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Best Friend Missing

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cymru said:
The thing is when she was taken i checked with the police and council pound we had no help what so ever.  Now south wales RGT sent this email saying she was in the pound.  I am confused as they said she was not there.
Another thing i was told was that sometimes lurchers and greyhounds are not put through the books but passed onto friends of the pound staff.

Not good not good at all.....ring and conplain and if all else fails the paper could run a story
as you had made contact with the centre then if there is a record of it i think you will have a good legal point as they told you they didnt have it and yet they rehomed it? fight it i say!!!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant:
That is frightening to think after a short time you could end up losing what is rightfully yours... its very confusing... i'd definately seek legal advice...

one of my dogs is quite nervous and doesn't like my teenage son..(cant say i blame her for that.) but she got out once when i wasn't there and she wouldn't go back to my son, in the end all was well as she came when i returned but there is no way i would have let the council pound keep her... if i was you i'll take it further...
OMG, please try and get her back, it is outrageous that they have done this, especially as you tried to get her back. Have you got proof from the police or pound that you spoke to them? :rant:

Did you have her from South Wales RGT in the first place, if so they should have contacted you!

I would do everything possible to get mine back, I really feel for you. :huggles:

I don't know what the law is, but surely if you weren't doing anything not allowed (assuming she was rescue) such as racing, coursing etc then they should give her back to you, even if she had been rehomed.

Can't you go and see them and show them how devasted you are? Will they tell you who the new family is?

I would be so devasted if that happened to me.
I be climbing the walls to get one of mine back! I cant understand why you're not going mental, although Im sure your reasons are with the welfare of your dog in mind.

Keep us posted.
I think i can remember a story in the new afew months ago. :b

where a dog went to a kennel when its owners went on hoilday. 8)

whilst there the dog run away. Got picked up by the dog warden. Then sent back to the kennels for 7 days, Because the owner did not claim it within 7 days they rehomed it (the owners were still on hoilday) :angry:

When they got back home they went to pick the dog up when they were told that it was no longer there and that it was rehomed. :angry:

Think they got the dog back but not sure.
i would love to join in and sympathise but because you seem to me to have lied in a previous post about your name and identity i have trouble believing any of this story...if you would like to clarify the situation i would be very happy to offer any help i could with your dog...there are too many genuine people on k9 who care very much about peoples sad stories and you may deserve all their help but until you clear up all the confusion i will reserve my sympathy for real cases..if i am wrong then i apologise :unsure:
~whitecross whippets~ said:
i would love to join in and sympathise but because you seem to me to have lied in a previous post about your name and identity i have trouble believing any of this story...if you would like to clarify the situation i would be very happy to offer any help i could with your dog...there are too many genuine people on k9 who care very much about peoples sad stories and you may deserve all their help but until you clear up all the confusion i will reserve my sympathy for real cases..if i am wrong then i apologise :unsure:
Have they lied, I hadn't noticed. I was confused by the fact the dog's registered name was Rathroon Sash but had been raced as Smokey Eyed Joe and something else? Please do clear this up.....

Anyway, I just checked with the rescue centre where I got my boys from and they said it was perfectly legal and that the onus is on the owner to contact the pound, police etc rather than on them to find the owner. Also apparently the dog is lucky to be alive as greyhound rescue in Wales is rather hit and miss and she could have been pts on day 8!

At least she is still alive and in what is hopefully a good home. Apparently the woman who does the home checks there is from Bristol RGT and she is really strict with her checks so chances are it is a really good home.
clairej810 said:
~whitecross whippets~ said:
i would love to join in and sympathise but because you seem to me to have lied in a previous post about your name and identity i have trouble believing any of this story...if you would like to clarify the situation i would be very happy to offer any help i could with your dog...there are too many genuine people on k9 who care very much about peoples sad stories and you may deserve all their help but until you clear up all the confusion i will reserve my sympathy for real cases..if i am wrong then i apologise :unsure:
Have they lied, I hadn't noticed. I was confused by the fact the dog's registered name was Rathroon Sash but had been raced as Smokey Eyed Joe and something else? Please do clear this up.....

