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Bwra Champs Photos

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jasper. said:
steve, when we eventualy get the championship dvd you will be able to see how badly my dog trapped, well down on the rest, and the previous week he trapped badly to, but lucky for him there was only one dog to sort out, on the askern he flew out, at westy he also flew out, out trapping the rest off them, and at easington uk sc he flew out,. the problem was the kickboard,.. he was sat on it when i put him in the trap on sunday, but it was to late to do anything.. 6 inches shorter inside according to elise, this prevented my dog from getting out quick, all the dogs were well clear from him exiting the his trouble is as he caught them up they all were blocking his normal route near the rail, and he had to slow up because of this,and again on the second bend, had ideot me realised about the trap size earlier i am  sure that he would have gone through to the semis,he is a quck dog but  you cant expect a dog off his age to e able to have done anything other than what he did do.... the only reason my dog failed on the day was because of me..but his time will come ...
maurice after watching quicksilver over the last month or so i would say the only thing he lacks is experiance
milly said:
Graham, is our Penny a inside runner? I would like your opinion now that your the new racing manager.

Geoff penny does run the rail, but does not need it she show on my DVD Ive watched she can win out of other boxes

If Penny runs the rail then she is a inside runner. By using the word need to me is avoiding answering my question, if she want's the rail then she needsthe rail.

ps. In the races on the DVD s that you have seen Penny running Dee, what colour jacket is she in?
milly said:

So your saying Penny don't need seeding inside, here she over takes red & blue, then immediately goes for the rail.

I don't agree with your answer marra, not going by the postion she puts herself in on this picture at the champs, and should anybody point out to me that I,m seeding her wrongly, then I would withdraw her from all future bend racing from the NNWRF events.
I am asking this question in all seriousness. I have read all of this thread to try and understand seeding better but I am rapidly coming to the point where I want to give up. All the quotes below are about the seeding of the same dog, hows anyone supposed to understand??????

Sorry about this being Penny Geoff but I know you can take it.

Vicky:- writing about Pennysworth "Good example of a well seeded dog"

Tony Taylor:- "Penny overtook on the outside. Penny doesn't need to be seeded inside"and "only dogs that might interfere with other dogs in its preferred position (when they are not seeded) need seeding"

Weathergirls:- "an inside runner can't be deemed not to be because it moves out to pass another I would class it as an experienced bend dog"

Steve:- "shes a railer"

Mutley:- "seeding isnt really the problem on bends but the lack of bend racing experience is"

D Bailey:- "Penny does run the rail but doesnt need it"

Now how am I supposed to work out how to correctly seed a dog? Also our new racing manager has put up a comment that I dont understand at all (perhaps some obscure racing dialect :D ) but totally incomprehensible to me.
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penny was in the blue geoff
Thanks Dee, just a couple more question, did she veer to the middle of the track or stay to the inside of the track and which race was it? :sweating:
Some dogs look as if they need seeding but don't really -- i will only talk about my own so as i don't upset anyone ---non better on the bends ever than Fluke Two Sups + one runner up + Ch of Chp's on the bends could run out of any box to the first bend---

then she would rail all the way round virtually underneath the rail and come off bend tight finish in a straight line ---if there was a gap anywhere she would go through it --

--she was trained to run after the inside lure which i think is better or training but i think outside hare saves many accidents --

never seeded on bends but always to left on straights due to her weight--

-red box most of her races on the straight

she was a typical railer but had the intelligence to be able to pass either on rail or outside wherever the gap appeared --

most would have seeded her inside but i chose not to--

i preferred to see her in outside trap as i think they see hare sooner and trap faster--

vise versa on a inside lure

--but like Geoff says if a dog is good enough it will win from any trap

i think seeding causes many bumps as true lure dogs will course the hare --owners get things wrong sometimes and i am sure Graham will soon get well pis--d off with such a thankless task --i hope i am proved wrong and would like to wish him the best of luck --from his mate CARBOLIC--boyd--lol

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marielou said:
I am asking this question in all seriousness. I have read all of this thread to try and understand seeding better but I am rapidly coming to the point where I want to give up. All the quotes below are about the seeding of the same dog, hows anyone supposed to understand??????Sorry about this being Penny Geoff but I know you can take it.

Vicky:- writing about Pennysworth "Good example of a well seeded dog"

Tony Taylor:- "Penny overtook on the outside. Penny doesn't need to be seeded inside"and "only dogs that might interfere with other dogs in its preferred position (when they are not seeded) need seeding"

Weathergirls:- "an inside runner can't be deemed not to be because it moves out to pass another I would class it as an experienced bend dog"

Steve:- "shes a railer"

Mutley:- "seeding isnt really the problem on bends but the lack of bend racing experience is"

D Bailey:- "Penny does run the rail but doesnt need it"

Now how am I supposed to work out how to correctly seed a dog? Also our new racing manager has put up a comment that I dont understand at all (perhaps some obscure racing dialect :D   ) but totally incomprehensible to me.

