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Bwra Champs Photos

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weathergirls said:
I would be interested to know how this "person" might be elected for the job? Will it be a democratic decision............I presume we are only talking about the Fed?

Or will somebody ( who I understand is already being considered) be imposed?


to answer your questions Chris the person ie Racing Manager we have selected not imposed for this job (this is how the NNWRF and the original NWRF has allways worked) is in our opinion the right man for this difficult job, He has a wealth of experience in racing whippets and greyhounds so lets give him a chance and all give him your help and support. We have yet to select someone to work alongside Graham so all feel free to make yourselves known to the committee if you would like to be considered it would be helpful to know who would be willing to get involved

Just my opinion Linda, I have no problem in getting involved, but I dont have that much experience, so I'm not sure I would be that much help. I appreciate that the way the fed has run for some time is not in a democratic way, therefore it is an imposition in my eyes, but probably not in light of the fed constitution. Cant remember what you said in the thread about the racing manager, is it only for the bends or is it the straights as well?

:cheers: chris
sherry said:
well as theres no more bends till when is it? OCTOBER? those that do bend race will have plenty of time to check their dogs whether its an inside or outside runner just glad i dont run the bends and pleased the straights r here. who said the bend season was too short? it seems to have gone on 4 about 95 years to me lol happy straight racing everyone  :thumbsup:

doesn't only happen in bend racing stands out a lot clearer in straight racing as whole race is visible from start to finish don't know why it happens but it does can only assume some people seed their dogs as too how they see them coming up the track not going down it admittedly dogs again can't allways get their side because of handicap but not allways the case so if there is any way the organisers / clubs can help eliminate these errors it can only be for the good of racing
weathergirls said:
sherry said:
well as theres no more bends till when is it? OCTOBER? those that do bend race will have plenty of time to check their dogs whether its an inside or outside runner just glad i dont run the bends and pleased the straights r here. who said the bend season was too short? it seems to have gone on 4 about 95 years to me lol happy straight racing everyone  :thumbsup:

doesn't only happen in bend racing stands out a lot clearer in straight racing as whole race is visible from start to finish don't know why it happens but it does can only assume some people seed their dogs as too how they see them coming up the track not going down it admittedly dogs again can't allways get their side because of handicap but not allways the case so if there is any way the organisers / clubs can help eliminate these errors it can only be for the good of racing

linda have asked a question about the straights in the racing manager thread wud really appreciate it if u cud answer it as im confused :blink: doesnt take much like lol
Tony Taylor said:
Up until the back end of last year the nnwrf only allowed you to seed wide on the bends..When Di left i decided to let people seed dogs inside in hope that dogs at were extremely inside runner had a better chance of gaining the rail and to maybe cut back on bumping etc

I would hate to think some people would just abuse the system and dont for one minute do it intentionally


In the olden days when we ran to the inside hare the inside trap was a definite advantage and that was the reason no one was allowed to seed inside. This no seeding inside carried forward after we moved over to the outside hare.

I still believe the inside trap gives an advantage, as I suspect do others who seed dogs inside that don't need to be seeded to ensure a safe race.

I accept that seeding of dogs inside that might cause interference to any dog on their inside is safer for all the dogs in the race and while it may give such inside seeded dogs an advantage on balance is probably the right thing to do. If you allow seeding inside just because certain dogs prefer being on the rail then seeding inside becomes pointless when those that might push to get to the rail are seeded outside dogs that can safetly run out of any trap

I think what Tony is saying is if she needed the rail that much she would of cut across in front of the other 2 dogs to get the rail maybe bumping them in her path, where in fact she ran with them till she was clear enough to come into the rail
I think Dee has the correct interpretation of the word need here.


I haven't said Penny isn't a railer. Penny doesn't need the rail and doesn't interfere with other dogs when she isn't seeded on the rail. The races you quote demonstrate this. Until such time seeding is properly organised you don't need to justify to me or anyone else your choice to seed Penny to what you feel is her advantage.