Anyway, I just checked with the rescue centre where I got my boys from and they said it was perfectly legal and that the onus is on the owner to contact the pound, police etc rather than on them to find the owner. Also apparently the dog is lucky to be alive as greyhound rescue in Wales is rather hit and miss and she could have been pts on day 8!

At least she is still alive and in what is hopefully a good home. Apparently the woman who does the home checks there is from Bristol RGT and she is really strict with her checks so chances are it is a really good home.

he is on lurcher link with the same posts under the name kevin.....

when asked he said"whos kevin"?..that makes no sense to me?

i love the great compassion we have on k9 for each other especially in times of crisis and when people post stories that are not true..(and we have had several recently)...then i think it undermines the value of real stories...its makes me suspicious of genuine people and i hate kind k9ers giving their emotions to liars..

this may not be the case here but im not so sure...
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Must say I thought it seemed a bit odd to lose a dog in S.Wales & then move all the way up to Scotland almost straight away. Or at least that's how it read to me. Sorry if I've got this wrong, some of the posts seemed to contradict one another.

Like Whitecross I really do apologise if I'm wrong.
and on top of that having no pictures of his dog at all?????...i could maybe believe that at a push without all the other stuff!
Cymru did state that the dog was reported and everyone was contacted regarding this lost Greyhound, so why oh why all this hassle.

If they can prove that they did contact all relevant authorities then id get a solicitor to sort this mess out, or if the house up in Scotland hasnt the room then alls well eh?? :rant: The dog has been rehomed without little effort from the owner apart from leaving the gate open!!

Strange? NOT
i would just like to make myself is not in reply to anyone.....

this is just what i feel ......

i feel very sorry for people who feel the need to gain friends by lying...

i am very suspicious of people whose stories do not make sense especially when they are looking to obtain a dog via k9...

i think anyone who suspects foul play has a duty to make their concerns clear without accusation if the welfare of a dog is at stake...

i have a very busy life and do not care what people do as long as innocent dogs do not get rehomed to people who are not honest and i could have helped to stop it....

i love k9 and think if people are not made aware of the fact that some people are not kosher then people will get hurt..

people will stop making friends and sharing stories because too many people are dubious...

people who have geniune stories will not be believed...

people who want to sympathise wont just in case they are being taken for a ride...

people will stop trusting each other....

then k9 will be crap!!!!

after recent false stories i feel if anyone has genuine concern it should be voiced and then let the people involved clarify the i have said if i am wrong i apologise...i am not accusing anyone of anything....i am confused and seek an explanation...thats all...

there are people in life who watch crime occur and shut their eyes me they are as bad as the person commiting the crime...i am not one of those people....

sometimes it appears comments are made without evidence...usually that is not true...people know much more than they say....i would never condemn someone without reason :thumbsup:
I was going to update everyone when i had my final meeting with my solicitor. I have proof that i called the pound via telephone statements. I had no choice but to move so soon after it happened otherwise i would be homeless in south wales.

As for joe her official name was rathroon sash but her previous owners ran her under the name smokey-eyed joe. She was rehomed from Bedwellty race track in south wales.

Yes i admit i know Kevin the reason that i denied knowing that name is i had been in lurcherlinks forum and got nothing but abuse and threats via the main forum and pms. So i stay away from there as much as possible.

Yes i was looking to rehome a dog through this site but i have decided against it until i have a outcome of my legal situation. Also i have decided it is a better idea to actually see the dog before any rehoming so i will be going to the local pound if and when i make that decision.