Believe me marielou penny in my opinion does not NEED the rail , shes a excellent bend bitch i i know she can win from any box Ive seen it

Bwra Champs 2007









Geoff i could go on all night -_- Penny's worth to be honest is not a dog that needs seeding as a rail as much as others in her class..i am no way saying she doesn't run the rail , just trying to explain in my view theres dogs that run the rail alot more than she does
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Tony Taylor said:
milly said:
Tony Taylor said:
milly said:
Wrong, when Penny eventually over took Turkish, she moved over to the inside, therefore she is a inside runner. She could not over take him on the inside because he was hugging the rail, so the only way for her to get past was to go past on the out side. So I will continue to seed her inside because she prefers the inside, regardless to wether she does or doen't interfer with other dogs.
Which bit is wrong?

You seed Penny because in your opinion she "prefers" (your words) the rail. Under current rules you're entitled to do so whether it interferes with other dogs or not - which is the point of this particular discussion on seeding. You seed because you perceive it's to your advantage to do so.

I'd say Turkish needs the rail, as would others. Doubt you'll find many who says that of Penny.


I can see what your saying Tony, but just because she doesn't bump a dog to get to the rail, her need in my eye's is she's want's the inside, and only experienced bend racer's would see this.

As you say Geoff Pennys need is " in your eyes". Not exactly an unbiased view point. Since it would appear I have comparatively no bend racing experience relative to some I will have to defer to those who are experienced.

Does the NGRC let owners choose their dogs seeding or is it at the discretion of the handicapper?

The I.G.B,lets the owners seed. But if the dog run's opposite to it's seeding for a couple of races,then the seeding is lifted.Up in the north of Ireland,you are 1st alocated youre jacket colour,a couple of day's before the race.On the night of the race,imediately after all the dog's are weighed in,there is a trap draw,and you run from whatever trap you dog is drawn to run in.This way there can be less none runner's.If someone has a dog that doesn't like the inside,and the draw is made a few day's before the race,and advetised in the local,then it used to be,that you just didn't turn up,and were therefore able to pick you're own races,so to speak.Now the I.G.B,will fine you,and put you under a race ban,for up to 3 month's,with that particular dog.If you keep re offending,the race ban can be increased to cover youre entire kennel.You must have a vet certificate,for any dog that isn't weighed in,by the alocated weigh in time.There may be something about seeding in the I.G.B website.My own greyhound bitch preferes the outside traps, but run's for the inside,at the 1st bend,and then goes wide again,down the back straight,before swinging in again,for the 3rd bend.So if she draws trap 5,then it;s time to put the kettle on.If she draws 1,2,or 3,4,then it's not even worth taking her.It can make a hell of a difference,when you get the trap that suit's you're dog.I watch at least 36 races per week,when im at the track all 3 night's,and if i do Derry 1 night per week,then that ups it to 44.You get to know what is what, with any certain dog,through time.It seem's Penny has that one blessing,that we all want in our dog's.(Track craft).It is a gift that she has certainly mastered,though i think she could win from any trap,when in form.But let's not forget that she might also have been beaten,running from the red box.
marielou said:
I am asking this question in all seriousness. I have read all of this thread to try and understand seeding better but I am rapidly coming to the point where I want to give up. All the quotes below are about the seeding of the same dog, hows anyone supposed to understand??????Sorry about this being Penny Geoff but I know you can take it.

Vicky:- writing about Pennysworth "Good example of a well seeded dog"

Tony Taylor:- "Penny overtook on the outside. Penny doesn't need to be seeded inside"and "only dogs that might interfere with other dogs in its preferred position (when they are not seeded) need seeding"

Weathergirls:- "an inside runner can't be deemed not to be because it moves out to pass another I would class it as an experienced bend dog"

Steve:- "shes a railer"

Mutley:- "seeding isnt really the problem on bends but the lack of bend racing experience is"

D Bailey:- "Penny does run the rail but doesnt need it"

Now how am I supposed to work out how to correctly seed a dog? Also our new racing manager has put up a comment that I dont understand at all (perhaps some obscure racing dialect :D   ) but totally incomprehensible to me.

middle to rails was my answer to geoffs question graham sorry for the abbreviations.
marielou said:
I am asking this question in all seriousness. I have read all of this thread to try and understand seeding better but I am rapidly coming to the point where I want to give up. All the quotes below are about the seeding of the same dog, hows anyone supposed to understand??????Sorry about this being Penny Geoff but I know you can take it.

