... Puppies look great... Can't wait to see at least 1 in the ring next year.. So have you decided if you are keeping any?
Don't have a favorite Lana, I just like them all :wub: :thumbsup: :wub: o:)
Common on Lana, isn't it time we had more standy-uppy pics???!!!! Or even cute ones!! :wub:
Striker for me, he is just stunning. Love him. :wub: :wub: :wub:
How I wish I could see them in the flesh , Striker looks super , I still go for Richee though , he has super length and appears to have a good shoulder too .

It s a hard choice thats for sure any pics of Cashs` other offspring Lana ?
Striker & Betty for me please :wub: :wub:
dessie said:
Common on Lana, isn't it time we had more standy-uppy pics???!!!!  Or even cute ones!!  :wub:
Sorry Caroline - I've been laid up for 4 days with an absess on a tooth which has affected the whole left side of my face - I've been looking like the Elephant Man - no joke - and the pain killers I've been using have been making me very sleepy - it's been the most I can do to tend to dogs' and puppies' most basic needs these last three days. I have an appointment on Wednesday for an xray but the dentist said she won't even be taking the tooth out then - don't know how much longer I will have to cope with the pain.

Hubby is home now to help and the swelling has gone down some, and I am feeling a bit more active today. Will try to take some pics this afternoon.

Sorry - no more pics of mum's pups. As I said she doesn't have a computer and I haven't received any hard copy pics from her. She lives 10 hrs drive away from me so it's not easy just to pop down and take some pics.

Thanks for your positive comments everyone.
Oh dear Lana, I really feel for you. There is nothing worse than a tooth absess. :(

Why is your dentist not whipping it out, mind does and the relief if just pure heaven !

Fingers crossed that its sorted soon :luck:
OH had absess when we were on Holiday a couple of years ago , and he looked like the elephant man too (w00t) Mouth all lopsided and drooling :oops:

When the swelling went down the dentist took the tooth out . ,Phil had had this for quite a few years :eek: and never bothered going to dentist and just kept waiting for the pain to go :wacko: , Hes really pleased hes had it out now though , MEN !! :wacko: Me , Id have been there asap :thumbsup:
JAX said:
  Mouth all lopsided and drooling :oops:
  When the swelling went down

[SIZE=14pt]Is this when he first saw you in your negligent?[/SIZE]

Where will we see you soon?
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I really like Dash & Striker & I'd like to see more photos of Richie & JD :thumbsup:
:- " Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good Lana, I don't do dentists unless absolutely necessary as I am petrified of them! (w00t)

Hope you feel better soon :cheers:
Generally speaking I don't do dentists either - took me years to find one that was sympathetic to my childhood trauma and subsequent uncontrollable fear. I have to go to a doctor and get valium first otherwise the dentist can't work on me - even the dentist's "happy gas" doesn't have any effect on me. When they stopped using that stuff that put you to sleep at the dentist's years ago - I stopped going. Eventually I was in a situation where I had to go and after two visits to dentists who threw their hands up in despair and said "I can't work on you" or made fun of my fear, a friend recommended that I see his wife (who was a doctor) who would prescribe me valium to go and visit their friend (a dentist) and he has been wonderful to me.

I couldn't get in to see my dentist until 5th Feb (w00t) and a very unfriendly receptionist would not schedule an emergency appointment because my dentist is winding down his hours in preparation for his retirement (imagine the state this put me in - having to go to another dentist :blink: ).

The new lady I've seen is from the UK - and is quite lovely but she said she can't do anything for me until the infection is under control - she has scheduled me in for this Wednesday for an Xray but she said they won't even do the extraction then - it will just be the Xray - heaven only knows why - to get more money out of me for two appointments???? :unsure: