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  1. Caro Perry

    HELP needed with 1 year old Lurcher/ Terrier mix

    She's gorgeous As the owner of a terrier all I can say is good luck! Harri ( 100% Welshie) has zero recall if he gets a scent or just fancies wandering off somewhere. This is despite hours of training classes and my best efforts. He's rarely able to go off lead for his own safety. They really...
  2. Caro Perry

    Bent Dog Tail Normal?

    Harri has a kink in his tail - it will straighten if I hold it in the correct position but he'll never do it by himself. Naturally it curls over and leans 15degrees from the vertical. If your dog has always had a bent tail I'd ignore it but if it's a new thing then get it checked
  3. Caro Perry

    Dog aggression

    Terriers are a bit inclined to be like that - Harri unfortunately learnt similar behaviour at his training classes. They back fired on us terribly. There was one rottie who took a dislike to him although he was never able to get anywhere close to attacking Harri He is generally perfectly fine...
  4. Caro Perry

    Going Backwards

    I'd start taking him out every 30 minutes and every time he wakes from a nap ( carry him if necessary, they won't pee without paws on the floor). Loads of praise when he gets it right - I know treats are recommended by many but my little monkey rapidly learnt how to abuse that! Harri was at...
  5. Caro Perry

    About spaying & neutering (rant warning!)

    Harri is still intact and will be for the foreseeable future. I'm not finding any reason to neuter him although we will never breed from him. He's far too naughty off lead to run free except in carefully controlled situations. Rabbits. squirrels and deer are totally irresistible and as for wild...
  6. Caro Perry

    Hi from Terrier mad house.

    Welshies are crazy lovable little rogues. Always up for a game and have a tendency to amuse themselves if you aren't. That is not always a good thing! Overall I think they are more chilled than the lakies I've met. Harri takes life completely in his stride. Nothing seems to faze him at all.
  7. Caro Perry

    Hi from Terrier mad house.

    Hello from Harri ( Welsh terrier). I've always had terriers too!
  8. Caro Perry

    Food recommendations

    Will he eat sweet potato? It's my go to when Harri has a funny tummy. He likes the sweet taste and I add a little chopped chicken.
  9. Caro Perry

    New puppy cries at night

    That sound's perfect May be sooner than you think. We let baby Harri sleep in our room for his first week and started moving his bed after then. He was happily sleeping in a cosy corner of the kitchen before 3 weeks were out.
  10. Caro Perry

    What’s the law on walks ?

    No you are correct - the right to roam rules are the same as England and you can't just walk anywhere. We're lucky in the North as we have great expanses of land that we can access legally.
  11. Caro Perry

    Firming up poo!

    I give Harri a lot more than that - he gets a medium sweet potato a day when I'm on a firming up mission. Only needed when he steals his friends food - Natures Menu sachets don't agree with him at all which is surprising.
  12. Caro Perry

    Firming up poo!

    That's why pumpkin spice is such a big thing in the US!
  13. Caro Perry

    Eaten a snail....lungworm question

    Harri is on Panacur from the vet as his regular wormer. Lungworm is around here but not very prevalent and Harri has now outgrown eating snails! They still need to be on the list of parasites that he needs to be guarded against. None of the wormers prevent an infestation but instead eliminate...
  14. Caro Perry

    I've just come home...

    Yes that is Harri to a T! Any stranger who stops to say hello is his BFF. It makes him an excellent therapy dog though.
  15. Caro Perry

    I've just come home...

    Harri is so laid back I'm not sure he'd even open an eye! It would be nice sometimes to have the rapturous greetings other dog owners take for granted but it isn't his style at all!
  16. Caro Perry

    Harness. Which? Why? How long?

    One of these Ancol Pet Products Limited Had it 18 months now, it's used twice a day for around 6 miles of walking + car travel. Still in perfect condition and gets chucked in the washing machine every so often. Harri is not a swimmer but does like to lie in shallow water when he's hot. His...
  17. Caro Perry

    Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

    I'm out of my horrid lampshade. Mum tried a soft blue one too but I didn't like that either. Anyway I don't have to wear either of them now as Mum says it's healing nicely. I do have a new friend though - he has to wear a lampshade and he hasn't moved either for hours.
  18. Caro Perry

    Worst thing you've ever seen

    A mouse in such an advanced state of decay that the flesh was dropping off the bones. Down in went in one.... It came back up an hour later on my carpet. I couldn't bear to even look at it - I waved the coal shovel in approximately the right area, hoped I'd scooped it up and flung it as far as...
  19. Caro Perry

    Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

    He stood there for over an hour, heard a horse go by and set off for the gate. At that point he remembered he was sulking and sat down immovable for a further 2 hours! At that point I took it off him to go for a walk. I've got him a soft inflatable one now but he's still utterly miserable. We...
  20. Caro Perry

    Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

    I hate Mum. I want a new one please. I had to go to the vet as I had a sore spot on my face. Mum actually left me all alone there. She did come back later but I was so so sleepy for hours and hours. Now she's put this thing on me. I'm just going to stand here until she takes it off...