Vicky:- writing about Pennysworth "Good example of a well seeded dog"

Tony Taylor:- "Penny overtook on the outside. Penny doesn't need to be seeded inside"and "only dogs that might interfere with other dogs in its preferred position (when they are not seeded) need seeding"

Weathergirls:- "an inside runner can't be deemed not to be because it moves out to pass another I would class it as an experienced bend dog"

Steve:- "shes a railer"

Mutley:- "seeding isnt really the problem on bends but the lack of bend racing experience is"

D Bailey:- "Penny does run the rail but doesnt need it"

Now how am I supposed to work out how to correctly seed a dog? Also our new racing manager has put up a comment that I dont understand at all (perhaps some obscure racing dialect :D   ) but totally incomprehensible to me.

Practice makes perfect or so they say ....maybe in another few years of reading k9 and racing you to might be able to give your opinion on how some else dogs runs lol

Its not going to be an easy task for the person/persons doing the job lol

rather them than me :sweating:
billyboy45 said:
It seem's Penny has that one blessing,that we all want in our dog's.(Track craft).It is a gift that she has certainly mastered,though i think she could win from any trap,when in form.
Couldn't agree more :thumbsup:
marielou said:
I am asking this question in all seriousness. I have read all of this thread to try and understand seeding better but I am rapidly coming to the point where I want to give up. All the quotes below are about the seeding of the same dog, hows anyone supposed to understand??????Sorry about this being Penny Geoff but I know you can take it.

Vicky:- writing about Pennysworth "Good example of a well seeded dog"

Tony Taylor:- "Penny overtook on the outside. Penny doesn't need to be seeded inside"and "only dogs that might interfere with other dogs in its preferred position (when they are not seeded) need seeding"

Weathergirls:- "an inside runner can't be deemed not to be because it moves out to pass another I would class it as an experienced bend dog"

Steve:- "shes a railer"

Mutley:- "seeding isnt really the problem on bends but the lack of bend racing experience is"

D Bailey:- "Penny does run the rail but doesnt need it"

Now how am I supposed to work out how to correctly seed a dog? Also our new racing manager has put up a comment that I dont understand at all (perhaps some obscure racing dialect :D   ) but totally incomprehensible to me.

Believe me marielou penny in my opinion does not NEED the rail , shes a excellent bend bitch i i know she can win from any box Ive seen it

Bwra Champs 2007









Geoff i could go on all night -_- Penny's worth to be honest is not a dog that needs seeding as a rail as much as others in her class..i am no way saying she doesn't run the rail , just trying to explain in my view theres dogs that run the rail alot more than she does

Thanks for the reply Dee but I think you've missed the point of my post. As a novice I try to learn from more experienced racers but how can I? As you can see from my post you cant all agree about the seeding status of one dog, what chance have I got? With the greatest respect saying the same thing more times than someone else doesnt mean that other people agree with you. Are there any guidelines written down anywhere in whippet racing that i can study?

Im not trying to be difficult just trying to understand, for another example in Avits race everyone picked up on the tussle between the red dog and blue dog but no one made any comment about the orange dog which is clearly closest to the rail but is seeded wide. Should the orange dog be on the outside if it is seeded wide or can it come into the rail later on in the race?

Someone help me out here with some solid consistent logical guidelines

Confused newcomer

marielou said:
marielou said:
I am asking this question in all seriousness. I have read all of this thread to try and understand seeding better but I am rapidly coming to the point where I want to give up. All the quotes below are about the seeding of the same dog, hows anyone supposed to understand??????Sorry about this being Penny Geoff but I know you can take it.

Vicky:- writing about Pennysworth "Good example of a well seeded dog"

Tony Taylor:- "Penny overtook on the outside. Penny doesn't need to be seeded inside"and "only dogs that might interfere with other dogs in its preferred position (when they are not seeded) need seeding"

Weathergirls:- "an inside runner can't be deemed not to be because it moves out to pass another I would class it as an experienced bend dog"

Steve:- "shes a railer"

Mutley:- "seeding isnt really the problem on bends but the lack of bend racing experience is"

D Bailey:- "Penny does run the rail but doesnt need it"

Now how am I supposed to work out how to correctly seed a dog? Also our new racing manager has put up a comment that I dont understand at all (perhaps some obscure racing dialect :D   ) but totally incomprehensible to me.

