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  1. malwhit

    Thought this be of interest of the law

    Thanks for the videos
  2. malwhit

    worried about my dog

    I had to have Lottie put to sleep in January at almost 14 years old. I came downstairs one morning and she was unable to get up to greet me as normal When I got up I notice she was laying in a pool of wee. When she looked at me, I knew it was time to call the vet. I didn't ask the vet's opinion...
  3. malwhit

    Advice needed, my neighbour hates my dog

    Can you not fence off part of the garden so that she can't get to the door or fence? Even s small area made of of puppy panels would do for toilet breaks then you can use the rest of the garden for play times.
  4. malwhit

    my dog not showing prove she can protect her self when the need comes

    She probably knows she would stand no chance against a group of dogs if she acted aggressively. Why would you want your dog to get involved in a fight and injured or worse? Why have you trained her an attack command?
  5. malwhit

    My Dog won’t want a Brother :-(

    I've always had sociable dogs and always had at least two. For years I had two Mini Schnauzers and two Labradoodles, the only male being my Schnauzer. If he's not good with males and only tolerate females it might not be the best idea to bring another dog into the house. But you could try to...
  6. malwhit

    Do people get your breed confused with something else?

    When I had Mini Schnauzers, people thought my Labradoodle was a Giant version. Since then my Doodles have been called Afghan Hounds, Wofhounds, Bearded Collies, and a few weeks ago I was asked if I got my Briards from XXX kennel as they were the double of one of their dog When I had a...
  7. malwhit

    Black and Tan Jack Russells?

    Manchester Terriers are a lot bigger than most Jack Russells and Heelers. The one I owned was either mistaken for a black and tan Whippet or a young Dobermann. Most Jack Russells aren't registered with the KC or non KC breed clubs, and most working owners wouldn't want KC registration. They are...
  8. malwhit

    How often do you walk your dog?

    My dogs have an early morning walk, a quick walk before I go to work and another when I get home. In total, it works out around two hours in the winter and more in summer. At the weekend they get 2-3 walks but at various times depending on my plans for the day.
  9. malwhit

    Dogs behaving badly

    After watching a few of the shows I'm never going to moan about my dogs again How people put up with bad behaviour like these programmes show is shocking. Don't they have any common sense?
  10. malwhit

    UK Dog Breed Survey!

    It wouldn't accept my Hotmail email address but accepted my Gmail one
  11. malwhit

    Desex & age of pet - why do shelters neuter pups?

    In a rare breed, bring mis marked should not be top of a list of priorities when breeding. I've owned a rare breed where colour is considered importarant and unfortunately temperament has suffered. I'd never own that breed again, and I can see why the breed is sadly vulnerable What a good reply...
  12. malwhit

    Why might an owner not want his dog neutered

    My Mini Schnauzer male was never neutered, he never pestered females, nevee got involved in fights and never lifted his leg indoors. My vet said castration only has one guarantee, the dog can't reproduce. If a dog is aggressive or has other issues it may help, but not always.
  13. malwhit

    Cavalier King Charles- how good is their recall?

    Most of the Cavaliers I have seen locally have good recall. They all tend to be a bit chunky, which is a nice way of saying they are overweight
  14. malwhit

    Utter Madness

    Even a litter of five pups will give you £5000 in most breeds. I can't see how a profit can't be made in most cases. I wouldn't include the cost of buying the bitch or showing costs as you could have those expenses as part of your hobby. I found it funny when the new laws came in that the...
  15. malwhit

    If you were a dog, what breed would you be?

    I'd probably be a Labrador or Labradoodle, laid back and enjoys food. With the occasional bout of energy
  16. malwhit

    Are there any dog breeds you wouldn't own? or don't like?

    I wouldn't own a breed that is known for being dog aggressive - I know individual dogs vary and not every dog in a breed has the same issues. I wouldn't own a Staffy, not just because of temperament but I'm not keen on their appearance. I like the look of terriers, but some are too sharp, which...
  17. malwhit

    Why did you get your dog?

    I got my first dog just after I changed jobs and could get home at lunch time. I got her from an RSPCA shelter, the main reason I got her was because she was already speyed and had only been in for a few days as her previous owner had died. She was three years old and I was told she was a small...
  18. malwhit


    I am with Bought By Many and life time cover is £27 monthly for two dogs with £7000 cover each. I haven't claimed yet but they have a good reputation.
  19. malwhit

    Should puppies be given water at night

    But if you wake up in the middle of the night thirsty you can make a drink, that's the difference. Just think if a dog had a drink at 8pm, and at 11pm wanted another but its owners had gone to bed and removed the bowl. By the time 6am comes, the dog has gone 10 hours without a drink. People brag...
  20. malwhit

    Is having 3 dogs mad?

    Three dogs are great as long as they get on together and you can give them individual time. Four is madness though, at least for me. Although I do say I could live with ten Lotties but one Teigan is too much