This brings me back to my suggestion then Tony.Do we seed dogs that will only pass on their preferred side as 'extreme' until such time as they will pass on either side of another dog in the race?
milly said:
Tony Taylor said:
milly said:
Wrong, when Penny eventually over took Turkish, she moved over to the inside, therefore she is a inside runner. She could not over take him on the inside because he was hugging the rail, so the only way for her to get past was to go past on the out side. So I will continue to seed her inside because she prefers the inside, regardless to wether she does or doen't interfer with other dogs.
Which bit is wrong?

You seed Penny because in your opinion she "prefers" (your words) the rail. Under current rules you're entitled to do so whether it interferes with other dogs or not - which is the point of this particular discussion on seeding. You seed because you perceive it's to your advantage to do so.

I'd say Turkish needs the rail, as would others. Doubt you'll find many who says that of Penny.

I can see what your saying Tony, but just because she doesn't bump a dog to get to the rail, her need in my eye's is she's want's the inside, and only experienced bend racer's would see this.

As you say Geoff Pennys need is " in your eyes". Not exactly an unbiased view point. Since it would appear I have comparatively no bend racing experience relative to some I will have to defer to those who are experienced.

Does the NGRC let owners choose their dogs seeding or is it at the discretion of the handicapper?
rodders said:
Tony Taylor said:
Up until the back end of last year the nnwrf only allowed you to seed wide on the bends..When Di left i decided to let people seed dogs inside in hope that dogs at were extremely inside runner had a better chance of gaining the rail and to maybe cut back on bumping etc

I would hate to think some people would just abuse the system and dont for one minute do it intentionally


In the olden days when we ran to the inside hare the inside trap was a definite advantage and that was the reason no one was allowed to seed inside. This no seeding inside carried forward after we moved over to the outside hare.

I still believe the inside trap gives an advantage, as I suspect do others who seed dogs inside that don't need to be seeded to ensure a safe race.

I accept that seeding of dogs inside that might cause interference to any dog on their inside is safer for all the dogs in the race and while it may give such inside seeded dogs an advantage on balance is probably the right thing to do. If you allow seeding inside just because certain dogs prefer being on the rail then seeding inside becomes pointless when those that might push to get to the rail are seeded outside dogs that can safetly run out of any trap

I think what Tony is saying is if she needed the rail that much she would of cut across in front of the other 2 dogs to get the rail maybe bumping them in her path, where in fact she ran with them till she was clear enough to come into the rail
I think Dee has the correct interpretation of the word need here.


I haven't said Penny isn't a railer. Penny doesn't need the rail and doesn't interfere with other dogs when she isn't seeded on the rail. The races you quote demonstrate this. Until such time seeding is properly organised you don't need to justify to me or anyone else your choice to seed Penny to what you feel is her advantage.

This brings me back to my suggestion then Tony.Do we seed dogs that will only pass on their preferred side as 'extreme' until such time as they will pass on either side of another dog in the race?

It isn't my decision of course but that would seem like a good idea to me.
milly said:
milly said:
Geoff are you sure penny over took the 2 other dogs to get to rail.... she may of just been faster away than the other 2 from the traps, giving her the potion she is in on the last bend Is the pic from the recent bend champs

If my excellent memory is right, trap 1,2,3 broke away evenly, then Penny got her head infront on the first bend, then made her way to the inside. if she wasn't a insider runner she would have kept the postion she came out of the trap (centre to outside, if you look at it as a 4 dog race) So please give your opinion regarding me seeding her inside. Yes it is the picture from this years bend champs.

I would hate to think i had to seed other peoples dogs :- "

I think what Tony is saying is if she needed the rail that much she would of cut across in front of the other 2 dogs to get the rail maybe bumping them in her path, where in fact she ran with them till she was clear enough to come into the rail .. i how ever am not saying she is not a railer...because my thought on bend racing are different to others... i believe some dogs prefer a side be it in or out , some dogs have the brains for bend racing and look for clear openings to pass on there preferred side, others that are less intelligent will blow there own race by smashing into other dogs to get to that side... WAIT FOR IT!! :D others how ever are been pulled extremely left/right due to injury and can do no other than hit the dog on the side there limbs are favouring... looking at previous DVDs i would say this is the problem with smoky blue i maybe wrong

So goal posts are being moved to suit brainless dogs then, your words not mine.

