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Buffy's Babies

Byron sneakily finishing off the girls' dinner- he doesn't seem to mind standing up to eat! (He does have his own ground-level bowl to eat from, but where's the fun in that?!!!

:p )​

That's a really nice update of Byron Rosalind, glad he's settled in so well :thumbsup:

Byron and Codie are really alike, 2peas in a pod :wub: o:) :wub:

Keep the pictures and updates coming. :p :D :p

Here's another photo of Byron- he was a bit fed up with having his photo taken, and refused to look at the camera!

:angry: The ugly mug he's sat with is me! :lol:​

Rosalind, your posts are so descriptive...they make fascinating reading. :)) Do keep us posted and i hope you are feeling better now. Byron is really cute. Lovely photo of you both.
Nicola said:
Rosalind, your posts are so descriptive...they make fascinating reading.  :)) Do keep us posted and i hope you are feeling better now. Byron is really cute. Lovely photo of you both.
It's really nice of you to say that, Nicola- thanks! :)

I always worry that I'm going to bore everyone to tears, but I'm so proud of my doggies (and the rats and snake) I just want to tell the whole world about them!!! :wub:

I do hope I'm not like one of those people who comes over to your house with hundreds of holiday snaps of people you don't know, desperate to show you every single one! -_-

(I do try to keep things short, sweet and straight to the point- honest- but brevity was never my strong point!!! :lol: )
He looks great, I love that first picture of him sitting, his eyes are gorgeous, Im so glad he's getting on so well, as for the bad wind, im afraid thats a trait from his mother !!! :x but Im sure that hes so lovely its forgivable ! Thats how I see it with Buffy :wub: Keep posting the pictures, its great to see him, and give him a big hug from me :wub:

Hi Rosiland, good to see you back, hope you are feeling better.

Byron is looking great, love his collar, we have not got Codie into his collar yet, he is good with the lead now, so collar is next.

By the way, [SIZE=8pt]your posts are great[/SIZE], if they do bore some people, [SIZE=14pt]who cares we love them[/SIZE].

Jill started this thread so we could [SIZE=14pt]all[/SIZE] keep [SIZE=14pt]Jill [/SIZE]and [SIZE=14pt]each other[/SIZE] up to date on how the pups are doing, so that is what we will do, keep them long, descriptive and keep them coming.

How is Byron doing with his Seizures, have they stopped yet? keep us informed.


Take Care

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

Well A McGregor and anslin, today is the day, good luck picking up "Racey Macey"

bet you both can't wait.

Hope all goes well, and remember ,,, [SIZE=14pt]loads of pics.[/SIZE]

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
good luck to we macey in her new home :thumbsup: :cheers: Dougie,liz,bonnie,clyde,lucy and tank (w00t)
Hi Rosalind - Byron is such a sweetie :wub: :wub: Glad hes doing ok and hope the fitting dosnt happen again. :huggles: :huggles:

They are gorgeous puppies - the whole litter. :wub: :wub: You are a lucky person having one :thumbsup:

AND dont worry - we [SIZE=21pt]never[/SIZE] get bored with whippets. :huggles: :thumbsup: :wub:
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Rosalind said:
I always worry that I'm going to bore everyone to tears, but I'm so proud of my doggies (and the rats and snake) I just want to tell the whole world about them!!! :wub:

Won't be boring us, that's why we are on line, so we can share our favortite subject our buppies :wub: :wub: :thumbsup:

Glad to see you back on line Rosalind. Bryon looks :wub: :wub: :wub:
And then there was one :(

Thank god thats the last puppy away, Im seriously embarasing myself crying everytime one goes !!!! :b All the best Racy Macey Mc Gregor I know your new Mum and Dad are going to give you all the love you'll ever need.

Have fun Linda and Tony, and enjoy your new sister Jenna

And get posting pictures as soon as possible !!!!

So its back to normal here, took Toby out in my rucksack when I took the dogs out this afternoon and he just took it all in, I cant wait to take him out on the lead.
Molly's mum phoned tonight and said she is getting on really well, very cuddly, has a mad hour, and is just adored !!!!!!!She has really grown in the last week, sounds like shes got fabulous long legs !!

I will post pictures for them as soon as I get them, they really enjoyed the DVD too
tank has been full of beans the last few days-he has loads of toys but he found a crisp bag in the garden today and went mental with it-just like a kid,you buy them fancy prezzies and they play with the box the toys came in or the wrapping paper!.

lizzies neice has a sand pit in the garden with some toys in,it has a little water in it with the rain and tank jumped in it to play with the toys!-so he ended up covered in sand and water!-but he loved it,i can just see him jumping in the sea to chase his toys (w00t)
he looks fat in the last one (w00t) ,its cause i squashed the pic.

here he is giving his fans a puppy royal wave!

and here are my two sleeping beautys (w00t) :wub: :wub: .

He looks lovely with the legs up in the air pictures, and as for the toys, Toby and Macey had hours of fun with a cardboard box this week whilst surrounded by hundreds of toys !!!!
(w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

Well guess who has brought the latest addition to the family home!!!! Yippeeeee US!!!

Well collected Macey today, gave Jill big hugs as we were filling up too, but we are just down the road!!!

Anyway, she was brilliant in the car watching the world go by until we pulled up onto the drive when she was sick poor mite :(

She got in to the house and promptly found her new bed. Then she proceeded to chase Jenna around the house with Jenna screaming with laughter.

Well she has had some food and water, one wet accident, four wees and two poos in the garden!! The neighbours must think I am mad collecting puppy poo poo with a torch at 10.30pm :- " :- " :- "

She has slept in my arms, in her bed and now she is fast asleep in the study after having a mad fight with the other puppy in the mirror............

Here are a few piccies and will have some more tomorrow no doubt.

Thanks once again to Jill and Norrie for looking after her so well and to Toby, Buffy and Jack for being there for her. Also a big big thanks to all you guys with and without buppies, because your support and different topics of conversations have mad us laugh and want Macey more and more each day.

Tony, Linda and Jenna xxxxxxxx

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: