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Going Backwards


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So peed off (excuse the pun) but my boy seems to be going backwards with his toilet train g.

I can be standing there and a pad nearby and he will just pre where he stands.

He has even started pooing more inside, I though things were going so well. Is this normal he is 13wks old.
Do you need to use pee pads? They can be confusing for some dogs, who can't tell the difference between them and carpets/rugs. It's generally better for them to always go outside as it's simpler to learn 'I don't toilet indoors'.

How many times a day are you taking him out, and what do you do when he goes outside?

13 weeks is still very young so it will still be a bit hit & miss at this stage.
Our rescue sighthound puppy did similar, and it turned out to be a urinary infection, which I believe is quite unusual for males. He’s actually a very fastidious and clean boy, and was easily toilet trained once it got cleared up.
So peed off (excuse the pun) but my boy seems to be going backwards with his toilet train g.

I can be standing there and a pad nearby and he will just pre where he stands.

He has even started pooing more inside, I though things were going so well. Is this normal he is 13wks old.
My young one is now 7 months and only just last few weeks she has finally started make big difference to her bladder control....fiiiiinally! I would say she is now 'dry', though I'm not surprised if odd little leak might still happen but we've haven't had any at all for 2 weeks now and even before that it was just few and far apart.
So yes, as 13 weeks old, I would say you might still have some way to go yet. Sometimes they might have period they are 'dry' and then have odd mishaps again. Main thing is that you stick to the routine getting him to toilet outside, even if he doesn't need it. Penny will eventually drop and he is able to hold and control himself better when he is grown bit more.
Though don't try to compare your pup to what others might be able to do...each one is different and learn different things in different time scale.
Whenever you think you have had that last accident, there's always another one waiting!
Do you need to use pee pads? They can be confusing for some dogs, who can't tell the difference between them and carpets/rugs. It's generally better for them to always go outside as it's simpler to learn 'I don't toilet indoors'.

How many times a day are you taking him out, and what do you do when he goes outside?

13 weeks is still very young so it will still be a bit hit & miss at this stage.
I have reduced them but I am thinking of stopping. Although saying that he goes through the night but early morning I don't hear him and he goes in the hallway near the door (sometimes on the pad sometimes not).
I have started giving him a treat after he does his business, just a tiny training treat. Generally I take him out after playing or getting excited, after food, after sleep - I guess afternmost things, lol
If you really have to use a puppy pad do you sent mark it. There are sprays you can buy to mark the puppy pad with.
I'd stop using the pads altogether, and maybe up the value of the treat he gets for going outside (and praise him). for the early morning pee, you could either get up earlier to preempt him, and let him out, or shut him out of the hall till you're up.

It's good that he's going to the door, even if he doesn't alert you. Jasper used to do this - when I saw him standing by the door, I'd hold the handle, look at him and wait. He couldn't work out why I wasn't letting him out, and he'd let out a little whine - then I praised him and let him out. Gradually, I waited for a louder and louder whine until one day it morphed into a bark, and now if we're not in the room he'll bark for us to come and let us out. Some dogs are much easier than others though, and I was lucky with him.
I'd start taking him out every 30 minutes and every time he wakes from a nap ( carry him if necessary, they won't pee without paws on the floor).

Loads of praise when he gets it right - I know treats are recommended by many but my little monkey rapidly learnt how to abuse that!

Harri was at least 20 weeks old before he was mostly reliable and even then he had the odd accident. I've never been able to get him to ask to go out - unless he sees a squirrel!
You are making a rod for your own back if you keep using the pads. They are a god send for me at the moment,I have a very old dog and she will use the pads during the night for a pee if needs be. When I had 5 dogs, each one had a different signal. One would pace up n down,one would sit in silence in front of me,another would squeak and so on.
But I agree with really are better off without them.
I have reduced them but I am thinking of stopping. Although saying that he goes through the night but early morning I don't hear him and he goes in the hallway near the door (sometimes on the pad sometimes not).
I have started giving him a treat after he does his business, just a tiny training treat. Generally I take him out after playing or getting excited, after food, after sleep - I guess afternmost things, lol
I does sound like his bladder is not big enough yet to last as long as your night time sleep is. So, like already suggested, there has to change for your sleeping routine or some other arrangements being done.
Yep...not easy thing. We arranged these 'difficult hours' so that I would stay up as late as possible and as my hubby has to get up very early for work...he would make sure that before he did anything else, pup would go out first.
Eventually 4 am weed turned into 4.30....5 am...and she can hold until 7-8am. Mine did learn to indicate she wants to go out...but it is so subtle that we often missed it for any other similar fuss we'd be having from her. And it didn't help when two young dogs decided they would have rough and tumble session at 11 pm (or later), after which younger one would need to have good drink for getting so hot:rolleyes:

ETA....just thought of something..have you made any changes to her diet or given some new type or more treats that would make him drink more water? Has his activity levels gone up and thirst with it too? What goes in..must come out...;)
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I sometimes wonder, with the sighthound shape, if that can contribute to puppy training difficulties. Not a lot of room for the lower organs with the deep chest. How’s your wee chihuahua coping with the widdling. Hooefully not marking over the top of it... ;)
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I does sound like his bladder is not big enough yet to last as long as your night time sleep is. So, like already suggested, there has to change for your sleeping routine or some other arrangements being done.
Yep...not easy thing. We arranged these 'difficult hours' so that I would stay up as late as possible and as my hubby has to get up very early for work...he would make sure that before he did anything else, pup would go out first.
Eventually 4 am weed turned into 4.30....5 am...and she can hold until 7-8am. Mine did learn to indicate she wants to go out...but it is so subtle that we often missed it for any other similar fuss we'd be having from her. And it didn't help when two young dogs decided they would have rough and tumble session at 11 pm (or later), after which younger one would need to have good drink for getting so hot:rolleyes:

ETA....just thought of something..have you made any changes to her diet or given some new type or more treats that would make him drink more water? Has his activity levels gone up and thirst with it too? What goes in..must come out...;)
I don't think he has a bladder infection, though the suggestion his bladdernis still too small sounds about right.
I will try and prompt him in the mornings.
The suggestion that the treats may be making him thirty is a fair comment but they are dried raw training treats and I don't notice him drinking anymore. He doesn't drink much being on raw food anyway.
My chihua Hua is sort of coming around to him but I do have to keep an eye i the play that it doesn't get too rough.
Samson can go out for a walk from Tuesday so that will be great, no longer confined...
I don't think he has a bladder infection, though the suggestion his bladdernis still too small sounds about right.
I will try and prompt him in the mornings.
The suggestion that the treats may be making him thirty is a fair comment but they are dried raw training treats and I don't notice him drinking anymore. He doesn't drink much being on raw food anyway.
My chihua Hua is sort of coming around to him but I do have to keep an eye i the play that it doesn't get too rough.
Samson can go out for a walk from Tuesday so that will be great, no longer confined...

you do get a bit cabin crazy after a while!! ;)