Can I ask you once again Dee, is our Penny a inside runner?

ps I removed my other post because I used the wrong discription :b ie brain dead not brain less, sorry.

I can not answer with taking notice to Penny's race Geoff with i have to admit i havent...will have a look at some DVDs when i get around to it...

Ive seen plenty dogs run into peoples legs why not a goal post lol

Just answer Linda's post in here to

When i stated injury's i didn't mean just fresh injury's...people have to take into account old injurys that makes a dog alter is path of running over time

Topical example ...Amzing grace ran left up until she was 18 months old ...she then did the splits coming out of a trap at English Derby run off's ... she showed little sign's of lameness only stiff in her left back leg... i had her checked out and my therapist said hip out and did his bit ...she was walked and free run till the may champs ...where she did win her title , but favored the right hand side ....we had her re-checked only to find the muscle in her left bicep had been the problem but had healed wrong , which has been the cause in her running to the right hand side ever since . doesn't mean that if a vet examines her he will see her unfit to race , but the past 5 years she favors the right hand side due to the left leg been weaker

Another thing to think about when seeding dogs through a racing manager
rob67 said:
weathergirls said:
I would be interested to know how this "person" might be elected for the job? Will it be a democratic decision............I presume we are only talking about the Fed?

Or will somebody ( who I understand is already being considered) be imposed?


to answer your questions Chris the person ie Racing Manager we have selected not imposed for this job (this is how the NNWRF and the original NWRF has allways worked) is in our opinion the right man for this difficult job, He has a wealth of experience in racing whippets and greyhounds so lets give him a chance and all give him your help and support. We have yet to select someone to work alongside Graham so all feel free to make yourselves known to the committee if you would like to be considered it would be helpful to know who would be willing to get involved

Just my opinion Linda, I have no problem in getting involved, but I dont have that much experience, so I'm not sure I would be that much help. I appreciate that the way the fed has run for some time is not in a democratic way, therefore it is an imposition in my eyes, but probably not in light of the fed constitution. Cant remember what you said in the thread about the racing manager, is it only for the bends or is it the straights as well?

:cheers: chris

the Fed has allways been run in a non democratic way from when it was first started the now NNWRF try as much as possible to keep it running along the same lines however we do try and include members a bit more regarding any major issues or changes

Members join the NNWRF knowing how it is run and therefor should not feel imposed upon at all especially when all the committee is trying to do is improve on what we have for the benefit of all members after all the call for changes comes from the members in the first instance, on this seeding situation alone we have had lots of members asking the committee to do something about it for a while now some not on k9 so you won't hear there views on here but it has been simmering for quite a while and we feel it is time to see what can be done.


all we ask is that the people selected to look at it are given a chance

by the way no one should feel just because they haven't been in racing as long as others they shouldn't put themselves forward, you just have to be able to take it on the chin when the s**t hits the fan
weathergirls said:
rob67 said:
weathergirls said:
I would be interested to know how this "person" might be elected for the job? Will it be a democratic decision............I presume we are only talking about the Fed?

Or will somebody ( who I understand is already being considered) be imposed?


to answer your questions Chris the person ie Racing Manager we have selected not imposed for this job (this is how the NNWRF and the original NWRF has allways worked) is in our opinion the right man for this difficult job, He has a wealth of experience in racing whippets and greyhounds so lets give him a chance and all give him your help and support. We have yet to select someone to work alongside Graham so all feel free to make yourselves known to the committee if you would like to be considered it would be helpful to know who would be willing to get involved

Just my opinion Linda, I have no problem in getting involved, but I dont have that much experience, so I'm not sure I would be that much help. I appreciate that the way the fed has run for some time is not in a democratic way, therefore it is an imposition in my eyes, but probably not in light of the fed constitution. Cant remember what you said in the thread about the racing manager, is it only for the bends or is it the straights as well?

