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Greyhound tracks in wales are independant and not governed as the big tracks in England.

The way it works is you can call your dog anything on trial days and it will run under that name on race nights. If you dont believe this is her name you can see her winning and other times at Bedwellty or Ystrad Mynach race tracks website.
This thread has been bugging me for a few days now. Whitecross has every right to step up and voice her concerns and quite frankly this is a concern. Lurcherlink have had some issues with someone named Kevin who had been posting the exact same messages concerning a dog as he had posted here.


What concerns me is that Cymru has said he does not know Kevin. I am deeply concerned that we all post information and pictures of our dogs and there are people here who could possibly be lying to us. Call me paranoid but I love my dogs and do not want anything to happen to them. I think people have a right to voice their concerns without being badgered and to be quite honest...I believe there really is something fishy going on here.


I sincerely apologise if there is an explaination for this. We all have the same thing on our mind...the welfare of the dogs.

Yes i admit i know Kevin the reason that i denied knowing that name is i had been in lurcherlinks forum and got nothing but abuse and threats via the main forum and pms. So i stay away from there as much as possible.

You said you know keven on this thread yet he seems to have the same dog on the threads that other person posted about you???? im smelling a rat also
cymru said:
Greyhound tracks in wales are independant and not governed as the big tracks in England. 
The way it works is you can call your dog anything on trial days and it will run under that name on race nights.  If you dont believe this is her name you can see her winning and other times at Bedwellty or Ystrad Mynach race tracks website.

That's true. The dogs name can change from track to track and I don't think that it's just in Wales that this happens but at Independant (flapping) tracks generally?
>I am deeply concerned that we all post information and pictures of our dogs and there are people here who could possibly be lying to us. Call me paranoid but I love my dogs and do not want anything to happen to them. I think people have a right to voice their concerns without being badgered and to be quite honest...I believe there really is something fishy going on here.

I agree Kim. Years ago on this list we pretty much all knew each other. Or someone on here would at least know someone else even we didn't. For example I've met you so we both know that we exist and so do our dogs. :) I haven't met some of the northern folks but I have met other northern folks who have met 'em. So I know that they are who they say they are.

What gets a bit worrying is when people come on here who no one else on here has ever met and then we find out that what they are saying doesn't add up or make sense.

We do have to be careful because we own much loved pets. We also don't want to think of people taking the mickey out of us. cymru just please help me here?...

your dog fly was a lurcher and was stolen 12/ that right?

and your greyhound joe/sasha? was also stolen 12/2005???

was this in scotland or wales?

are you sure kevin didnt steal them?

please correct me if i am confused? :clown:
(w00t) Another one (w00t) cRAZY old world aint it :oops:
BeeJay said:
>I am deeply concerned that we all post information and pictures of our dogs and there are people here who could possibly be lying to us. Call me paranoid but I love my dogs and do not want anything to happen to them. I think people have a right to voice their concerns without being badgered and to be quite honest...I believe there really is something fishy going on here.
I agree Kim.  Years ago on this list we pretty much all knew each other.  Or someone on here would at least know someone else even we didn't.  For example I've met you so we both know that we exist and so do our dogs. :)   I haven't met some of the northern folks but I have met other northern folks who have met 'em.  So I know that they are who they say they are.

What gets a bit worrying is when people come on here who no one else on here has ever met and then we find out that what they are saying doesn't add up or make sense.

We do have to be careful because we own much loved pets.  We also don't want to think of people taking the mickey out of us.

Me, Tiny and Max are real!! We haven't met anyone on this site though, but we are definitely real :thumbsup:
oh no not again! makes you sick doesnt it! scary when this is how some get their kicks aint it? :rant: :rant:
if you read through all the threads on both sites it is the same story, plus or minus a few details, he/she sez two dogs were stolen four months apart? why only 1 posted on here? had to move to scotland as would have been homeless, next breath on a dif thread on one of the sites was had to move due to too many bad memories? so sad that people feel the need to dupe us into the strange world they live in? so many cases out there that need our support, and sadly i feel that this person and others like it will make others with genuine reasons be afraid to post thinking that they wont be believed. so come on tell us the real story and put this sad mess to bed! :rant:
I remember when we were concerned about welshwomen, we thought he was scaming as well...and he protested his/her inocence (sp)

Just goes to show :wacko: spoils it for ever :rant: yone
i think they should take the hint from both sites and leave us all alone, dont mind anyone with or without dogs to join in with the fun but to do this to everyone is very sad! :( i feel this is a good site for any person who shares the common love of dogs of whatever breed, we dont always agree but the world would be a very boring place should that happen, full of ideas tips and deep knowledge bonded by our dogs, i am of the opinion that there are no strangers only friends we have yet to meet, sadly we are all on guard now due to a few sorry indiduals :rant:
:( this is very sad :( but it points out the validity of the thread concerning posting pics of our babies :( it would be a shame not to see glossy, sleek dogs in their stride, or to lose postings of adorable, cuddly pups, but if a perfect stranger can suck us in, how easy would a professional con artist find it?

if this person is genuine, i'm ever so sorry, but at the end of the day the welfare of our friends and family, be they two or four legged, comes first, certainly before the feelings of a stranger.
Lets hope if this is right,they dont come back with another identity,its all such a waste of genuine peoples feelings & time :( :oops:
I too have been re-reading all cmyrus previous posts and there are too many inconsistencies there. O.K. the dog Sasha/Joe went missing at pretty much the same time that Fly died, he/she moves to Scotland & then offers a home to one of the dogs that "Welshwoman" is looking to rehome. My little grey cells are thinking ..One & the same person here!! :rant:

Again.. prove me wrong & many apologies.

What is it they say, if you are going to lie you've got to have a very good memory
I just hope that its not a big con to get us. :angry:

if its true than she has my support.

But i have reread this thread, im sure that if zeb had gone missing then i would not of moved stright away and i would of done all that i could to find him and not just ring these rescue places that she has said that she did but to go to them and look around them. How many time did see contect these places i think that i would of been phoning every day to find her :b .

I to find it very strange that she would not have any photo. I'v had zeb for 1 year and doG knows how many of him if got. :b

Yes i admit i know nothing of racing. :b But i think i know what i would do to find may dog. Even if i had to move heaven and earth to do it.

Again if all she has said is true then i apologize and hope she can get her back.

I think only time will tell.
I am deeply concerned for the genuine dog loving people on this site or any site, it does make you very doubtful and suspicious... i live in surrey... i am very much an honest straight person who has 4 greys at home and love them all very dearly.. if any1 lives nearby or even attends wimbledon stadium please introduce yourself and perhaps we can meet up as i know no one else on this site..this is just in case some1 doesn't think im genuine....

any loonies that now know i have 4 greys and live in surrey please note 1 of my dogs has a personality of a rottie and not to try any funny business!!! ( my builder will vouch for this...)
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