I do not appreciate being called a liar in this forum when i am doing all i can to get my dog back. It is in the hands of my solicitor and will let you all know the outcome. Not that some of you care as you think i am lying.
I have offered support on this thread as i was shocked that they can rehome a pet after just 7 days, i have checked and yes its true....that is scary especsaly (sp) if the pet is stolen as it could end up anywhere. :(



Just one thing i do find strange, and cant fully understand, is that you had the dog 3 years yet have no pictures of him, not one, not even a funny out of focus one....that i find strange. :- "



Anyway if your story is true, i wish you all the luck in the world, i really hope you get your dog back... :luck:


And if not, its welshwomen all over again... :rant:
cymru said:
I was going to update everyone when i had my final meeting with my solicitor.  I have proof that i called the pound via telephone statements.  I had no choice but to move so soon after it happened otherwise i would be homeless in south wales.
As for joe her official name was rathroon sash but her previous owners ran her under the name smokey-eyed joe.  She was rehomed from Bedwellty race track in south wales.

Yes i admit i know Kevin the reason that i denied knowing that name is i had been in lurcherlinks forum and got nothing but abuse and threats via the main forum and pms. So i stay away from there as much as possible.

Yes i was looking to rehome a dog through this site but i have decided against it until i have a outcome of my legal situation.  Also i have decided it is a better idea to actually see the dog before any rehoming so i will be going to the local pound if and when i make that decision.

I do not appreciate being called a liar in this forum when i am doing all i can to get my dog back. It is in the hands of my solicitor and will let you all know the outcome. Not that some of you care as you think i am lying.

I hope you can get her back :huggles: , but from what my rescue centre said what has happened is perfectly legal. I think it stinks that this can happen though!
I do not appreciate being called a liar in this forum when i am doing all i can to get my dog back. It is in the hands of my solicitor and will let you all know the outcome. Not that some of you care as you think i am lying.

...however you have now admitted you do know kevin!? ...thankyou for answering my original question.
Please excuse me for being confused... im either thick or im wrong but i do not understand what is being said... i have racing greyhounds so i do understand a little about their details.... what i don't understand here is how can the dogs name be Rathroon sash but run under Smokey Eyed Joe??? A dog is registred and unless you offically change it a dog can not run under two names... they can have pet names but the name Smokey Eyed Joe doesn't seem to exist as far i can find out... check for yourself on greyhound data... I am not saying anyone is lying but im confused to what is being said...

I checked the dogs ear tattoos in the beginning, you didn't put any thing about her name being Rathroon sash to start with... why???

I am not crictising anyone, and i dont want to upset anyone but i smell a rat... if i am wrong i apologise and would like to wish you all the best in getting your dog back....
julieleigh said:
Please excuse me for being confused... im either thick or im wrong but i do not understand what is being said... i have racing greyhounds so i do understand a little about their details.... what i don't understand here is how can the dogs name be Rathroon sash but run under Smokey Eyed Joe???  A dog is registred and unless you offically change it a dog can not run under two names... they can have pet names but the name Smokey Eyed Joe doesn't seem to exist as far i can find out... check for yourself on greyhound data...    I am not saying anyone is lying but im confused to what is being said...
I checked the dogs ear tattoos in the beginning, you didn't put any thing about her name being Rathroon sash to start with... why???

I am not crictising anyone, and i dont want to upset anyone but i smell a rat... if i am wrong i apologise and would like to wish you all the best in getting your dog back....

That's what I wondered!
This thread has been bugging me for a few days now. Whitecross has every right to step up and voice her concerns and quite frankly this is a concern. Lurcherlink have had some issues with someone named Kevin who had been posting the exact same messages concerning a dog as he had posted here.

What concerns me is that Cymru has said he does not know Kevin. I am deeply concerned that we all post information and pictures of our dogs and there are people here who could possibly be lying to us. Call me paranoid but I love my dogs and do not want anything to happen to them. I think people have a right to voice their concerns without being badgered and to be quite honest...I believe there really is something fishy going on here.

I sincerely apologise if there is an explaination for this. We all have the same thing on our mind...the welfare of the dogs.
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