:cheers: chris

the Fed has allways been run in a non democratic way from when it was first started the now NNWRF try as much as possible to keep it running along the same lines however we do try and include members a bit more regarding any major issues or changes

Members join the NNWRF knowing how it is run and therefor should not feel imposed upon at all especially when all the committee is trying to do is improve on what we have for the benefit of all members after all the call for changes comes from the members in the first instance, on this seeding situation alone we have had lots of members asking the committee to do something about it for a while now some not on k9 so you won't hear there views on here but it has been simmering for quite a while and we feel it is time to see what can be done.


all we ask is that the people selected to look at it are given a chance

by the way no one should feel just because they haven't been in racing as long as others they shouldn't put themselves forward, you just have to be able to take it on the chin when the s**t hits the fan

Thanks Linda, I dont mind taking it on the chin, have had plenty of practice working in the NHS for 22 yrs so dog racing wouldn't be that difficult :)

I'm aware of how the fed works, thats why i said it was only my opinion and I am sure the committee have thought all the difficulties about seeding through, thats why i'm curious about how it will work as i believe you are not the kind of people who would do this lightly. I'm not criticising, just curious about the process. If that isn't going to be made public because of the way the fed has always run then thats ok :) tell me to shut up (it happens all the time at home) :D and I'll go back to my boring work :( chris
steve, when we eventualy get the championship dvd you will be able to see how badly my dog trapped, well down on the rest, and the previous week he trapped badly to, but lucky for him there was only one dog to sort out, on the askern he flew out, at westy he also flew out, out trapping the rest off them, and at easington uk sc he flew out,. the problem was the kickboard,.. he was sat on it when i put him in the trap on sunday, but it was to late to do anything.. 6 inches shorter inside according to elise, this prevented my dog from getting out quick, all the dogs were well clear from him exiting the his trouble is as he caught them up they all were blocking his normal route near the rail, and he had to slow up because of this,and again on the second bend, had ideot me realised about the trap size earlier i am sure that he would have gone through to the semis,he is a quck dog but you cant expect a dog off his age to e able to have done anything other than what he did do.... the only reason my dog failed on the day was because of me..but his time will come ...
And so will a better trap board (w00t) .

Must admit I forgot all about trap sizing, then remembered back to when I had blocks for the boards that were 6" long, I had one marked with a list of traps I needed them for.


Westhoughton & Easington (but not Warwick/Askern/Highgate)


Ayr (those traps were looooooong) :sweating:

I made the same mistake with Moany Moany at the Tyrone, she'd come out really well @ Westhoughton the week before off a board and 6" block but fell out at Highgate until I took the block away.
to answer your questions Chris the person ie Racing Manager we have selected not imposed for this job (this is how the NNWRF and the original NWRF has allways worked) is in our opinion the right man for this difficult job, He has a wealth of experience in racing whippets and greyhounds so lets give him a chance and all give him your help and support. We have yet to select someone to work alongside Graham so all feel free to make yourselves known to the committee if you would like to be considered it would be helpful to know who would be willing to get involved

:cheers: chris

the Fed has allways been run in a non democratic way from when it was first started the now NNWRF try as much as possible to keep it running along the same lines however we do try and include members a bit more regarding any major issues or changes

Members join the NNWRF knowing how it is run and therefor should not feel imposed upon at all especially when all the committee is trying to do is improve on what we have for the benefit of all members after all the call for changes comes from the members in the first instance, on this seeding situation alone we have had lots of members asking the committee to do something about it for a while now some not on k9 so you won't hear there views on here but it has been simmering for quite a while and we feel it is time to see what can be done.


all we ask is that the people selected to look at it are given a chance

by the way no one should feel just because they haven't been in racing as long as others they shouldn't put themselves forward, you just have to be able to take it on the chin when the s**t hits the fan

Thanks Linda, I dont mind taking it on the chin, have had plenty of practice working in the NHS for 22 yrs so dog racing wouldn't be that difficult :)

I'm aware of how the fed works, thats why i said it was only my opinion and I am sure the committee have thought all the difficulties about seeding through, thats why i'm curious about how it will work as i believe you are not the kind of people who would do this lightly. I'm not criticising, just curious about the process. If that isn't going to be made public because of the way the fed has always run then thats ok :) tell me to shut up (it happens all the time at home) :D and I'll go back to my boring work :( chris

won't tell you to shut up I'm all for open debates you just make us sound sinister where you say "if itsn't going to be made public because of the way the fed has allways run"

The Fed don't work behind closed doors Chris and never have we are non-democratic simply because we don't have elections for committee they are hand picked and invited on as considered the best people to fill that position and further enhance a solid committee , we don't have long winded proposal meetings every two years we deal with things as they arise we allways let members know what we are doing and any changes that need to be made as did the first original committee, members will be informed as to what Graham thinks should be done when he has had time to look at things and monitor the racing when he has made his decisions the members will be informed and any questions they have can then be answered.