Believe me marielou penny in my opinion does not NEED the rail , shes a excellent bend bitch i i know she can win from any box Ive seen it

Bwra Champs 2007









Geoff i could go on all night -_- Penny's worth to be honest is not a dog that needs seeding as a rail as much as others in her class..i am no way saying she doesn't run the rail , just trying to explain in my view theres dogs that run the rail alot more than she does

Thanks for the reply Dee but I think you've missed the point of my post. As a novice I try to learn from more experienced racers but how can I? As you can see from my post you cant all agree about the seeding status of one dog, what chance have I got? With the greatest respect saying the same thing more times than someone else doesnt mean that other people agree with you. Are there any guidelines written down anywhere in whippet racing that i can study?

Im not trying to be difficult just trying to understand, for another example in Avits race everyone picked up on the tussle between the red dog and blue dog but no one made any comment about the orange dog which is clearly closest to the rail but is seeded wide. Should the orange dog be on the outside if it is seeded wide or can it come into the rail later on in the race?

Someone help me out here with some solid consistent logical guidelines

Confused newcomer


yes your spot on there in that race the were 3 dogs seeded inside /1 seeded outside /1 not seeded if i remember correctly
I don't have the bend experience myself and Ive been racing a long time answer all your question marielou... i can only say what Ive seen via Penny's worth after sitting studying her on a few DVDs opinion on penny may i be honest after watching the DVDs she a natural and a delight to watch

However i would say brookhill maggie and avit need the inside more than she opinion remember

Please please don't ask me to comment on the no limit
billyboy45 said:
Tony Taylor said:
milly said:
Tony Taylor said:
milly said:
Wrong, when Penny eventually over took Turkish, she moved over to the inside, therefore she is a inside runner. She could not over take him on the inside because he was hugging the rail, so the only way for her to get past was to go past on the out side. So I will continue to seed her inside because she prefers the inside, regardless to wether she does or doen't interfer with other dogs.
Which bit is wrong?

You seed Penny because in your opinion she "prefers" (your words) the rail. Under current rules you're entitled to do so whether it interferes with other dogs or not - which is the point of this particular discussion on seeding. You seed because you perceive it's to your advantage to do so.

I'd say Turkish needs the rail, as would others. Doubt you'll find many who says that of Penny.


I can see what your saying Tony, but just because she doesn't bump a dog to get to the rail, her need in my eye's is she's want's the inside, and only experienced bend racer's would see this.

As you say Geoff Pennys need is " in your eyes". Not exactly an unbiased view point. Since it would appear I have comparatively no bend racing experience relative to some I will have to defer to those who are experienced.

Does the NGRC let owners choose their dogs seeding or is it at the discretion of the handicapper?

The I.G.B,lets the owners seed. But if the dog run's opposite to it's seeding for a couple of races,then the seeding is lifted.Up in the north of Ireland,you are 1st alocated youre jacket colour,a couple of day's before the race.On the night of the race,imediately after all the dog's are weighed in,there is a trap draw,and you run from whatever trap you dog is drawn to run in.This way there can be less none runner's.If someone has a dog that doesn't like the inside,and the draw is made a few day's before the race,and advetised in the local,then it used to be,that you just didn't turn up,and were therefore able to pick you're own races,so to speak.Now the I.G.B,will fine you,and put you under a race ban,for up to 3 month's,with that particular dog.If you keep re offending,the race ban can be increased to cover youre entire kennel.You must have a vet certificate,for any dog that isn't weighed in,by the alocated weigh in time.There may be something about seeding in the I.G.B website.My own greyhound bitch preferes the outside traps, but run's for the inside,at the 1st bend,and then goes wide again,down the back straight,before swinging in again,for the 3rd bend.So if she draws trap 5,then it;s time to put the kettle on.If she draws 1,2,or 3,4,then it's not even worth taking her.It can make a hell of a difference,when you get the trap that suit's you're dog.I watch at least 36 races per week,when im at the track all 3 night's,and if i do Derry 1 night per week,then that ups it to 44.You get to know what is what, with any certain dog,through time.It seem's Penny has that one blessing,that we all want in our dog's.(Track craft).It is a gift that she has certainly mastered,though i think she could win from any trap,when in form.But let's not forget that she might also have been beaten,running from the red box.

I have never sugested that she didn't win the 40lb race at this years champs, she got beat with a better dog on the day :thumbsup: I left a faster dog than Penny at home because she needed another week on her sick bed, and she can do a 15.29. And a few photo's only shows a minute part of a race :thumbsup: and I will continue to seed her on the inside until I'm pulled up about it, I have no problems with people voicing their opinions about our Penny, because I've invited their opinions on this topic :thumbsup: but it doesn't mean I accept their opinions because at the end of the day I Know her better than anybody else regarding her seeding.
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