Graham was only asked to take on this role last night so there won't be any answers today also it will only work if the members allow it to by giving it trial
Graham, is our Penny a inside runner? I would like your opinion now that your the new racing manager.
weathergirls said:
to answer your questions Chris the person ie Racing Manager we have selected not imposed for this job (this is how the NNWRF and the original NWRF has allways worked) is in our opinion the right man for this difficult job, He has a wealth of experience in racing whippets and greyhounds so lets give him a chance and all give him your help and support. We have yet to select someone to work alongside Graham so all feel free to make yourselves known to the committee if you would like to be considered it would be helpful to know who would be willing to get involved

:cheers: chris

the Fed has allways been run in a non democratic way from when it was first started the now NNWRF try as much as possible to keep it running along the same lines however we do try and include members a bit more regarding any major issues or changes

Members join the NNWRF knowing how it is run and therefor should not feel imposed upon at all especially when all the committee is trying to do is improve on what we have for the benefit of all members after all the call for changes comes from the members in the first instance, on this seeding situation alone we have had lots of members asking the committee to do something about it for a while now some not on k9 so you won't hear there views on here but it has been simmering for quite a while and we feel it is time to see what can be done.


all we ask is that the people selected to look at it are given a chance

by the way no one should feel just because they haven't been in racing as long as others they shouldn't put themselves forward, you just have to be able to take it on the chin when the s**t hits the fan

Thanks Linda, I dont mind taking it on the chin, have had plenty of practice working in the NHS for 22 yrs so dog racing wouldn't be that difficult :)

I'm aware of how the fed works, thats why i said it was only my opinion and I am sure the committee have thought all the difficulties about seeding through, thats why i'm curious about how it will work as i believe you are not the kind of people who would do this lightly. I'm not criticising, just curious about the process. If that isn't going to be made public because of the way the fed has always run then thats ok :) tell me to shut up (it happens all the time at home) :D and I'll go back to my boring work :( chris

won't tell you to shut up I'm all for open debates you just make us sound sinister where you say "if itsn't going to be made public because of the way the fed has allways run"

The Fed don't work behind closed doors Chris and never have we are non-democratic simply because we don't have elections for committee they are hand picked and invited on as considered the best people to fill that position and further enhance a solid committee , we don't have long winded proposal meetings every two years we deal with things as they arise we allways let members know what we are doing and any changes that need to be made as did the first original committee, members will be informed as to what Graham thinks should be done when he has had time to look at things and monitor the racing when he has made his decisions the members will be informed and any questions they have can then be answered.

Graham was only asked to take on this role last night so there won't be any answers today also it will only work if the members allow it to by giving it trial

Sorry Linda, It's not my intention to make the fed sound sinister............all the references to the mafia etc started from you. My comment about it not being made public was quite genuine and a statement of my opinion. If you wish to take it that way there is not a lot I can do.

I'm not asking for answers now, just curious as to whether there will be any. I'm not criticising the fed committee. As you say you listen to your members, I'm one of them, I had some questions, i asked them and looked for some answers. Thats all. I appreciate graham needs time, I thought the process by which he would do this would have been thought out, thats why I asked.

Sinister ? Are you left handed too then Chris ?

They always call us lefties a sinister bunch :- "
Fantastic pic's Jac 8) :thumbsup:
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:( seeding isn't really the problem on bends :- " but the lack of bend racing experience is :- " some dogs never heared of turning up on champs day (w00t) there was a lot of carnage during the day but not from experienced dogs and i dont mean the one in the pics as i know its had a lot of bend running.davy hopper knows of just one m taliking about :(
milly said:
Graham, is our Penny a inside runner? I would like your opinion now that your the new racing manager.

Geoff penny does run the rail, but does not need it she show on my DVD Ive watched she can win out of other boxes
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